See also: IRC log
<scribe> ACTION: Steven to make a reg page for Boston FtF [recorded in]
Steven: Note we are meeting Wed/Thu/Fri
<scribe> ACTION: Steven to ensure there is a chair for next week [recorded in]
Steven: I can't be here next week, at a day
Steven: The GRDDL people would rather we kept
... but the problem is that even if we kept it, people would still be able to
use rel="profile"
Shane: I'm not willing to give up
rel="profile"; that would be a mistake
... there is also a problem is they are co-opting @profile
Steven: Do the different uses, like
microformats and GRDDL, bite each other?
... can they work in combination?
Mark: I think they have their own URL in the
profile attribute as one of the urls
... and then seeing that they know they need to process the document
... then they use rels (maybe) to discover the transformation
... They use namespaces
... there's no use of profile at all in the example I'm looking at
<html xmlns="" xmlns:grddl="" grddl:transformation="glean_title.xsl"> <head>
(2. Adding GRDDL to well-formed XML)
Mark: It just happens that they used xhtml for their xml example
4. Using GRDDL with valid XHTML
<html xmlns="">
<head profile="">
<link rel="transformation"
href="" />
Shane: If we were nice, we would add 'transformation' to our list of rels
Steven: Good idea
... and @grddl:transformation to the html element
... Why not use the grddl namespace declaration to detect a grddl
Mark: At the least we should be saying that
@profile is too flaky
... it doesn't give you the connection between the profile url and the rel
... it doesn't give you anything actually
Shane: We ought to have worked with them to
produce a rel="grddl"
... But it is already a Rec
Mark: Are we going to preserve this in
... they argue yes for backwards compatibility
... but it is not an issue really
Shane: Let me play devil's advocate
... they want the same processor to work on HTML and XHTML2
Mark: But other document types don't have the
profile attribute
... why should we?
... We should use the other technique in XHTML2
... We should reply "Given you have another mechanism, why should we use the
legacy mechanism, which is flaky anyway?"
Shane: Say it in a different way. "Hey, we are generic XML, and we'll even build a GRDDL module for you, so you can use the generic mechanism"
Mark: We need to think about this for RDFa too
Shane: Since rdfa takes a CURIE in rel, it just
... you have to devclare the GRDDL namespace, but they do that anyway
Mark: And in XHTML+RDFa they should be using
the generic method too
... rel="grddl:transformation"
Steven: But isn't their pain point that they want to be able to identify a GRDDLE doc from the root, or otherwise head element?
Shane: The GRDDL namespace should be good enough for them
<scribe> ACTION: Steven to reply to GRDDL people about techniques for identifying GRDDL docs [recorded in]
<markbirbeck> The spec says "This method [using @profile] is suitable for use with valid XHTML documents which are constrained by an XML DTD." In other words they are saying that this is _not_ the preferred method.
<markbirbeck> So it seems legitimate to me to say that we feel no need to try to support the @profile technique, in situations where the @xmlns technique is supported.
Mark: Their doc does seem to say that the profile technique is a fallback when the XML technique isn't suitable, so that backs up our position
<markbirbeck> For example: "To accomodate the DTD-based syntax of XHTML[XHTML], which precludes using attributes from foreign namespaces, we use as a metadata profile (cf. section Meta data profiles of [HTML4])."
Shane: These are defined as far as I know. Let
me check
... Yes, in the frame module
Mark: Maybe they are missing in the schema, but not in the spec
Shane: Oh, he's right
... we need to reissue ruby
... oh wait
... they are in here too
... oh, he maybe right
<scribe> ACTION: Shane to fix missing elements in M12N [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Shane to reply to ht [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Group to reissue Ruby with schema additions [recorded in]
Steven: The abstract says that the poresentation module is included
Shane: And we list hr too
<!ENTITY % InlPres.class
"| %tt.qname; | %i.qname; | %b.qname; | %big.qname;
| %small.qname; | %sub.qname; | %sup.qname;" >
<ShaneM> b, big, hr, i, small, sub, sup, tt
Shane: I'll link it in
Steven: This will have to be a CR comment
<scribe> ACTION: Shane to link hr into Basic 1.1 [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Steven to reply to hr comment, and make it a CR comment [recorded in]
Steven: Didn't you have a testfest revently Yam?
Yam: Starting tomorrow
... and November in Slovenia
... but I'll check
Shane: Well, this is a technique to get round
bugs in browsers
... we shouldn't document that
... we use this technique too
... but it shouldn't be part of a spec
<yamx> OMA test fest 20 was from Sep 7 to Sep 14, so I will check the test reports.
<scribe> ACTION: Steven to reply to script+cdata mail, saying we don't want to document it [recorded in]
Steven: I have requested a last call
... awaiting a reply about a suitable date
... when that comes in, we can publish with that date
Steven: We have gone through last call, so we
should move to CR with this
... do we have a DoC?
<scribe> ACTION: Shane to ensure we have a M12N DoC [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: Steven to take M12N to CR [recorded in]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.128 of Date: 2007/02/23 21:38:13 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/ought/ought to have/ Succeeded: s/SHane/Shane/G Succeeded: s/we/they/ Succeeded: s/THe/The/G Succeeded: s/o it/So it/ FAILED: s/TH/Th/ Succeeded: s/rpofile/profile/ Found Scribe: Steven Inferring ScribeNick: Steven Default Present: yamx, Steven, [IBM], Rich, Alessio, markbirbeck, McCarron, +046708aaaa, Tina, ShaneM Present: yamx Steven [IBM] Rich Alessio markbirbeck McCarron +046708aaaa Tina ShaneM Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 19 Sep 2007 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: group shane steven[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]