See also: IRC log, previous 2007-08-30
<mhausenblas> previous 2007-08-30
<mhausenblas> ScribeNick: mhausenblas
<scribe> ACTION: [NEW] Ben add an isbn: resource example to the Primer to illustrate @resource overriding @href [recorded in] [CONTINUES]
<scribe> ACTION: [NEW] Ben ask Michael to duplicate tests 34-36 omitting @about [recorded in] [DONE]
<scribe> ACTION: [NEW] Ben ask Michael to duplicate tests 34-36 with @rev in place of @rel [recorded in] [DONE]
<scribe> ACTION: [NEW] Ben ask Michael to write versions of tests 34-36 including all of @src, @href, and @resource [recorded in] [DONE]
<scribe> ACTION: [NEW] Ben send mail to the TF list when the Primer editors' draft is ready for the TF to read [recorded in] [CONTINUES]
<scribe> ACTION: [NEW] Ralph ask Eric Prud'hommeaux if there's a clever way to write a variant of tests 34-36 without @rel [recorded in] [DONE]
<RalphS> Ralph: Eric's solution would require us to be able to identify some tests as returning '0' for a Pass result
<RalphS> ... all the current tests expect '1' to be the Pass result
<RalphS> Michael: with 'ASK' we're checking that the triple exists
<RalphS> ... the expected answer is 'Yes'
<RalphS> Michael: in the test suite document we could define whether 'Yes' means Pass or Fail
-> RDF Testsuite
<RalphS> Michael: my proposal is to leave the current test cases as they are and define how we interpret the 'Yes' response
<RalphS> Mark: for some tests we say 'Yes' means Fail
<RalphS> Michael: yes, I have to confirm that this is feasible
<RalphS> ... to date we have assume that 'Yes' means Pass
<scribe> ACTION: Michael make sure to confirm a design for checking that the ASK SPARQL queries evaluate (yes/no) [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: [NEW] Shane send email to the TF list when the editor's draft is ready for the TF to read [recorded in] [DONE]
-- really done
<scribe> ACTION: [PENDING] Ben to look into Science Commons use case [recorded in] [CONTINUES]
<scribe> ACTION: [PENDING] Ben to recontact implementors Elias, MarkB, triplr [and Fabien] and post their implementations to [recorded in] [CONTINUES]
<scribe> ACTION: [PENDING] Ben to work test cases 31 and 32 into primer [recorded in] [CONTINUES]
<scribe> ACTION: [PENDING] Ben, Mark, Elias, and other implementors to add xml:lang support [recorded in] [CONTINUES]
<scribe> ACTION: [PENDING] Michael to create "Microformats done right -- unambiguous taxonomies via RDF" on the wiki [recorded in] [CONTINUES]
<RalphS> scribenick: ralphs
Michael: I updated the foaf:img property names
Test case 37
-> test 37
RESOLUTION: test 37 approved
Michael: tests 38-41 all stem
from the same action item; they're the same as 34-37 using @rev
instead of @rel
... uses foaf:depicts as that's the inverse of
... I tested this with Ivan Herman's implementation and it
produced the proposed result
RESOLUTION: test 38 approved
Ben: typo in test 39; still uses
... let's hold approval for this until it's fixed
... same typo problem in test 40
test case 41
-> test 41
RESOLUTION: test 41 approved
Michael: tests 42-45 are same ase 34-37 without @about
-> test 42
Ralph: syntactically correct, but are these semantically correct?
Michael: foaf:img is a
relationship between a person and an image
... these may be semantically questionable
Mark: could have a screen shot
that is an image of the page
... is foaf:img really restricted to Domain foaf:Person?
Michael: yes, foaf:img has rdfs:Domain foaf:Person
<Steven> It contradicts itself
<Steven> the description says "An image that can be used to represent some thing"
<Steven> (not some person)
Ralph: we ought to be able to find some semantically reasonable relationship between the page and the image
Ben: let's approve these tests based on syntax and assign Michael an action to look for a better property
<scribe> ACTION: Michael look for a more semantically correct predicate for tests 42-45 [recorded in]
RESOLUTION: test 42 on hold, modulo predicate
-> test 43
Michael: showing @href overriding @src
RESOLUTION: test 43 on hold, modulo predicate
Mark: how will we confirm the corrected versions of these tests?
Michael: I have an action, and we'll check when I finish that action
Mark: we should put these on hold, then, rather than accept them now
RESOVLED: tests 42-45 put on hold pending identification of a semantically correct predicate
<mhausenblas> ScribeNick: mhausenblas
Ben: Where to start?
Steven: Everywhere
Mark: Ivan gave great feedback
Ralph: Which section will be subject to greates change?
Mark: The 'Processing Model'
(rules) section is new
... we are now matching all the other sections with this new
rules section
... the blue boxes detailed out
... eg @xml:lang in rules it just says it is used
... then in the detailed sections it exaplains how to use it,
Ben: Regarding review
... can we start right now, where to start?
Mark: Final changes on next
... all sections may be reviewed, but they'll get ready bit by
<Zakim> RalphS, you wanted to ask about/suggest a 'latest version' mechanism
Ben: We agreed are while ago that it will be titled "XHTML 1 + RDFa"
Mark: There used to be more
generic things in there, but it is getting more specific
... sitll not sure how to name it
<RalphS> [I see div.issue rendered as light green]
Mark: I focused on the rules,
till now
... though we need to discuss it, here
... the idea is that the 'blue boxes' are host language
Ralph: Like the approach, but change the subtitle
Ben: RDFa in XHTML 1.1 Syntax as title
<ShaneM> we need a short name for the syntax document. It should be xhtml-syntax-rdfa
<ShaneM> note that currently we are using the shorthame rdfa-syntax
<ShaneM> but I am sure that is unofficial
<RalphS> [I suggest xhtml-rdfa-syntax ]
Ralph: To get a short name, the WG needs to trigger it by making a First Public Working Draft publication request
<RalphS> primer
Ben: I restructured the Primer
<RalphS> currently $Id: 06-rdfa-irc.txt,v 1.43 2007/09/06 16:26:15 swick Exp $
Ben: the mini-syntax section has
been removed
... I am about to change the subtitle
... Manu, I'll take your comments and work them in
<RalphS> regrets for 13 Sep telecon :(
Ben: Mark promised the Syntax is
ready for Tuesday morning
... Let's tentatively say next Friday at 15:00 UTC
... 14 Sep 2007
Ben: Get documents out for
... everyone in the TF comments on it
... will inform SWD, then and propose to review
Mark: Regarding CURIE []
Michael: Don't know, but if you find it please add it to
Mark: It has gone from
... but an extended form is worth having it in there
Ben: [] is just used for disambiguation
<RalphS> issue 4 (Local) blank node identifiers
<RalphS> [note that issue 4 is marked as resolved]
<benadida> <div about="#ben" property="foaf:name" content="Ben Adida" rel="foaf:homepage" href="" instanceof="foaf:Person">oy</div>
<benadida> does this yield:
<benadida> <#ben> a foaf:Person
<benadida> or
<benadida> <> a foaf:Person
<RalphS> [I've brought this "what is subject of @instanceof?" up previously and was overruled]
<RalphS> note that as this is a question we've revisited several time, whatever our conclusion is we should document it in a section of the Primer
Ralph: Need an action to resolve
... Ben to outline it in the Primer
Ben: Too advanced for the Primer
Ralph: In the Syntax, then?
Ben: I'll have a look at it
<scribe> ACTION: Ben to write up @instanceof referring to other subjects [recorded in]
Ben: Mission this week is WRITE or REVIEW
Michael: or both ;)
Ben: Thanks everyone - till
Friday next week
... and look out for the documents on Tuesday morning!