Edit comment LC-644 for Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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Comment LC-644
Commenter: Chris W <chris@chrisw.com>

Resolution status:

Part of Item:
Comment Type: GE
Comment (including rationale for proposed change):

To set the scene, I am your average garden-variety web developer. I am a simple soul, with college education, good English skills and above all, good HTML skills. I spend all day, every day, producing sites - for everything from the local dentist to the multi-million pound nation-wide high street chains.

WCAG 2 has disappointed me.

For a start, I just don\'t understand it. I am not stupid, but I just don\'t understand how it applies to what I build. How can I bear all that in mind when going through the stages of planning/building/testing a site?

It\'s going to take months to combine that into my daily routine and to be honest I cannot see the commercial benefit. Most of the sites I build, I make them WCAG 1 level 2 accessible out of good practice and for good karma. I like it; I enjoy the sense of responsibility I get from it. It sets me apart from the monkeys knocking sites out in the back bedroom.

WCAG 2 is so difficult, why would I bother? My customers do not care! If they do, then they will have to pay me a lot to have a compliant site, as the extra amount of time involved does not come for free.

If WCAG 2 was actually simple - a simple to understand a plain-English check list (i.e. - do you use PDF, see page 3, if not continue to page 4 > checklist) along with highly automated checking system, then we are going to see a lot more developers producing compliant sites. Just dream…an internet with more and more compliant web sites. Is that not what we all want?

Proposed Change:
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

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