Edit comment LC-1331 for Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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Comment LC-1331
Commenter: John Nissen <jn@cloudworld.co.uk>

Resolution status:

Dear Chair and members of WAI,

I would like to suggest some improvement in 4.2.2. I have documented my proposal, and the reasons for it, in the attached document. I have to admit that at first reading of 4.2.2 (point 1), I was completely flumoxed. But having read through a lot of explanation, I think you could make the point a lot clearer and also more effective by some small changes.

BTW, I notice that the deadline for comments is 31st May, and I shall be out next week for half-term holiday! So if there is a problem with this submission, please let me know by return.

Yours sincerely,


[See attachment to
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(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

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$Id: 1331.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:41:29 dom Exp $
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