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<scribe> Scribe: DanC
DanC convened the meeting. There were no comments on the proposed agenda.
<DanC_> HTML WG participants, by member organization
<DanC_> DanC: I encourage new WG participants to fill out the tasks survey; there are a dozen or so tasks other than detailed spec review.
<DanC_> HTML WG tasks survey
<DanC_> review schedule
DanC: I'm still hoping to review the intro by 15 June, but it's somewhat at risk
hsivonen: the namespace section is
one sentence; I did that. I'm on schedule for the other
... I sent some comments on the parsing section. see msgs with
subject "detailed review"
<oedipus> Henri's Review
DanC: I think I saw some from Robert Burns. Has anyone seen these others that were estimated for June 30?
2007-06-30 Debi Orton
2007-06-30 Marco Neumann
2007-06-30 Robert Burns
DanC: review from Orton and others is still welcome.
<hsivonen> I've seen detailed review from myself, zcorpan, gsnedders and Rob Burns
DanC: goal is to have each section
read by at least 2 WG members by the end of July or August
... I don't expect we'll fix the issues that get raised before
publishing, but we'll have some knowledge of what we're
<gsnedders> I'm just converting the number tests over to JSON as we speak
<oedipus> use [test] as a subject-line marker, results posted to the list as part of the thread; one test per post
DanC: in another WG, we have aggregate test results from multiple implementations
hsivonen: Anne and Simon Pieters have
done a bunch of good stuff; it would be nice to have a manifest.
then the html5lib has the best parser tests; that's where
contributions are going
... perhaps a simple manifest, conforming.txt that lists good
DanC: there's collaboration logistics... and I'm obliged to bring up copyright/license issues sooner rather than later
hsivonen: some html5lib stuff is
MIT/expat, some from google is Apache license
... copyright by individuals, I suppose
DanC: in order for this WG to use these tests, they should be contributed to the WG
<DanC_> Grant II: Grant of License for Contributed Test Cases Published Outside a W3C Recommendation
hsivonen: the existing licenses seem liberal enough; why do things have to move?
<jgraham_> If there's anything in html5lib that isn't MIT licensed it should be removed
DanC: The W3C test grant was worked
out after a spec got stalled for months while license issues were
worked out to the satisfaction of all concerned. I don't know if
it's required, but I know it's expected and if we're to do anything
different, I'd have to get it OK'd.
... There's also logisticts stuff... write access to the html5lib
hsivonen: Anne and James handle that
<jgraham_> html5lib write access is on an as-required basis at the moment.
<jgraham_> But the tests could always be hosted somewhere else
<DanC_> I'm interested in decentralized hosting using hg/bzr/git; I'm lobbying the W3C systems team to support hg.
DanC: I asked for advice from the
AtomPub chairs; their situation is similar to ours in that it's a
large email-based collaboration. But there are differences
... Mostly, I encourage a few topics and tolerate everything else.
Sometimes saying "stop talking about X" results in more discussion
of X rather than less.
discussion of survival tactics in large mailing list...
<hsivonen> I find a mailing list easier to keep track of than wikis
<Julian> The noise ratio is a big problem; it's really easy to miss important announcements.
<arun> henri, are you able to follow all threads? are there threads you're watching more than usual?
<arun> +1 henri
<jgraham_> Big announcements could go on the homepage feed
<oedipus> convergence of wiki materials -- ESW and WHAT WG wikis need to at least be able to map to one another, running 2 wikis working on the same project sounds to me like a recipie for a migraine
<hsivonen> arun: I read all the messages to public-html.
<DanC_> big announcements do go on the WG homepage, but with a latency of ~1 week
<Julian> DanC: I guess the WG homepage needs an Atom feed, then :-)
DanC: 40+ ppl indicated interest, but we don't have a draft. I wonder if a mailing list would help.
further discussion was inconclusive
next teleconference maybe in a week. i.e. the WG is hereby given its 7 day notice. An agenda or cancellation notice will go out by T-24hrs.
<DanC_> previous teleconference, 26 April
<scribe> ACTION: ChrisW to try to find a Seattle/OZ/Asia time [CONTINUES] [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: DanC to call for forms tf volunteers (with review from John B.) [DONE] [recorded in]
<DanC_> forms task force volunteers? (tasks survey)
<scribe> ACTION: DanC to put the HTML spec baseline discussion by WBS in the next day or so [DONE] [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: DougS to review and advise the WG on whether to publish for community review, or whether critical problems remain [DONE] [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: IanH to review and advise the WG on whether to publish for community review, or whether critical problems remain [DONE] [recorded in]