Edit comment LC-1410 for Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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Comment LC-1410
Commenter: David Keech <david.keech@bsi-global.com> on behalf of British Standards Instution, London, UK

Resolution status:

3. WCAG defines a "web unit" as "one or more resources, intended to be rendered together, and identified by a single Uniform Resource Identifier ". Resources can in addition consist of moving images, or pages where part of the material is rendered through links into Web Services (such as with AJAX technology). The example given in the definition is static in nature - however in many situations in today's web the end result is not static, or defined solely by a single URI.

This appears to be clarified for a web unit in the section "Conformance claims" - where it states that it "can also take the form of a fully interactive and immersive environment"

However the situation becomes confused by later referring to "Aggregated content" and giving, as an example of this, "a web unit which is assembled from multiple sources that may or may not have their own levels of conformance". In a traditional web page, containing graphics, (as is given as an example in the definition of a "web unit"), this is conventionally exactly how images etc are rendered using the <IMG> tag.

Statements such as "The conformance level for a Web unit that contains authored units is equal to the lowest conformance level claimed for the Web unit content and any of the authored units it contains – including any claims pertaining to aggregated authored units" are extremely unclear, and indeed may be recursive following the unclear distinction apparently made between "web units" and "aggregated content". A "web page" on the other hand is fairly well understood. BSI recommend(s) a closer look at an accurately defined and understood syntax which is not open to misinterpretation and clearly conveys the ideas being communicated.
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 1410.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:41:29 dom Exp $
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