This table compares the elements and attributes present in various mobile flavors of XHTML with the ones in XHTML 1.0 strict.
A more detailed view is available as well.
See also Comparison of XHTML Mobile Profile and XHTML Basic, the XHTML Basic 1.1 Cheat Sheet, and the XHTML 1.0 Strict cheat sheet.
Element | Attributes | Basic 1.0 | MP 1.0 | MP 1.1 | MP 1.2 | Basic 1.1 | Strict 1.0 |
a | Common, Events, I18N, XML, accesskey, charset, coords, href, hreflang, name, onblur, onfocus, rel, rev, shape, tabindex, target, type | Element present without: Events, I18N, coords, name, onblur, onfocus, shape, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N, coords, name, onblur, onfocus, shape, target |
Element present without: I18N, coords, name, shape, target |
Element present without: I18N, coords, name, shape, target |
Element present without: I18N, coords, name, shape |
Element present without: XML, target |
abbr | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
acronym | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
address | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
area | Common, Events, I18N, accesskey, alt, coords, href, nohref, onblur, onfocus, shape, tabindex | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present with all attributes |
b | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element not present | Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
base | href, id, target, xmlns, xmlns:xsi | Element present without: id |
Element present without: id, target |
Element present without: id, target |
Element present without: id, target |
Element present without: id |
Element present without: target, xmlns, xmlns:xsi |
bdo | Common, Events, I18N, | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present with all attributes |
big | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element not present | Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
blockquote | Common, Events, I18N, XML, cite | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
body | Common, Events, I18N, XML, onload, onunload | Element present without: Events, I18N, onload, onunload, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N, onload, onunload |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
br | XML, class, id, style, title | Element present without: style |
Element present with all attributes |
Element present with all attributes |
Element present with all attributes |
Element present with all attributes |
Element present without: XML |
button | Common, Events, I18N, XML, accesskey, disabled, name, onblur, onfocus, tabindex, type, value | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
caption | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
cite | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
code | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
col | Common, Events, I18N, align, char, charoff, span, valign, width | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present with all attributes |
colgroup | Common, Events, I18N, align, char, charoff, span, valign, width | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present with all attributes |
dd | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
del | Common, Events, I18N, cite, datetime | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present with all attributes |
dfn | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
div | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
dl | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
dt | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
em | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
fieldset | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element not present | Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
form | Common, Events, I18N, XML, accept, accept-charset, action, enctype, method, onreset, onsubmit, target | Element present without: Events, I18N, accept, accept-charset, onreset, onsubmit, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N, accept, accept-charset, onreset, onsubmit, target |
Element present without: I18N, accept, accept-charset, target |
Element present without: I18N, target |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML, target |
h1 | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
h2 | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
h3 | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
h4 | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
h5 | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
h6 | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
head | I18N, id, profile, xml:lang, xmlns, xmlns:xsi | Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: xmlns, xmlns:xsi |
hr | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element not present | Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
html | I18N, id, version, xml:lang, xmlns, xmlns:xsi, xsi:schemaLocation | Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: version, xmlns:xsi, xsi:schemaLocation |
i | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element not present | Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
img | Common, Events, I18N, XML, alt, height, ismap, longdesc, src, usemap, width | Element present without: Events, I18N, ismap, style, usemap |
Element present without: Events, I18N, ismap, usemap |
Element present without: I18N, ismap, usemap |
Element present without: I18N, ismap, usemap |
Element present without: I18N, ismap, usemap |
Element present without: XML |
input | Common, Events, I18N, XML, accept, accesskey, alt, checked, disabled, inputmode, maxlength, name, onblur, onchange, onfocus, onselect, readonly, size, src, tabindex, type, usemap, value | Element present without: Events, I18N, accept, alt, disabled, inputmode, onblur, onchange, onfocus, onselect, readonly, style, usemap |
Element present without: Events, I18N, accept, alt, disabled, inputmode, onblur, onchange, onfocus, onselect, readonly, usemap |
Element present without: I18N, accept, alt, disabled, inputmode, readonly, usemap |
Element present without: I18N, usemap |
Element present without: I18N, usemap |
Element present without: XML, inputmode |
ins | Common, Events, I18N, cite, datetime | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present with all attributes |
kbd | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
label | Common, Events, I18N, XML, accesskey, for, onblur, onfocus | Element present without: Events, I18N, onblur, onfocus, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N, onblur, onfocus |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
legend | Common, Events, I18N, XML, accesskey | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
li | Common, Events, I18N, XML, value | Element present without: Events, I18N, style, value |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML, value |
link | Common, Events, I18N, XML, charset, href, hreflang, media, rel, rev, target, type | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N, target |
Element present without: I18N, target |
Element present without: I18N, target |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML, target |
map | Common, Events, I18N, name | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present with all attributes |
meta | I18N, content, http-equiv, id, name, scheme, xml:lang, xmlns, xmlns:xsi | Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: xmlns, xmlns:xsi |
noscript | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element not present | Element not present | Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
object | Common, Events, I18N, XML, archive, classid, codebase, codetype, data, declare, height, name, standby, tabindex, type, usemap, width | Element present without: Events, I18N, style, usemap |
Element present without: Events, I18N, usemap |
Element present without: I18N, usemap |
Element present without: I18N, usemap |
Element present without: I18N, usemap |
Element present without: XML |
ol | Common, Events, I18N, XML, start | Element present without: Events, I18N, start, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N, start |
Element present without: XML, start |
optgroup | Common, Events, I18N, XML, disabled, label | Element not present | Element present without: Events, I18N, disabled |
Element present without: I18N, disabled |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
option | Common, Events, I18N, XML, disabled, label, selected, value | Element present without: Events, I18N, disabled, label, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N, disabled, label |
Element present without: I18N, disabled, label |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
p | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
param | id, name, type, value, valuetype, xmlns, xmlns:xsi | Element present with all attributes |
Element present with all attributes |
Element present with all attributes |
Element present with all attributes |
Element present with all attributes |
Element present without: xmlns, xmlns:xsi |
pre | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: xmlns, xmlns:xsi |
q | Common, Events, I18N, XML, cite | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
samp | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
script | XML, charset, defer, id, src, type | Element not present | Element not present | Element present without: xml:space |
Element present without: xml:space |
Element present without: xml:space |
Element present without: xmlns, xmlns:xsi |
select | Common, Events, I18N, XML, disabled, multiple, name, onblur, onchange, onfocus, size, tabindex | Element present without: Events, I18N, disabled, onblur, onchange, onfocus, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N, disabled, onblur, onchange, onfocus |
Element present without: I18N, disabled |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
small | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element not present | Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
span | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
strong | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
style | I18N, XML, id, media, title, type, xml:lang | Element not present | Element present without: I18N, xml:space |
Element present without: I18N, xml:space |
Element present without: I18N, xml:space |
Element present without: I18N, xml:space |
Element present without: xmlns, xmlns:xsi |
sub | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
sup | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
table | Common, Events, I18N, XML, border, cellpadding, cellspacing, frame, rules, summary, width | Element present without: Events, I18N, border, cellpadding, cellspacing, frame, rules, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N, border, cellpadding, cellspacing, frame, rules |
Element present without: I18N, border, cellpadding, cellspacing, frame, rules |
Element present without: I18N, border, cellpadding, cellspacing, frame, rules |
Element present without: I18N, border, cellpadding, cellspacing, frame, rules |
Element present without: XML |
tbody | Common, Events, I18N, align, char, charoff, valign | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present with all attributes |
td | Common, Events, I18N, XML, abbr, align, axis, char, charoff, colspan, headers, rowspan, scope, valign | Element present without: Events, I18N, char, charoff, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N, char, charoff |
Element present without: I18N, char, charoff |
Element present without: I18N, char, charoff |
Element present without: I18N, char, charoff |
Element present without: XML |
textarea | Common, Events, I18N, XML, accesskey, cols, disabled, inputmode, name, onblur, onchange, onfocus, onselect, readonly, rows, tabindex | Element present without: Events, I18N, disabled, inputmode, onblur, onchange, onfocus, onselect, readonly, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N, disabled, inputmode, onblur, onchange, onfocus, onselect, readonly |
Element present without: I18N, disabled, inputmode, readonly |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML, inputmode |
tfoot | Common, Events, I18N, align, char, charoff, valign | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present with all attributes |
th | Common, Events, I18N, XML, abbr, align, axis, char, charoff, colspan, headers, rowspan, scope, valign | Element present without: Events, I18N, char, charoff, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N, char, charoff |
Element present without: I18N, char, charoff |
Element present without: I18N, char, charoff |
Element present without: I18N, char, charoff |
Element present without: XML |
thead | Common, Events, I18N, align, char, charoff, valign | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present with all attributes |
title | I18N, id, xml:lang, xmlns, xmlns:xsi | Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: I18N, id |
Element present without: xmlns, xmlns:xsi |
tr | Common, Events, I18N, XML, align, char, charoff, valign | Element present without: Events, I18N, char, charoff, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N, char, charoff |
Element present without: I18N, char, charoff |
Element present without: I18N, char, charoff |
Element present without: I18N, char, charoff |
Element present without: XML |
tt | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element not present | Element not present | Element not present | Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
ul | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |
var | Common, Events, I18N, XML, | Element present without: Events, I18N, style |
Element present without: Events, I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: I18N |
Element present without: XML |