Edit comment LC-984 for Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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Comment LC-984
Commenter: Al Gilman <Alfred.S.Gilman@IEEE.org>

Resolution status:

This is a general usability matter; while doing well on this helps PWD, it is not clear that it meets your claimed requirement for inclusion that there be a markedly disproportionate effect on the experience of the PWD user.

Proposed Change:

Re-state filter criterion for practices in terms of "do cover usability enhancements that are readily achievable and make major contributions to mitigating PWD hazards in the browse experience. But generally good usability practices that have a generally comparable benefit for PWD and TAB users are not covered here." I.e. lead with positive because navigation, view controls, and labeling/prompting are general usability strategies and are of the essence in securing a Web that works for PWD.
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 984.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:42:04 dom Exp $
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