closed |
Provide some info into the wiki on existing work on presence. |
Håkan Jonsson |
2009-05-21 |
closed |
Provide some data on privacy and context (channeling Mor Naaman) to the wiki. |
Mischa Tuffield |
2009-05-21 |
closed |
Provide some user stories regarding privacy. (Karl not recognised by trackbot.) |
2009-05-21 |
closed |
Provide some user stories regarding context. |
Julian Pye |
2009-05-21 |
closed |
Provide some user stories regarding context. |
Håkan Jonsson |
2009-05-21 |
closed |
Provide use-cases for privacy and context on wiki |
Oshani Seneviratne |
2009-05-21 |
closed |
Invite guest speakers and investigate their schedule (with danbri) |
Harry Halpin |
2009-05-21 |
closed |
Document throwaway IDs on Wiki |
Dan Brickley |
2009-05-27 |
closed |
Write up user story about different kinds of "single use" openids (eg. karma) |
Dan Brickley |
2009-05-27 |
closed |
Document takedowns as a user story |
Oshani Seneviratne |
2009-05-27 |
closed |
Produce a template for TF deliverables. |
Karl Dubost |
2009-05-27 |
closed |
Find someone from Opera to talk Widgets. |
Dan Brickley |
2009-05-27 |
closed |
Sketch a 5 line template for interaction with other groups (cf InvitedExperts, DiscussionTopics) |
Dan Brickley |
2009-05-27 |
closed |
Find a good final report template and port it to the wiki |
Adam Boyet |
2009-06-03 |
closed |
Draft wiki pages for task forces |
Toby Inkster |
2009-06-03 |
closed |
Add mobile companies to to Invited Guests and to brainstorm what exact questions or topics would be most interesting |
Christine Perey |
2009-06-03 |
closed |
Document developer stories on wiki. |
Toby Inkster |
2009-06-03 |
closed |
Create a matrix for surveying a list of social networks |
Karl Dubost |
2009-06-03 |
closed |
Retrieve top X social networking sites from the top 500 sites of Alexa |
Harry Halpin |
2009-06-03 |
closed |
Make list of top 30 to do profiles on, to merge with hhalpin's list on alexa |
Christine Perey |
2009-06-03 |
closed |
Http:// would refer to the new version, there will be a 'previous version' link to the current one |
Harry Halpin |
2009-06-03 |
closed |
Get tinkster CVS access. |
Harry Halpin |
2009-06-03 |
closed |
Make scribelist |
Harry Halpin |
2009-06-10 |
closed |
Find a good final report template and port it to the wiki |
Adam Boyet |
2009-06-10 |
closed |
Follow up re whether to use survey tool at w3c or elsewhere |
Dan Brickley |
2009-06-10 |
closed |
Draft e-mail about a follow-up workshop |
Christine Perey |
2009-06-10 |
closed |
And DanBri and hhalpin to schedule |
Renato Iannella |
2009-06-10 |
closed |
Contact Evan over OpenMicroblogging and W3C |
Karl Dubost |
2009-06-10 |
closed |
Put the document on data independence on the SWXG wiki |
Karl Dubost |
2009-06-10 |
closed |
Start putting agenda on wiki day after meeting |
Harry Halpin |
2009-06-17 |
closed |
Write up draft scoping and definition for portability and architecture task force. |
joaquin Salvachua |
2009-06-17 |
closed |
Open poll about meeting at or around TPAC in November |
Harry Halpin |
2009-06-17 |
closed |
Make DKA's day [RESOLVED] |
Harry Halpin |
2009-06-17 |
closed |
Make a calendar of topics for upcoming Social Web XGs |
Harry Halpin |
2009-06-17 |
closed |
Invite Nathan Eagle |
Håkan Jonsson |
1970-01-01 |
closed |
Organise meeteing to discuss scope of portability and architecture TF |
joaquin Salvachua |
2009-06-24 |
closed |
Line up Evan as guest speaker |
Dan Brickley |
2009-06-24 |
closed |
Document danbri's microblogging provenance question as a user story. |
Toby Inkster |
2009-06-24 |
closed |
Write up orkut/i18n/"looking for" issue |
Dan Brickley |
2009-06-24 |
closed |
Create draft use-case document in W3C CVS |
Harry Halpin |
2009-07-01 |
closed |
Invite Dan to W3C Social Web XG for context comm call |
Daniel Appelquist |
2009-07-01 |
closed |
And hhalpin to write up kaliya's talk for future report |
Henry Story |
2009-07-01 |
closed |
And hhalpin to write up kaliya's talk for future report |
Henry Story |
2009-07-08 |
closed |
Send e-mail to id commons saying we endorse their principles, have a link to us |
Harry Halpin |
2009-07-08 |
closed |
Look for similar use cases lists to expand ours |
Tim Anglade |
2009-07-08 |
closed |
Contact eran to talk, also about LRDD. |
Harry Halpin |
2009-07-08 |
closed |
Summarize josh and soren't talk |
Mischa Tuffield |
2009-07-15 |
closed |
Describe/implement a git repo of terms and conditions, and how they change between now and the end of the XG. |
Mischa Tuffield |
2009-07-15 |
closed |
Circulate wookie proposal to the xg |
Dan Brickley |
2009-07-15 |
closed |
Write up the boeing use case for enterprise social networks |
Adam Boyet |
2009-07-15 |
closed |
Write up the social network data exchange story |
Harry Halpin |
2009-07-15 |
closed |
Add user story along lines of... if you enable import of contacts from other sites, then it lowers the barrier to entry for new people signing up at your site, hence get more users, hence get more advertising revenue. |
Toby Inkster |
2009-07-15 |
closed |
Write up widget business tory |
Dan Brickley |
2009-07-15 |
closed |
Summarize OSLO and geoLocation conversation in order to spread knowledge of these efforts among W3C members. |
Daniel Appelquist |
2009-07-22 |
closed |
addition to the template for user stories: pre-conditions |
Sören Preibusch |
2009-07-15 |
closed |
Contact Dave Ragget and invite him to talk to the XG |
Phil Archer |
2009-07-29 |
closed |
Summarize metrics and gypsii talk |
Harry Halpin |
2009-08-05 |
closed |
Take action to clean up the web-page and make it less intimidating to those who aren't members |
Harry Halpin |
2009-08-05 |
closed |
Write up use case based on Chinese situation |
Ronald Reck |
2009-08-05 |
closed |
Write up use case based on shill case |
Ronald Reck |
2009-08-05 |
closed |
Send some thoughts on new template to be sent out to listserv |
Ronald Reck |
2009-08-05 |
closed |
Make WBS for use-cases champions |
Harry Halpin |
2009-08-26 |
closed |
Ask Nathan Eagle for the draft of his chapter |
Harry Halpin |
2009-08-26 |
closed |
Send some e-mail about use-cases out... |
Henry Story |
2009-08-26 |
closed |
E-mail Amy to tell her Monday-Tuesday works |
Harry Halpin |
2009-09-02 |
closed |
See if first half of use-cases can be fit under following scheme: 1. create profile 2. connect to other profiles and 3 collect data from existing profiles and 4. delete profile |
Ted Thibodeau |
2009-09-02 |
closed |
Flesh out anonymous usecase connecting to multiple identies and null provenance |
Ronald Reck |
2009-09-09 |
closed |
Merge document takedown with time-related takedown "forget this in ten years" and more general concept of data removal. |
Oshani Seneviratne |
2009-09-09 |
closed |
Take on "Last Will and Testament Usecase", referencing it as both a legal issue and with regards document takedown |
Daniel Appelquist |
2009-09-09 |
closed |
Merge Family and Group access usecases |
Henry Story |
2009-09-09 |
closed |
Flesh out "Intransitivity of Policies Applied to Social Network Data" |
Oshani Seneviratne |
2009-09-09 |
closed |
Drop bidirectional use case |
Harry Halpin |
2009-09-09 |
closed |
Work on fleshing on "Virtual Private Organisation Use Case" reference distributed data access control policy |
Adam Boyet |
2009-09-09 |
closed |
Drop "too many channels" |
Harry Halpin |
2009-09-09 |
closed |
Relabel data protection use case to be about controlled access and takedown to data "about" you |
Henry Story |
2009-09-09 |
closed |
Explain to henry and oshani doc editing process for usecases |
Harry Halpin |
2009-09-09 |
closed |
Start a wiki page about the open day session at TPAC. |
Christine Perey |
2009-09-16 |
closed |
Double-check on TPAC, make sure SWXG is booked. |
Daniel Appelquist |
2009-09-16 |
closed |
Reframe the geolocation/intent/portability |
Oshani Seneviratne |
2009-09-16 |
closed |
Flesh out Data Protection use-case specifying user vs. purpose, cite their work in PrimeLife |
Carine Bournez |
2009-09-16 |
closed |
Needs to convert previous minutes into HTML via some script |
Harry Halpin |
2009-09-23 |
closed |
Check on Monday 2nd of Nov. for SUN space for Social Web open day |
Henry Story |
2009-09-23 |
closed |
Communicate Monday->Tuesday switch for SWXG. |
Daniel Appelquist |
2009-09-23 |
closed |
Write up David Raggett's guest talk on context, delegated privacy providers, and so on. |
Melvin Carvalho |
2009-09-23 |
closed |
Get back to people on possible telecon time to change to 15:00 UTC. |
Harry Halpin |
2009-09-30 |
closed |
Book global lockbox as an invited speaker |
Christine Perey |
2009-09-30 |
closed |
Write summary of Ros's talk |
Phil Archer |
2009-09-30 |
closed |
Invite Ben Laurie from OAuth/Google Wave security to W3C Social Web talk |
Harry Halpin |
2009-10-07 |
closed |
Look into activitystreams invite, maybe Chris Messina |
Peter Ferne |
2009-11-18 |
closed |
Invite BBC Persia people to talk about their use of social media |
Mischa Tuffield |
2009-10-07 |
closed |
Write up Peter's talk on XMPP |
Mischa Tuffield |
2009-10-07 |
closed |
Summarize Evan's talk |
Toby Inkster |
2009-10-14 |
closed |
Summarize to call. |
Daniel Appelquist |
2009-10-14 |
closed |
Put up wiki page about social networks deploying these technologies. |
Mischa Tuffield |
2009-10-21 |
closed |
Make agenda for TPAC Tuesday |
Harry Halpin |
2009-10-21 |
ACTION-100 |
closed |
Ping hhalpin names for OAuth talk from Webapps |
Daniel Appelquist |
2009-10-21 |
ACTION-101 |
closed |
Write up Matt Lee's talk |
Adam Boyet |
2009-10-21 |
ACTION-102 |
closed |
Check out FOAF and PortableContacts mapping. |
Harry Halpin |
2009-11-04 |
ACTION-103 |
closed |
Ping issue richard ishida to join portable contacts list |
Harry Halpin |
2009-11-04 |
ACTION-104 |
closed |
Write a use case about business social networks - on an intranet - e.g. when ownership or editorship of certain parts of your profile are not under the user's control. |
Adam Boyet |
2009-11-10 |
ACTION-105 |
closed |
Send notes to camp to Social Web XG wiki and |
Daniel Appelquist |
2009-11-18 |
ACTION-106 |
closed |
Write-up output of XG meeting next Tuesday |
Daniel Appelquist |
2009-11-18 |
ACTION-107 |
closed |
Develop 3 outlines - story 1, story 2, story 3 - and relate to existing user stories. |
Tim Anglade |
2009-11-25 |
ACTION-108 |
closed |
Flesh out corporate stories |
Christine Perey |
2009-12-02 |
ACTION-109 |
closed |
Take business narrative |
Christine Perey |
2009-12-02 |
ACTION-110 |
closed |
Take on corporate story |
Adam Boyet |
2009-12-02 |
ACTION-111 |
closed |
Take on |
Tim Anglade |
2009-12-02 |
ACTION-112 |
closed |
Start on developer story |
Mischa Tuffield |
2009-12-02 |
ACTION-113 |
closed |
Try to get TimBL to either talk or write-up his use-cases |
Harry Halpin |
2009-12-02 |
ACTION-114 |
closed |
Tag existing stories |
Tim Anglade |
2009-12-09 |
ACTION-115 |
closed |
Set up a *oodle thing to pick a date for widget/apis telecon |
Dan Brickley |
2009-12-09 |
ACTION-116 |
closed |
Write up proposals about W3C membership revisions |
Tim Anglade |
2009-12-16 |
ACTION-117 |
closed |
Ping Renato about Jan 27th |
Harry Halpin |
2010-01-20 |
ACTION-118 |
closed |
Email the XG to ask people to come XMPP summit |
Dan Brickley |
2010-01-20 |
ACTION-119 |
closed |
Schedule something on and widgets and opensocial |
Dan Brickley |
2010-01-20 |
ACTION-120 |
closed |
Take on corporate story |
Adam Boyet |
2010-01-20 |
ACTION-121 |
closed |
Setup doodle for widget/api talk |
Dan Brickley |
2010-01-20 |
ACTION-122 |
closed |
Doodle over XG vs IG |
Harry Halpin |
2010-01-20 |
ACTION-123 |
closed |
And DKA to blog or wikize something on co-ordination in the social web |
Dan Brickley |
2010-01-20 |
ACTION-124 |
closed |
Put these principles in new wiki page |
Harry Halpin |
2010-02-17 |
ACTION-125 |
closed |
Inquire about BradFitzpatrick and Social Graph API |
Dan Brickley |
2010-03-03 |
ACTION-126 |
closed |
Make WBS survey on ranking future topics to be continued afterwards |
Harry Halpin |
2010-03-03 |
ACTION-127 |
closed |
Look at Contact API and put those in Google Doc |
Melvin Carvalho |
2010-03-03 |
ACTION-128 |
closed |
Get you data on OpenSocial from Kevin Marks, DAP Contact API work from Thomas Roessler |
Harry Halpin |
2010-03-03 |
ACTION-129 |
closed |
Draft XMPP and mobile notes and put them on wiki |
Anita Döhler |
2010-03-03 |
ACTION-130 |
closed |
Discuss liasoning after AC meeting |
Daniel Appelquist |
2010-03-29 |
ACTION-131 |
closed |
Write up F2F notes plus whatever face-to-face stuff TimBl might say |
Melvin Carvalho |
2010-03-03 |
ACTION-132 |
closed |
Send Team a simple e-mail overview for Social Web API |
Harry Halpin |
2010-03-10 |
ACTION-133 |
closed |
Email Renato and Christine to take into final document |
Harry Halpin |
2010-04-14 |
ACTION-134 |
closed |
Help make picture of landscape |
Peter Ferne |
2010-04-14 |
ACTION-135 |
closed |
Write 2-3 sentences for each story |
Tim Anglade |
2010-04-14 |
ACTION-136 |
closed |
Re-email some of the invited talk people on possible future standardizati |
Harry Halpin |
2010-04-14 |
ACTION-137 |
closed |
Send personal reminders that final report actions should be done before next meeting |
Harry Halpin |
2010-04-21 |
ACTION-138 |
closed |
Write Introduction |
Daniel Appelquist |
2010-06-09 |
ACTION-139 |
closed |
Write part 2 State of the Social Web in 2010 |
Melvin Carvalho |
2010-06-09 |
ACTION-140 |
closed |
Work on a summary extract of the Social Web current use-cases for part 3 on wiki pages |
Tim Anglade |
2010-06-09 |
ACTION-142 |
closed |
Invite for latest development talk Connect and WebID and v.Next |
Harry Halpin |
2010-06-09 |
ACTION-143 |
closed |
And bblfish to work on gap analysis |
Paul Trevithick |
2010-06-23 |
ACTION-144 |
closed |
Write introduction. |
Daniel Appelquist |
2010-06-30 |
ACTION-145 |
closed |
Draft bullet points straw-man for gap analysis |
Daniel Appelquist |
2010-06-30 |
ACTION-146 |
closed |
Review cperey's first draft of business section |
Paul Trevithick |
2010-06-30 |
ACTION-147 |
closed |
Take a stab at gap analysis and add to part V on the wiki link above. |
Henry Story |
2010-07-07 |
ACTION-148 |
closed |
Add material to report around OneLiners and Guest Speaker input. |
Daniel Appelquist |
2010-07-07 |
ACTION-149 |
closed |
Add some material to |
Mischa Tuffield |
2010-07-07 |
ACTION-150 |
closed |
Do a para on foaf+ssl and webid |
Henry Story |
2010-08-11 |
ACTION-151 |
closed |
Put stubs in for technologies discussed into final report... |
Mischa Tuffield |
2010-08-11 |
ACTION-152 |
closed |
Integrate the use cases into an appendix. |
Daniel Appelquist |
2010-08-11 |
ACTION-153 |
closed |
Write a blurb for the report on gnu social |
Melvin Carvalho |
2010-08-11 |
ACTION-154 |
closed |
Shorten too long use-cases and see if he can reference in SWAT test cases. |
Daniel Appelquist |
2010-08-18 |
ACTION-156 |
closed |
For diaspora to talk about being included in final report. |
Daniel Appelquist |
2010-08-18 |
ACTION-157 |
closed |
Ping Chris Messina over Google Buzz to talk about being included in final report. |
Harry Halpin |
2010-08-18 |
ACTION-158 |
closed |
Put stubs in for technologies discussed into final report... |
Mischa Tuffield |
2010-08-18 |
ACTION-159 |
closed |
Do a para on foaf+ssl and webid |
Henry Story |
2010-08-18 |
ACTION-160 |
closed |
Write up paragraph on tagging and send to hhalpin |
Alexandre Passant |
2010-08-18 |
ACTION-161 |
closed |
And mtuffield to write a new introductory paragraph with definition of social web and case for open-source/business use of standards |
Henry Story |
2010-08-25 |
ACTION-162 |
closed |
Add to intro a "user story" of why current approaches don't work. |
Ted Thibodeau |
2010-08-25 |
ACTION-163 |
closed |
Flesh out and draft identity section |
Henry Story |
2010-08-25 |
ACTION-164 |
closed |
Flesh out profile standards |
Alexandre Passant |
2010-08-25 |
ACTION-166 |
closed |
Ping richard ishida over internationalization and track down accessibility |
Harry Halpin |
2010-08-25 |
ACTION-167 |
closed |
Shorten too long use-cases and see if he can reference in SWAT test cases. |
Daniel Appelquist |
2010-09-01 |
ACTION-169 |
closed |
Get aza to talk to us by end of Sept. |
Mischa Tuffield |
2010-09-01 |
ACTION-170 |
closed |
Set up HTML5/Interaction domain telecon before Sept. |
Harry Halpin |
2010-09-01 |
ACTION-171 |
closed |
Ask sandro to attend IIW East |
Harry Halpin |
2010-09-08 |
ACTION-172 |
closed |
Shorten too long use-cases and see if he can reference in SWAT test cases. |
Daniel Appelquist |
2010-09-08 |
ACTION-173 |
closed |
Diaspora to talk about being included in final report (interoperable code-basess agreed to SWAT tests?). |
Mischa Tuffield |
2010-09-08 |
ACTION-174 |
closed |
Flesh out of profile section |
Alexandre Passant |
2010-09-08 |
ACTION-175 |
closed |
Give a good draft of content section |
Mischa Tuffield |
2010-09-08 |
ACTION-176 |
closed |
Work on strategy document |
Harry Halpin |
2010-09-08 |