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Quick access to LC-2582 LC-2583 LC-2584 LC-2595 LC-2596 LC-2601 LC-2605 LC-2610 LC-2611 LC-2612 LC-2613 LC-2619 LC-2620 LC-2622 LC-2625 LC-2626 LC-2627 LC-2628 LC-2631 LC-2632 LC-2646 LC-2647 LC-2648 LC-2683 LC-2684 LC-2703 LC-2704 LC-2718 LC-2719 LC-2723 LC-2724 LC-2726 LC-2728 LC-2729 LC-2730 LC-2745 LC-2770 LC-2771 LC-2773
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It appears the heading for this page is broken, failing to clear the navigation elements at the top of the page. Additionally, I believe that the footer shouldn't contain the elements "[begin add]" and "[end add]." Proposed Change: Fix the display of the header and remove extraneous elements from the footer.