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<RalphS> Previous: 2006-10-17
<TomB> Agenda for today:
TomB: accept minutes previous meeting
scribe: minutes accepted
TomB: action on scribe conventions, next week
Sean: description of Cohse
... using owl ontologies to find documents associated to
... simple NLP to find expressions matching terms of vocabularies
... providing links between docs and concepts
... using ontology structure (hierarchy) to help navigation
... we have realized that using OWL ontologies for navigation
navigation is not optimal
... thesaurus structure (broader/narrower) would be better
Sean: so replacing skos-like
vocabularies, wrapping them up with simple services
... like synonyms, relationship retrieval would be useful.
... This use case fits pattern A: use vocabularary for retrieval, but also
query the voc itself
... not necessarily a full RDF repository
... using a SKOS-like scheme on top would be relevant
Bernard: I am confused by the word
"index", rather use "annotation"
RalphS: agree with Bernard re: discomfort with "index" - not sure "annotation" solves the problem... BT/NT jumps out as big benefit - easy to explain to people.
Bernard: Are there other examples of uses of relations, than broader/narrower?
Sean: related term could be
Bernard: less-precise BT/NT much better fit to the relationships we want to use for navigation than RDFS/OWL subClass
Sean: they are useful to access thesaurus
TomB: discussion should be postponed until we are more numerous
Sean: Question: is my document appropriate for a use case description?
TomB: yes
<TomB> Antoine: Qst about use cases.
<TomB> ...Can we provide abstract use case?
<TomB> ...Should the data referred to in the use case be public?
<TomB> RalphS: We should consider real-example use cases where data is not necessarily available. Like the level of detail of Sean's document.
<TomB> Bernard: SUN Microsystems ontology is not available - one of the use cases is Unified Product Taxonomy. Others are public-domain.
<TomB> RalphS: could you describe that in general terms?
<TomB> Bernard: When project started, there was a description - details are not public.
<TomB> RalphS: Level of detail we need to drive design of SKOS - we can do that without having...
Daniel : some stuff mentions in the use case can be published.
... it is actually important that some data is published!
<RalphS> Daniel's use cases
Daniel: terminologies were
developped that could be used in computer services
... huge effort of knowledge creation in these cases
... goal is too create a large library of termonologies
... accessible for integration in various applications
Sean: one selling point of skos:
semantic relationships to tie together concepts in a loose
... is it relevant for the biology cases?
Daniel: tension btw terminologies (loose) and ontologies (rigorous, formal) - there is no easy answer re: best solution - if SKOS can support both communities that would be ideal.
Daniel: tradeoff between precision and recall - SKOS not appealing if doesn't accommodate need of some for crisp, formal semantics
Daniel: BT/NT very
high-level - need more specific types of relationships
... more useful for reasoning services
Daniel: in anatomic models there
are loosely defined links
... important communites are looking forward to adopt standards
like dublin core and skos
... communities for functional genomics - consortium of researchers - basic
biological research data - high-level ontology to subsume
experimental investigation.
Ralph: Daniel, the first two
cases would be interested in more precise semantics. Are there
specific applications?
... what would motivate the need for more precise
Daniel: some communities are
using classification to recognize inconsistencies
... they want to create more 'intelligent' services
... e.g. reasoning application which uses FMA
Ralph: what is the level of eagerness of these communities to follow swd schedule?
... what is our time window of opportunity?
Daniel: they want standards
... we're doing their work so timing is great
TomB: acknowledge Sean and Daniel
SeanB: Is there a gray
area between scruffy and neat? some migration path
... from application neeeding simple knowledge
... to application needing rich formal semantics
Sean: Even uses of subsomption can help
Ralph: it might be interesting to
extend on Daniel's examples refering to the SKOS draft
... use cases should point to things that work well
... and to things that need more attention
<scribe> ACTION: Daniel to link his use case to SKOS draft [recorded in]
Ben: everyone interesting in RDFs is invited to participate
<RalphS> meeting record: 2006-10-23 RDF-in-XHTML TF telecon
Ben: goal is to make RDF work as XHTML1.1 module ... 2 documents: RDFa syntax (more formal) and RDFa primer
<RalphS> editor's draft RDFa syntax document
<RalphS> editor's draft RDFa primer
... create chunk of html self-contained wrt metadata
... next steps: reification + containers
... target is 4/6 weeks for next working drafts
Ben:Many people would not want to get involved in huge level of technical detail
... but continuing copying
important documents is useful
... to get feedback
RalphS: additional information that would be useful to have with SKOS use cases and schedule expectations for UC&R
Ben: about the documents issued
by last TF
... they should get feedback from the WG
RalphS: an HTML WG shares these work items ... the charter for that group is still underway ... there could be some re-scheduling to match
RalphS:could some of
Daniel's use cases both apply to SKOS and RDFa?
...Involving HTML documents
with embedded metadata?
Daniel: could be. No immediate example now
<RalphS> Recipes Working Draft - comments from May 2006 [TomB 2006=10-24]