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The language of positive RIF conditions determines what can appear as a body (the if-part) of a rule supported by RIF Core. As explained in Section Overview, RIF Core corresponds to definite Horn rules, and the bodies of such rules are conjunctions of atomic formulas without negation. However, it is well-known that disjunctions of such conditions can also be used in the bodies of rules without changing the essential properties of the rule language. This is based on the fundamental logical tautologies (h ← b ∨ c) ≡ ((h ← b) ∧ (h ← c)) and ∀ x (F ∧ G) ≡ (∀ x F ∧ ∀ x G). In other words, a rule with a disjunction in the body can be split into two or more rules that have no such disjunction.

In a later draft, positive RIF conditions will be extended to include builtins, i.e. calls to procedures defined outside the ruleset. The condition language will be shared among the bodies of the rules expressed in future RIF dialects, such as LP, FO, PR and RR. The condition language might also be used to uniformly express integrity contraints and queries.

This section presents a syntax and semantics for the RIF condition language, which supports primitive data types (such as xsd:long, xsd:string, xsd:decimal, xsd:time, xsd:dateTime), and the use of international resource identifiers (or IRIs) to refer to individuals, predicates, and functions -- an essential ingredient in making RIF dialects suitable as Web languages.

To make RIF into a Web language and to provide for future higher-order dialects based on formalisms such as HiLog and Common Logic, the RIF Core language does not separate symbols used to denote individuals from symbols used as names for functions or predicates. Instead, all symbols are drawn from the same universal set. When desired, separation between the different kinds of symbols is achieved through the mechanism of sorts. In logic, the mechanism of sorts is used to classify symbols into separate groups. Currently RIF Core supports the sort rif:iri for IRIs, and the sorts xsd:long (`), xsd:decimal (, xsd:time (, xsd:string (, and xsd:dateTime ( Other sorts (such as xsd:double, xsd:date, and a sort to represent temporal duration) might be added in future drafts.

To make RIF a Web language and to facilitate extensibility, the underlying logic of RIF is not only multi-sorted (i.e., allows multiple sorts), but it also allows symbols to be polymorphic (i.e., the same symbol is allowed to have several sorts). Some sorts can be disjoint and others not. RIF dialects will be able to decide which sorts will be allowed for predicate symbols, which for function symbols, and so on.

RIF Core does not assume that the symbols used for predicates, functions, and individuals are disjoint. RIF dialects may assume disjointness, however. It can be shown that if φ and ψ are well-formed formulas in a language that assumes such disjointness (in particular, does not have statements of the form p = q, where p, q are not both individuals, function symbols, or predicate names) then φ |= ψ under the disjointness semantics iff the same is true under the semantics that does not assume disjointness.

`For didactic reasons, we start with a single sort, which includes all constants, function symbols, and predicate names. The multisorted RIF logic is described in Section Multisorted RIF Logic.


Abstract Syntax

The abstract syntax of the condition language is given in asn06 as follows:


    subclass And
        property formula : list of CONDITION

    subclass Or
        property formula : list of CONDITION

    subclass Exists
        property declare : list of Var
        property formula : CONDITION

    subclass ATOMIC

class ATOMIC

    subclass Equal
       property side: list of TERM

    subclass Uniterm

class TERM

    subclass Var
        property name: xsd:string

    subclass Const
        property name: xsd:string

    subclass Uniterm       
        property op: Const
        property arg: list of TERM

The multiplicity of the side property (role) of the Equal class is assumed to be exactly 2.

The abstract syntax is visualized by a UML diagram used as a schema-level device for specifying syntactic classes with generalizations as well as multiplicity- and role-labeled associations. Automatic asn06-to-UML transformation is available.

The central class of RIF, CONDITION, is specified recursively through its subclasses and their parts. The Equal class has two side roles. Two pairs of roles distinguish between the declare and formula parts of the Exists class, and between the operation (op) and arguments (arg) of the Uniterm class, where multiple arguments are subject to an ordered constraint (the natural "left-to-right" order):

Upload new attachment "ConditionModel.png"

The syntactic classes are partitioned into classes that will not be visible in serializations (written in all-uppercase letters) and classes that will be visible in instance markup (written with a leading uppercase letter only).

The three classes Var, CONDITION, and ATOMIC will be required in the abstract syntax of Horn Rules.

Concrete Syntax

The abstract syntax of Section Abstract Syntax can be instantiated to a concrete syntax. The EBNF syntax below, which instantiates the abstract syntax, is used throughout this document to explain and illustrate the main ideas. This syntax is similar in style to what in OWL is called the Abstract Syntax

The concrete human-readable syntax, described in this (slightly modified) EBNF, is work in progress and under discussion.

  CONJUNCTION ::= 'And' '(' CONDITION* ')'
  EXISTENTIAL ::= 'Exists' Var+ '(' CONDITION ')'
  ATOMIC      ::= Uniterm | Equal
  Uniterm     ::= Const '(' TERM* ')'
  Equal       ::= TERM '=' TERM
  TERM        ::= Const | Var | Uniterm
  Const       ::= CONSTNAME | '"'CONSTNAME'"''^^'SORTNAME
  Var         ::= '?'VARNAME | '?'VARNAME'^^'SORTNAME

The above is a standard syntax for a variant of first-order logic. The application of a symbol from Const to a sequence of terms is called Uniterm ("Universal term") since it can be used to play the role of a function term or an atomic formula depending on the syntactic context in which the application occurs. The non-terminal ATOMIC stands for (positive) atomic formula, which can later be complemented with "negated atomic formula". EXISTENTIAL stands for "existential formula", which in Horn-like conditions is the only quantified formula but in later conditions may be complemented with "universal formula" (Var+ denotes the list of free variables in CONDITION). The production CONJUNCTION defines conjunctions of conditions, and DISJUNCTION denotes disjunctions. Finally, CONDITION assembles everything into what we call RIF conditions. RIF dialects will extend these conditions in various ways.

Since initially we focus on an unsorted RIF language, individuals, function symbols, and predicate symbols all belong to the same set of symbols (Const). Variables are also unsorted, i.e., they range over the entire domain. Sorts are introduced in Section Multisorted RIF Logic. However, in preparation of the multisorted version, the above EBNF syntax already introduces SORTNAME-enriched choices for Const and Var that will be required in Section Multisorted RIF Logic.

The above EBNF, where TERM* is understood as TERM* ::= | TERM TERM*, uses spaces to indicate Lisp-like whitespace (SPACE, TAB, or NEWLINE) character sequences in the defined language; these must consist of at least one whitespace character when used as the separator between adjacent TERMs, and can consist of zero or more whitespace characters elsewhere. Where spaces are omitted from the EBNF, as between '?' and VARNAME in '?'VARNAME, there must be no whitespace character in the defined language.

At this point we do not commit to any particular vocabulary for the names of constants, variables, or sorts. For the moment, NamedElement in the UML model can be either CONSTNAME, or VARNAME, or SORTNAME. These are still assumed to be alphanumeric character sequences (except 'And' and 'Or'). For more details on this see Multisorted RIF Logic.

Note that variables in the RIF Condition Language can be free and quantified. All quantification is explicit. All variables introduced by quantification should also occur in the quantified formula. Initially, only existential quantification is used. Universal quantification will be introduced later. We adopt the usual scoping rules for quantifiers from first-order logic. Variables that are not explicitly quantified are free.

Free variables arise because CONDITION can occur in an if part of a rule. When this happens, the free variables in a condition formula are precisely those variables that also occur in the then part of the rule. We shall see in Section Horn Rules that such variables are quantified universally outside of the rule, and the scope of such quantification is the entire rule. For instance, the variable ?Y in the first RIF condition of Example 1 is quantified, existentially, but ?X is free. However, when this condition occurs in the if part of the second rule in Example 1, then this variable is quantified universally outside of the rule. (The precise syntax for RIF rules will be given in Section Horn Rules.)

Example 1 (A RIF condition in and outside of a rule)

 RIF condition:
                        Exists ?Y (condition(?X ?Y)) 

 RIF Horn rule:
        Forall ?X (then(?X) :-  Exists ?Y (condition(?X ?Y)))

When conditions are used as queries, their free variables are used to carry answer bindings back to the caller.

The following is a possible XML-serializing mapping of the abstract syntax in Section Abstract Syntax (and of the above EBNF syntax). This XML serialization is partially stripe-skipped in that it uses positional information instead of most role elements. The only place where role elements ('declare' and 'formula') are explicit is within the Exists element. Following the examples of Java and RDF, we use capitalized names for class elements and names that start with lowercase for role elements.

The all-uppercase non-terminals in EBNF, such as CONDITION, become XML entities. They act like macros and are not visible in instance markup. The other non-terminals and symbols (such as Exists or =) become XML elements, as shown below.

- And     (conjunction)
- Or      (disjunction)
- Exists  (quantified formula for 'Exists', containing declare and formula roles)
- declare (declare role, containing a Var)
- formula (formula role, containing a CONDITION formula)
- Uniterm (atomic or function-expression formula)
- Equal   (prefix version of term equation '=')
- Const   (individual, function symbol, or relation/predicate symbol)
- Var     (logic variable)

The following example illustrates XML serialization of RIF conditions.

Example 2 (A RIF condition and its XML serialization):

a. RIF condition:

  And ( Exists ?Buyer (purchase(?Buyer ?Seller book(?Author LeRif) $49)) ?Seller=?Author )

b. XML serialization:


Semantic Structures

The first step in defining a model-theoretic semantics for a logic-based language is to define the notion of a semantic structure, also known as an interpretation. (See end note on the rationale.)

A semantic structure, I, is a tuple of the form <D,IC, IV, IF, IR>, which determines the truth value of every formula, as explained below. Currently, by formula we mean anything produced by the CONDITION production in the EBNF. Later on this term will also include rules. Other dialects might extend this notion even further.

The set of truth values is denoted by TV. For RIF Core, TV includes only two values, t (true) and f (false). (See end note on truth values.)

The set TV has a total or partial order, called the truth order; it is denoted with <t. In RIF Core, f <t t, and it is a total order. (See end note on ordering truth values.)

To define how semantic structures determine the truth values of RIF formulas, we introduce the following sets:

As mentioned above, an interpretation, I, consists of a domain, D, and four mappings:

We remark that f() and f can be interpreted differently by semantic structures, and the proposed XML serialization also treats them as distinct terms: the nullary function application <Uniterm><Const>f</Const></Uniterm> vs. the symbol <Const>f</Const>. Semantically, neither f() = f nor f()f are entailed a priori. However, if desirable, a particular application or a dialect may introduce axioms of the form f = f() to equate symbols and nullary terms.

Using these mappings, we can define a more general mapping, I, as follows:

Truth values for formulas in RIF Core are determined using the following function, denoted ITruth:

Notice that the mapping ITruth is uniquely determined by the four mapping comprising I and, therefore, it does not need to be listed explicitly.

Multisorted RIF Logic

RIF uses multi-sorted logic to account for primitive data types, the use of IRIs as identifiers for objects and concepts, and more. This framework is general enough to accommodate a number of popular extensions, such as Prolog, HiLog, F-logic, Common Logic, and RDF, which allow the same symbol to play multiple roles. For instance, the same symbol, foo, can be used to denote an individual, a predicate of several different arities, and as a function symbol of different arities.

In a multisorted RIF Core, each symbol from Const is associated with a sort and zero or more signatures. A signature can be an arrow signature, or a Boolean signature. Arrow signatures are also known as function signatures, and Boolean signatures are also known as predicate signatures. A variable may be associated with one sort, or it may be unsorted (not associated with any sort).

Sorts are drawn from a fixed collection of sorts PS1, ..., PSn. These sorts are intended to model primitive data types. For instance, RIF Core supports the sorts xsd:long, xsd:string, xsd:dateTime, and rif:iri among others. The same symbol can be associated with more than one primitive sort. It is also possible that one sort would be a subsort of another. So, there is a partial order defined over the sorts. For example, the sort of short integers might be defined as a subsort of the sort of long integers, so every symbol of the sort xsd:short would also be associated with the sort xsd:long. In RIF, symbols of different sorts are distinguished syntactically. A concrete syntax for sorted symbols and variables is shown in Section Multisorted Syntax.

The language of the RIF sorted logic also provides a special sublanguage for defining the signatures of function symbols and predicates. An arrow signature is a statement of the form s1 × ... × sks, where s1, ..., sk, s are names of sorts (i.e., one of the PS1, ..., PSn) or the symbol _, which means "sortless", i.e., that any sort can appear in the corresponding position. For instance, xsd:dateTime × xsd:longxsd:dateTime could be an arrow signature for a function. A Boolean signature is a statement of the form s1 × ... × sk, where, again, s1, ..., sk are names of sorts or the symbol _ for sortless arguments. For instance, the predicate HappenedBefore may have a Boolean signature xsd:dateTime × xsd:dateTime. The arrow and Boolean signatures, along with the primitive sorts, are used in the definition of well-formed terms and formulas. This notion is defined in Section Formalization of the Multisorted RIF Logic. (See end note on using sorts to represent FOL, RDF, and other logics.)

Formalization of the Multisorted RIF Logic

In addition to the syntax for the sorted literals, RIF Core needs the following extensions. First, we introduce the following new functions:

Sort associates a sort with every symbol in Const. ASignature associates a (possibly empty) set of arrow signatures with every symbol. Similarly, BSignature associates a (possibly empty) set of Boolean signatures with every symbol in Const. The set of primitive sorts is assumed to be partially ordered. RIF Core defines a set of builtin sorts as well as the partial order on them. RIF dialects will add to this set and extend the order according to their needs.

The function Sort is also defined for variables:

It is a partial function in this case. The informal meaning is that if ?v ∈ Var and Sort(?v) = s then ?v can be bound only to terms that belong to the sort s (we define what it means for a term to belong to a particular sort below). If Sort(?v) is undefined then ?v is an unsorted variable, which can be bound to any term of any sort.

Well-formed function terms. Any symbol, c ∈ Const, is a well-formed function term of sort Sort(c) and also a well-formed unsorted term. A variable, ?v, is a well-formed term of sort Sort(?v), if Sort(?v) is defined. If Sort(?v) is not defined then ?v is a well-formed sortless term.

By induction, if f(t1 ... tk) is a function term then it is a well-formed function term of sort s if there is an arrow signature s1, ..., sksASignature(f) such that t1, ..., tk are well-formed function terms of sorts s1, ..., sk, respectively. If ti is sortless then si must be _. If t is a well-formed term of sort s and s' is a supersort of s then t is also a well-formed term of sort s'.

It is convenient to extend the mapping Sort from symbols in Const to terms created as function applications as follows:

Well-formed atomic formula. We can now say that an atomic formula p(t1, ..., tk) is well-formed if and only if t1, ..., tk are well-formed function terms and there is a Boolean signature s1 × ... × skBSignature(p) such that s1 = Sort(t1), ..., sk = Sort(tk).

From now on, we also require that all atomic formulas that occur in RIF conditions and rules must be well-formed.

Well-formed condition. A condition formula is well-formed if it is constructed out of well-formed atomic formulas.

Multisorted Syntax

Now we define how exactly the sorts are specified in RIF, i.e., how the functions Sort, ASignature, and BSignature are defined in practice.

Syntax for Primitive Sorts. In this document we will use the following syntax, following N-Triples, to specify the primitive sorts, which lie in the range of the function Sort:


For instance, "123"^^xsd:long is a symbol that belongs to the primitive sort xsd:long, "2007-11-23T03:55:44-02:30"^^xsd:dateTime is a symbol of sort xsd:dateTime, and ""^^rif:iri is a symbol that belongs to the sort rif:iri. The part of such symbols that occurs inside the double quotes is called a literal of the sorted symbol. The surrounding double quotes are not part of the literal. If a double quote must be included as part of a literal, it must be escaped with the backslash. Some frequently used sorted literals, namely strings, long integers, and decimals, will have alternative short notation, as explained below.

Variables can also be sorted. A variable ?v of sort xsd:dateTime, for example, is represented as ?v^^xsd:dateTime. We will continue to use our old notation, ?v, for unsorted variables, i.e., variables that range over the entire domain, which includes all sorts. (See end note on polymorphic symbols.)

The XML syntax for sorts can utilize the 'sort' attribute associated with XML term elements such as Const. For instance, the earlier xsd:dateTime example can be represented as <Const sort="xsd:dateTime">2007-11-23T03:55:44-02:30</Const>. A correspondingly sorted variable xyz would be written as <Var sort="xsd:dateTime">xyz</Var>.

Many primitive sorts in RIF may be based on the XML Schema data types and thus it is expected that some names of RIF primitive types will be references to those XML Schema types. In this case, these sorts will be IRI strings.

In this version of the RIF Core document, we define the following primitive sorts, where the prefix xsd refers to the XML Schema URI and rif is the prefix for the RIF language. The syntax such as xsd:long should be understood as a compact uri, i.e., a macro, which expands to a concatenation of the character sequence denoted by the prefix xsd and the string long. In the next version of this document we will introduce a syntax for defining prefixes for compact URIs and will also expand on the syntax for the symbols that can be used to denote RIF sorts.

The sort xsd:decimal is a supersort of xsd:long.

Other XML data types that are likely to be incorporated as RIF sorts include xsd:double, xsd:date, and a sort for temporal duration. At present, the partial order on the above sorts is imposed by the XML Schema hierarchy, so the only subsort relationship is between xsd:long and xsd:decimal. This may be extended as more sorts are added.

The domain of the aforesaid primitive sorts, which correspond to XML primitive data types is defined to be the value space associated with the corresponding data type as specified in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes. This means that, for example "1.2"^^xsd:decimal and "1.20"^^xsd:decimal represent the same symbol (i.e., IC("1.2"^^xsd:decimal) = IC("1.20"^^xsd:decimal) in every semantic structure). The same holds regarding the equalities defined for the value spaces of other data types.

The sort rif:iri is intended to be used in a way similar to RDFS resources. The domain of the sort rif:iri can be any set and no a priori equalities among the members of the sort rif:iri are assumed. This domain is not the same as the value space of the XML primitive type anyURI.

Specifying Arrow and Boolean Signatures. Arrow signatures are declared as follows. Note that multiple sorts can be declared for the same symbol.

Boolean signatures are declared similarly:

Note that NAME is a symbol from Const whose syntax was specified in Section Multisorted Syntax. In most cases functions and predicates are denoted by IRIs, so such a symbol will have the syntax "..."^^rif:iri. In many cases sorts will be XML Schema data types referred to by strings that syntactically look like IRIs (in the sense of RFC 3987), but they should not be confused with RIF symbols of the sort rif:iri. For instance, in "1"^^'', the sort specification is an IRI in the sense of RFC 3987, but it is not a rif:iri symbol, because it does not have the form ""^^rif:iri.

Sorts and Subsorts. Stating that a sort s1 is a subsort of s2 means the following:

There are also semantic implications to subsort relationship, which affect the definition of semantic structures. These implications are discussed in the next section.

Note that a priori there is no built-in equality of the form "a"^^s = "a"^^r unless s is a subsort of r. However, RIF dialects that extend the core may introduce additional implicit equalities between sorted constants for various reasons.

Recall that XML Schema imposes certain subsort relationships, such as that xsd:long is a subsort of xsd:decimal. The above definition of subsorts implies that for every integer number that can be represented using 64 bits, such as 12345, there is an equality axiom "12345"^^xsd:long = "12345"^^xsd:decimal.

In addition to what is imposed by XML Schema, RIF dialects might introduce subsort relationships of their own. For instance, although RIF Core does not require individuals to be disjoint from predicate symbols and functions, some dialects may choose to require such disjointness. This can be done by, for example, introducing disjoint sorts iriInd, iriPred, and iriFun all of which would be subsorts of the built-in sort iri.

Semantics of the Multisorted RIF Conditions

The definition of RIF semantic structures needs only minor modifications. A multisorted semantic structure I, consists of a domain D = Ds1 ∪ ... ∪ Dsn, and the same four mappings as before. Each Dsi is the domain of interpretation of the primitive sort si. If one sort, s1, is a subsort of another sort, s2, then the domain Ds1 is a subset of Ds2. Only the mappings IC, IV, and IF require some changes. These changes are expressed as additional constraints as indicated below.

Using these mappings, we can define a more general mapping, I, as follows:

The definition of ITruth stays the same.