14:52:14 RRSAgent has joined #swd 14:52:14 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/10/24-swd-irc 14:52:19 Meeting: SWD WG 14:52:22 Chair: Tom 14:52:28 zakim, who's on the call? 14:52:28 On the phone I see ??P21 14:52:43 rrsagent, ??p21 is probably Tom 14:52:43 I'm logging. I don't understand '??p21 is probably Tom', RalphS. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:52:48 zakim, ??p21 is probably Tom 14:52:48 +Tom?; got it 14:52:53 rrsagent, please make record public 14:53:21 Previous: 2006-10-17 http://www.w3.org/2006/10/17-swd-minutes.html 14:54:32 Antoine has joined #swd 14:55:40 seanb has joined #swd 14:58:28 Agenda for today: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2006Oct/0047.html 14:59:03 zakim, who is here? 14:59:05 On the phone I see Tom? 14:59:06 On IRC I see seanb, Antoine, RRSAgent, TomB, Zakim, RalphS 14:59:24 +[VrijeUni] 14:59:25 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2006Oct/0047.html 14:59:42 +??P39 14:59:50 zakim, VrijeUni is Antoine 15:00:00 +Antoine; got it 15:00:13 Elisa has joined #swd 15:01:12 + +44.120.682.aaaa 15:01:30 benadida has joined #SWD 15:01:34 zakim, Ben_Adida is with Ralph 15:01:47 zakim, I am Ben_Adida 15:02:02 +Elisa_Kendall 15:02:13 zakim, aaaa is Bernard 15:02:18 +Ralph 15:02:20 zakim, Ben_Adida is with Ralph 15:02:34 +Ben_Adida; got it 15:02:40 sorry, benadida, I do not see a party named 'Ben_Adida' 15:03:32 +Bernard; got it 15:03:40 Ben_Adida was already listed in Ralph, RalphS 15:03:56 wow; significant Zakim-bot lag 15:04:29 Regrets: Diego, Fabien 15:05:10 Regrets+ Alistair, Guus 15:05:16 Regrets+ Daniel 15:05:34 zakim, who's on the call? 15:05:39 Topic: Admin 15:07:03 scribe: Antoine 15:07:08 On the phone I see TomB, Antoine, seanb, Bernard, Elisa_Kendall, Ralph 15:07:12 Ralph has Ralph, Ben_Adida 15:07:50 accept minutes previous meeting 15:08:09 ...minutes accepted 15:08:42 action on scribe convetions, next week 15:09:09 SKOS requirements 15:09:35 Sean: description of Cohse project 15:09:52 ... using owl ontologies to find documents associated to concepts 15:10:03 ... simple NLP to find expressions matching terms 15:10:19 ... providing links between docs and concepts 15:10:30 ... using ontology structure (hierarchy) 15:10:59 ... we have realizing that using OWL ontologies to structure navigation is not optimal 15:11:16 ... thesaurus structure (broader/narrower) would be better 15:11:24 Sean: Using OWL ontologies not necessarily the right thing - for navigation, thesaurus is more appropriate. 15:11:37 ... so replacing skos-like vocabularies, wrapping them up with simple services 15:11:50 ... like synonyms, relationship retrieval 15:12:27 ... fitting pattern A: use vocabularary for retrieval, but also query the voc itself 15:13:17 ... not necessarily a full RDF repository 15:13:28 ... using a SKOS-like scheme 15:14:00 Bernard: confused by the word index, rather annotation 15:15:39 ... Sean agrees with the fact they are terminolgy problems 15:16:26 RalphS: agree with Bernard re: discomfort with "index" - not sure "annotation" solves the problem... BT/NT jumps out as big benefit - easy to explain to people. 15:16:26 ... other examples of uses of relations, than broader/narrower? 15:16:44 Sean: related term could be useful 15:17:30 ..important in the end: less precise bt/nt are more useful than RDFS/owl subClassOf 15:17:38 Bernard: less-precise BT/NT much better fit to the relationships we want to use for navigation. 15:18:06 ... useful to acces thesaurus 15:18:40 TomB: discussion should be postponed until we are more numerous 15:19:00 Sean: is my document appropriate? 15:19:18 TomB: yes 15:19:43 Antoine: Qst about use cases. 15:20:07 ...Can we provide abstract use case? 15:20:50 ...Should the data referred to in the use case be public? 15:21:29 RalphS: We should consider real-example use cases where data is not necessarily available. Like the level of detail of Sean's document. 15:22:31 Bernard: SUN Microsystems ontology is not available - one of the use cases is Unified Product Taxonomy. Others are public-domain. 15:22:40 RalphS: could you describe that in general terms? 15:23:06 Bernard: When project started, there was a description - details are not public. 15:23:11 + +1.650.450.aabb 15:23:29 RalphS: Level of detail we need to drive design of SKOS - we can do that without having... 15:23:37 zakim, aabb is Daniel 15:23:39 +Daniel; got it 15:26:03 daniel? : the use case can be published. 15:26:24 ... it is actually important that some data is published! 15:26:27 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2006Oct/0041.html Daniel's use cases 15:27:44 daniel: terminologies were developped that could be used in computer services 15:27:48 ryager has joined #swd 15:28:14 ... huge effort of knowledge creation in these cases 15:28:42 ... goal is too create a large library of termonologies 15:29:04 ... accessible for integration in various applications 15:29:16 q+ 15:30:04 Sean: selling point of skos: semantic relationships to tie together concepts in a loose way 15:30:19 ... is it relevant for the biology cases? 15:31:03 Daniel: There is tension between informal and very formal 15:31:15 Daniel: tension btw terminologies (loose) and ontologies (rigorous, formal) - there is no easy answer re: best solution - if SKOS can support both communities that would be ideal. 15:33:31 Daniel: tradeoff between precision and recall 15:33:53 Daniel: tradeoff precision/recall - SKOS not appealing if doesn't accommodate need of some for crisp, formal semantics 15:34:17 ... relation like BT/NT could be specialised for ;ore useful links 15:34:33 ... for reasoning services 15:34:39 Daniel: BT/NT very high-level - need more specific types of relationships 15:35:10 ... in anatomic models there are loosely defined links 15:36:37 ... important communites are looking forward to adopt standards like dublin core and skos 15:37:04 ... people developping functional genomics 15:37:45 Daniel: community for functional genomics - consortium of researchers - basic biological research data - high-level ontology to subsume experimental investigation. 15:37:54 q+ to ask about migration from "scruffy" to "neat" 15:38:27 Ralph: Daniel, the first two cases would be interested in more precise semantics. Are there specific applications? 15:39:06 ... what would motivate the need for more precise semantics? 15:39:39 Daniel: some communities are using classification to recognize inconsistencies 15:39:54 ... they want to create more 'intelligent' services 15:40:12 ... e.g. reasoning application which uses FMA 15:41:07 Ralph: what is the level of eagerness of these communities to follow swd schedule? 15:41:21 +Tom_Baker 15:41:52 (eagerness and urgency); i,e. what is our time window of opportunity? 15:41:53 -TomB 15:41:54 Daniel: they want standards 15:42:08 ... we're doing their work so timing is great 15:42:39 seanb, you wanted to ask about migration from "scruffy" to "neat" 15:42:43 TomB: acknowledge Sean and Daniel 15:43:26 SeanB: Is there a gray area between scruffy and neat? 15:43:36 Sean: another question: is there there some migration path 15:43:52 ... from application neeeding simple knowledge 15:44:09 ... to application needing rich formal semantics 15:44:43 Daniel: Want to start simple and migrate to something more complex. 15:45:06 ... Even uses of subsomption can help 15:45:25 q+ to suggest additional information that would be useful to have with SKOS use cases 15:46:22 Ralph: it might be interesting to extend on Daniel's examples refering to the SKOS draft 15:46:38 ... use cases should point to things that work well 15:46:46 ... and to things that need more attention 15:47:11 Action: Daniel to link his use case to SKOS draft 15:47:26 TomB: Next item 15:47:27 Topic: RDF in XHTML 15:48:00 Ben: everyone interesting in RDFs is invited to participate 15:48:19 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2006Oct/0046.html meeting record: 2006-10-23 RDF-in-XHTML TF telecon 15:48:22 ... goal is to make RDF work as XHTML1.1 module 15:48:52 2 documents: RDFa syntax (more formal) and RDFa primer 15:49:01 -> http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/RDFa/syntax/ editor's draft RDFa syntax document 15:49:32 -> http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/RDFa/primer/ editor's draft RDFa primer 15:49:46 ... one aim is to be able to create chunk of html self-contained wrt metadata 15:49:59 ... next steps: reification + containers 15:50:25 ... target is 4/6 weeks for next working drafts 15:51:00 q+ to ask Ben about schedule expectations for UC&R 15:51:31 two WG: SWD and RDF-in-RDF How can we best organize that? 15:52:22 Many people would not want to get involved in huge level of technical detail 15:52:40 ... but continuing copying important documents is useful 15:52:45 ... to get feedback 15:53:12 RalphS: set of question the TF should formulate to involve the WG 15:53:55 ack me 15:53:55 Ralph, you wanted to suggest additional information that would be useful to have with SKOS use cases and to ask Ben about schedule expectations for UC&R 15:54:25 Ben: about the documents issued by last TF 15:54:34 ... they should get feedback from the WG 15:56:29 RalphS: an HTML WG shares these work items 15:56:30 ???: charter for HTML WG has gone for review 15:56:38 s/???/Ralph/ 15:56:42 RalphS: the charter for that group is still underway 15:56:44 ... there could be some re-scheduling to match 15:56:47 s/has gone/has not yet gone/ 15:57:37 Who is interested to review use case requirements? 15:57:46 q+ to note SKOS + RDFa potential use cases 15:58:26 ack me 15:58:26 Ralph, you wanted to note SKOS + RDFa potential use cases 15:58:36 Some biological use cases could be also for RDF in HML? 15:58:43 Daniel: could be 15:58:53 RalphS: do some of Daniel's use cases both SKOS and RDFa? Involving HTML documents with embedded metadata? 15:59:29 Ralph: perhaps use cases for SKOS could be linked to RDF in HTML 16:00:13 -Bernard 16:00:32 TomB: Final point on receipes 16:00:35 Topic: Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies 16:01:04 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2006Oct/0049.html "Recipes" Working Draft - comments from May 2006 [TomB 2006=10-24] 16:01:07 -Daniel 16:01:09 benadida has left #SWD 16:01:11 -Elisa_Kendall 16:01:14 -seanb 16:01:26 seanb has left #swd 16:01:36 rrsagent, please draft minutes 16:01:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/10/24-swd-minutes.html TomB 16:01:41 zakim, list attendees 16:01:41 As of this point the attendees have been Tom?, TomB, Antoine, +44.120.682.aaaa, seanb, Elisa_Kendall, Ralph, Ben_Adida, Bernard, +1.650.450.aabb, Daniel, Tom_Baker 16:01:53 rrsagent, please draft minutes 16:01:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/10/24-swd-minutes.html TomB 16:02:36 +Rachel_Yager 16:05:37 -Antoine 16:10:26 -Rachel_Yager 16:11:43 -Tom_Baker 16:11:46 -Ralph 16:11:48 SW_SWD()11:00AM has ended 16:11:49 Attendees were Tom?, TomB, Antoine, +44.120.682.aaaa, seanb, Elisa_Kendall, Ralph, Ben_Adida, Bernard, +1.650.450.aabb, Daniel, Tom_Baker, Rachel_Yager 17:05:54 zakim, bye 17:05:54 Zakim has left #swd 17:06:08 rrsagent, bye 17:06:08 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/24-swd-actions.rdf : 17:06:08 ACTION: Daniel to link his use case to SKOS draft [1] 17:06:08 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/10/24-swd-irc#T15-47-11