13:59:38 RRSAgent has joined #xhtml 13:59:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/09/19-xhtml-irc 13:59:45 Zakim has joined #xhtml 13:59:54 zakim, this will be xhtml 13:59:54 ok, Steven; I see IA_XHTML2()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 14:00:08 Meeting: XHTML2 WG Weekly Teleconference 14:00:12 Chair: Steven 14:00:38 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Sep/0010 14:00:40 alessio has joined #xhtml 14:00:48 Steven has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Sep/0010 14:00:57 hallo 14:01:31 hi 14:02:12 IA_XHTML2()10:00AM has now started 14:02:18 +??P24 14:02:29 Zakim ??P24 is yamx 14:03:12 zakim, dial steven-617 14:03:12 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:03:17 +??P27 14:03:23 zakim, ??P24 is yamx 14:03:23 +yamx; got it 14:03:34 Zakim ??P27 is Alessio 14:03:59 zakim, drop steven 14:03:59 sorry, Steven, I do not see a party named 'steven' 14:04:01 Rich has joined #xhtml 14:04:05 zakim, dial steven-617 14:04:05 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:04:07 +Steven 14:04:13 +[IBM] 14:04:35 zakim, [ is Rich 14:04:35 +Rich; got it 14:04:57 zakim, ??P27 is Alessio 14:04:57 +Alessio; got it 14:07:58 markbirbeck has joined #xhtml 14:08:17 zakim, code? 14:08:17 the conference code is 94865 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), markbirbeck 14:08:52 +markbirbeck 14:09:12 zakim, who is here? 14:09:12 On the phone I see yamx, Steven, Alessio, Rich, markbirbeck 14:09:13 On IRC I see markbirbeck, Rich, alessio, Zakim, RRSAgent, yamx, Tina, Steven, Lachy, krijnh 14:10:25 +McCarron 14:10:41 + +046708aaaa 14:10:52 Zakim, aaa is Tina 14:10:53 sorry, Tina, I do not recognize a party named 'aaa' 14:11:08 Zakim, 8aaa is Tina 14:11:08 sorry, Tina, I do not recognize a party named '8aaa' 14:11:40 Zakim, ++46708aaa is Tina 14:11:40 sorry, Tina, I do not recognize a party named '++46708aaa' 14:11:51 zakim, aaaa is Tina 14:11:51 sorry, Steven, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 14:12:07 zakim, +4 is Tina 14:12:07 sorry, Steven, I do not recognize a party named '+4' 14:12:54 Zakim, +46708aaa is Tina 14:12:54 sorry, alessio, I do not recognize a party named '+46708aaa' 14:13:15 zakim, who is here? 14:13:15 On the phone I see yamx, Steven, Alessio, Rich, markbirbeck, McCarron, +046708aabb 14:13:17 On IRC I see markbirbeck, Rich, alessio, Zakim, RRSAgent, yamx, Tina, Steven, Lachy, krijnh 14:13:24 My phone connection is pretty bad; sorry about that. Minutes would be poor quality. 14:13:31 Zakim, mute me 14:13:31 sorry, Tina, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 14:13:54 zakim, 46 is Tina 14:13:54 sorry, Steven, I do not recognize a party named '46' 14:14:04 Scribe: Steven 14:14:10 Topic: Announcements 14:14:16 zakim, +046708aabb is Tina 14:14:16 +Tina; got it 14:14:21 -McCarron 14:14:30 Zakim, mute me 14:14:30 Tina should now be muted 14:14:42 +McCarron 14:14:59 ACTION: Steven to make a reg page for Boston FtF 14:15:50 Steven: Note we are meeting WEed/Thu/Fri 14:16:27 ACTION: Steven to ensure there is a chair for next week 14:16:37 Steven: I can't be here next week, at a W3C.de day 14:17:02 Topic: Do not deprecate the profile attribute (request from GRDDL WG) 14:17:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2007Sep/0008 14:19:25 Steven: THe GRDDL people would rather we kept @profile 14:19:47 ... but the problem is that even if we kept it, people would still be able to use rel="profile" 14:20:02 Shane: I'm not willing to give up rel="profile"; that would be a mistake 14:20:30 ... there is also a problem is they are coopting @profile 14:21:28 Steven: Do the different uses, like microformats and GRDDL bite each other? 14:21:40 ... can they work in combination? 14:22:17 Mark: I think they have their own URL in the profile attribute as one of the urls 14:22:30 ... and then seeing that they know they need to process the document 14:22:59 ... then they use rels (maybe) to discover the transformation 14:23:25 Mark: They use namespaces 14:23:44 ... there's no use of profile at all in the example I'm looking at 14:23:47 http://www.w3.org/TR/grddl/#grddl-xml 14:24:09 xmlns:grddl='http://www.w3.org/2003/g/data-view#' 14:24:09 grddl:transformation="glean_title.xsl 14:24:09 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/grddl-wg/td/getAuthor.xsl" 14:24:09 > 14:24:10 14:25:02 (2. Adding GRDDL to well-formed XML) 14:25:18 Mark: It just happens that they used xhtml for their xml 14:25:33 http://www.w3.org/TR/grddl/#grddl-xhtml 14:25:43 4. Using GRDDL with valid XHTML 14:25:57 14:25:57 14:26:08 href="http://www.w3.org/2000/06/dc-extract/dc-extract.xsl" /> 14:27:05 SHane: If we were nice, we would add 'transformation' to our list of rels 14:27:08 Steven: Good idea 14:27:25 ... and @grddly:transformation to the html element 14:29:07 Steven: WHy not use the grddl namespace declaration to detext a grddl document? 14:29:39 Mark: At the least we should be saying that profile is too flaky 14:30:01 ... it doesn't give you the connection between the profile url and the rel values 14:30:12 ... it doesn't give you anything actually 14:30:24 Shane: We ought to work with them to produce a rel="grddl" 14:30:37 s/ought/ought to have/ 14:30:46 Shane: But it is already a Rec 14:31:01 Mark: Are we going to preserve this in XHTML2 14:31:10 ... they argue yes for backwards compatibility 14:31:17 ... but it is not an issue really 14:31:31 SHane: Let me play devil's advocate 14:31:50 ... they want the same processor to work on HTML and XHTML2 14:31:58 s/SHane/Shane/G 14:32:18 Mark: But other document types don't have the profile attribute 14:32:21 ... why should we? 14:32:41 ... We should use the other technique in XHTML2 14:33:19 ... We shoukld reply "Given you have another mechanism, why should we use the legacy mechanism, which is falky anyway?" 14:33:54 Shane: Say it in a different way. "Hey, we are generic XML, and we'll even build a GRDDL module for you, so you can use the generic mechanism" 14:34:09 Mark: We need to think about this for RDFa too 14:34:42 Shane: Since rdfa takes a CURIE in rel, it just works 14:34:59 ... you have to devclare the GRDDL namespace, but we do that anyway 14:35:03 s/we/they/ 14:35:34 Mark: And in XHTML+RDFa they should be using the generic method too 14:35:46 ... rel="grddl:transformation" 14:37:05 Steven: But isn't their pain point that they want to be able to identify a GRDDLE doc from the root, or otherwsie head element 14:37:18 Shane: THe GRDDL namespace should be good enough for them 14:37:26 s/THe/The/G 14:37:29 +ShaneM 14:37:33 -McCarron 14:38:02 ACTION: Steven to reply to GRDDL people about techniques for identifying GRDDL docs 14:38:23 Missing element declarations from XHTML Modularization 1.1 14:38:27 Topic: Missing element declarations from XHTML Modularization 1.1 14:38:33 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2007JulSep/0029 14:38:35 ShaneM has joined #xhtml 14:39:41 Shane: These are defined as far as I know. Let me check 14:39:52 ... Yes, in the frame module 14:40:27 Mark: Maybe they are missing in the schema, but not in the spec 14:40:33 Shane: Oh, he's right 14:40:50 ... we need to reissue ruby 14:40:53 ... oh wait 14:40:57 ... they are in here too 14:41:20 ... oh, he maybe right 14:41:36 ACTION: Shane to fix missing elements in M12N 14:41:46 ACTION: SHane to reply to ht 14:42:07 ACTION: Group to reissue Ruby with schema additions 14:42:32 Topic: XHTML Basic 1.1 DTD declares hr but it cannot be included in any element 14:42:32 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2007JulSep/0030 14:43:40 Steven: The abstract says that the poresentation module is included 14:43:55 Shane: ANd we list hr too 14:44:43 ShaneM has joined #xhtml 14:44:49 "| %tt.qname; | %i.qname; | %b.qname; | %big.qname; 14:44:49 | %small.qname; | %sub.qname; | %sup.qname;" > 14:44:50 b, big, hr, i, small, sub, sup, tt 14:46:18 Shane: I'll link it in 14:46:28 Steven: This will have to be a CR comment 14:46:40 ACTION: Shane to link hr into Basic 1.1 14:46:57 ACTION: Steven to reply to hr comment, and make it a CR comment 14:47:33 Steven: Didn't you have a testfest revently Yam? 14:48:06 Yam: Starting tomorrow 14:48:51 ... and November in Slovenia 14:48:58 ... but I'll check 14:49:26 Topic: Error in http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801 14:49:26 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2007JulSep/0031 14:49:58 http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801/#h-4.8 14:51:58 Going back to GRDDL, the spec says "This method [using @profile] is suitable for use with valid XHTML documents which are constrained by an XML DTD." In other words they are saying that this is _not_ the preferred method. 14:52:07 o it seems legitimate to me to say that we feel no need to try to support the @profile technique, in situations where the @xmlns technique is supported. 14:52:07 Shane: Well, this is a technique to get round bugs in browsers 14:52:16 ... we shouldn't document that 14:52:22 s/o it/So it/ 14:52:23 ... we use this technique too 14:52:30 ... but it shouldn't be part of a spec 14:52:39 OMA test fest 20 was from Sep 7 to Sep 14, so I will check the test reports. 14:53:06 ACTION: Steven to reply to script+cdata mail, saying we don't want to document it 14:53:49 Topic: GRDDL again 14:54:13 Mark: THeir doc does seem to say that the rpofile technique is a fallback when the XML technique isn't suitable 14:54:20 ... so that backs up our position 14:54:26 s/TH/Th/ 14:54:34 s/rpofile/profile/ 14:54:35 For example: "To accomodate the DTD-based syntax of XHTML[XHTML], which precludes using attributes from foreign namespaces, we use http://www.w3.org/2003/g/data-view as a metadata profile (cf. section Meta data profiles of [HTML4])." 14:55:11 Topic: role 14:55:45 Steven: I have requested a loast call publication 14:55:53 ... awaiting a reply about a suitable date 14:56:04 ... when that comes in, we can publish with that date 14:57:05 Topic: Modularization 14:57:31 Steven: We have gone through last call, so we should move to CR with this 14:57:40 ... do we have a DoC? 14:57:57 ACTION: Shane to ensure we have a M12N DoC 14:58:05 ACTION: Steven to take M12N to CR 14:59:16 -ShaneM 14:59:17 -markbirbeck 14:59:18 -Rich 14:59:20 -yamx 14:59:21 -Steven 14:59:22 ADJOURN 14:59:22 -Alessio 14:59:22 -Tina 14:59:24 IA_XHTML2()10:00AM has ended 14:59:25 Attendees were yamx, Steven, [IBM], Rich, Alessio, markbirbeck, McCarron, +046708aaaa, Tina, ShaneM 14:59:29 rrsagent, make minutes 14:59:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/09/19-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 14:59:47 rrsagent, make log public 14:59:56 rrsagent, make minutes 14:59:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/09/19-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 15:00:50 alessio_ has joined #xhtml 15:06:34 ShaneM has left #xhtml 15:11:29 zakim, i am aadd 15:11:29 sorry, markbirbeck, I do not see a party named 'aadd' 15:28:25 Rich has left #xhtml 17:31:43 Zakim has left #xhtml