Edit comment LC-2958 for Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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Comment LC-2958

Resolution status:


We should remove ARIA4 and ARIA5 because they are

too ambiguous for both authors and auditors
technically incorrect
Too ambiguous

Both techniques don't provide helpful information for authors and auditors considering that WAI-ARIA Rec. contains limited examples. We should provide more specific techniques like design patterns of WAi-ARIA Authoring Practices.


Technical correctness

For ARIA 4, people who use assistive technologies may unable to operate user interface components when

states and properties are not correctly exposed
focus is not correctly managed (ex. "application" role in a page which doesn't contain JavaScript)
For ARIA 5, people who use assistive technologies may unable to operate user interface components when

roles are not correctly exposed
focus is not correctly managed (ex. "aria-activedecendant" in a page which doesn't contain JavaScript)
We could add failure example like "incorrect roles are exposed" or "incorrect states or properties are exposed" but I don't think they are necessary.
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 2958.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:40:06 dom Exp $
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