Edit comment LC-533 for Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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Comment LC-533
Commenter: Greg Gay <g.gay@utoronto.ca> on behalf of ATRC UofT

Resolution status:

Item Number: Technology assumptions and the
Part of Item:
Comment Type: TE
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):

There is a relatively easy possibility of Level AAA compliance by virtue of ommision. By default, the vast majority of sites will meet 50% of the level 3 guidelines without trying. The following are arguably not relevant on most Web sites.


Irrelevant for most sites

1.2.5 (w/ no MM)
1.2.6 (w/ no MM)
1.2.7 (w/ no MM)
1.4.3 (use standard B/W)
1.4.4 (with no audio content)
2.1.2 (with no time dependence)
2.2.4 (no timed events)
2.2.5 (no auto updated content)
2.2.6 (no timeout)
2.3.2 (use no flashing components)
2.4.6 (don\'t use tab to create inconsitent tab ordering
3.1.6 (write in an alphabetic language)
3.2.5 (use no auto redirects)
4.2.4 (use only baseline technologies)


Potentially 13 L3 met by omission

So without any extra effort, a site without any of the above technologies would meet enough level 3 criteria to comply, even though none of the guidelines are relevant.

Things that could be done relevant to the content of the majority of sites

Relevant to most sites

2.4.5 (use descriptive titles, headings, and labels)
2.4.7 (use breadcrumb links to navigate, and identify location within a hierarchy)
2.4.8 (use meaningfult link text)
2.5.4 (describe expected input for form fields)
3.1.3 (provide a glossary)
3.1.4 (expand all abbreviations)
3.1.5 (Use low level language)


Potentially 7 L3 relevant to most sites.

Proposed Change:

Perhspa 75% of level 3 items would be more appropriate, or maybe 50%, which includes at least 4 or 5 items (or maybe all) from the second list of more common level 3 items.
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 533.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:41:38 dom Exp $
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