The relationship between the features of GRDDL and the normative tests is given in appendix A Test Coverage of GRDDL Test Cases.
We have test results in EARL/RDF from four implementations:
Some of these test results indicate that a given test case is not applicable to a particular implementation. Briefly, this means that the implementation passes one of the alternate test cases instead of that test case; for more information, please see section "Tests with Multiple GRDDL Results" from GRDDL Test Cases.
Running the results through (and separating informative tests from normative tests) gives:
- raptor.rdf
- OpenLink Virtuoso Sponger
- Jena Jena GRDDL Reader
$Id: 1393 2007-05-25 12:21:58Z jeremy_carroll $Normative Tests
Subject: raptor.rdf OpenLink Virtuoso Sponger GRDDLpy Jena base-param approved pass pass pass pass card5n approved pass pass pass pass card5na approved pass pass pass pass four-transforms approved pass pass pass pass glean-profile approved pass pass pass pass grddlProfileBase1 approved pass pass pass pass grddlProfileBase2 approved pass pass pass pass grddlProfileBase3 approved pass pass pass pass grddlonrdf approved pass pass pass pass grddlonrdf-xmlmediatype approved pass pass pass pass hcard approved pass pass pass pass hcard1 approved pass pass pass pass hcarda approved pass pass pass pass hl7-to-owl approved pass _ pass pass html-and-transformation-attr approved pass pass pass pass htmlbase1 approved pass pass pass pass htmlbase2 approved pass pass pass pass htmlbase3 approved pass pass pass pass htmlbase4 approved pass pass pass pass inline approved pass pass pass pass inline-rdf1 approved pass pass pass pass inline-rdf10 approved pass pass pass pass inline-rdf2 approved pass pass pass pass inline-rdf3 approved pass pass pass pass inline-rdf4 approved fail pass pass pass inline-rdf5 approved pass pass pass pass inline-rdf6 approved pass pass pass pass inline-rdf8 approved pass pass pass pass inline-rdf9 approved pass pass pass pass langconneg1 approved pass pass pass pass langconneg2 approved notApplicable notApplicable notApplicable pass langconneg3 approved notApplicable notApplicable notApplicable pass loop approved pass pass pass pass loopx approved notApplicable notApplicable notApplicable notApplicable loopx1 approved pass notApplicable pass notApplicable loopx2 approved notApplicable pass notApplicable pass loopx3 approved notApplicable notApplicable notApplicable notApplicable multipleRepresentations approved pass pass pass pass multipleRepresentations2 approved notApplicable notApplicable notApplicable pass multipleRepresentations3 approved notApplicable notApplicable notApplicable pass multiprofile approved pass pass pass pass noxinclude approved notApplicable pass notApplicable pass ns-ns-pf-pf approved pass pass pass pass ns-pf-ns-pf-ns approved pass pass pass pass pf-pf-pf-ns approved pass pass pass pass projectsSpreadsheet approved pass pass pass pass rdfXMLDoc approved pass pass pass pass rdfa1 approved pass pass pass pass spaces-in-rel approved pass pass pass pass sq1 approved pass pass pass pass sq2 approved pass pass pass pass three-transforms approved pass pass pass pass title_author approved pass pass pass pass two-transforms approved pass pass pass pass xhtmlWithGrddlEnabledProfile approved pass pass pass pass xhtmlWithGrddlEnabledProfileAndADisabledInBodyTransform approved pass pass pass pass xhtmlWithGrddlEnabledProfileAndInBodyTransform approved pass pass pass pass xhtmlWithGrddlProfile approved pass pass pass pass xhtmlWithGrddlTransformationInBody approved pass pass pass pass xhtmlWithMoreThanOneGrddlTransformation approved pass pass pass pass xhtmlWithMoreThanOneProfile approved pass pass pass pass xinclude approved pass notApplicable pass pass xmlWithGrddlAttribute approved pass pass pass pass xmlWithGrddlAttributeAndNonXMLNamespaceDocument approved pass pass pass pass xmlbase1 approved pass pass pass pass xmlbase2 approved pass pass pass pass xmlbase3 approved pass pass pass pass xmlbase4 approved pass pass pass pass Informative Tests
Subject: raptor.rdf OpenLink Virtuoso Sponger GRDDLpy Jena atomttl1 approved pass pass _ pass unknown-media-type approved pass pass _ pass error1 approved fail pass _ pass
W3C provides pair of online services on an experimental, best-effort basis, however these were not believed to be up-to-date with the GRDDL specification when the above test results were generated:
The GrddlImplementations topic in the ESW Wiki is a community-maintained lists of GRDDL implementations in C, Java, Python, PHP and perhaps other languages.
We note that the GRDDL WG has caused a resurgence of activity around these transformations, including a new GRDDL transformation for the hReview microformat as well as a the re-starting of the TagCommons standardization effort that includes using GRDDL to map tags to the Semantic Web.
The criteria in the May 2007 Candidate Recommendation draft of the GRDDL specification were achieved as follows:
Changes to this implementation report since the 16 July 2007 Proposed Recommendation of the GRDDL specification are as follows:
$Log: test_results.html,v $ Revision 1.26 2007/07/17 17:51:24 connolly - added results from Openlink Virtuoso Sponger - add John Clark to signature as discussed with the WG - added changelog - tweak logo/nav links