Input for Agenda Planning for the Social Web Incubator Group
This is the view of actions grouped by issues ordered by due dates; see also the view of issues groups by products.
Action Items Pending Review
There are 5 pending review actions.
ID | State | Title | Person | Due Date | Associated with |
pending review | Create a liasons list on the Wiki and list himself for SPARQL. | Alexandre Passant | 2009-05-27 | |
pending review | See about SIOC liason | Alexandre Passant | 2009-06-03 | |
pending review | Follow up with Evan, see if July 1st date to talk about microblogging works. | Karl Dubost | 2009-06-17 | |
pending review | W3C-style "edit" user stories on | Harry Halpin | 2009-06-17 | |
ACTION-155 |
pending review | Write up a paragraph on OpenLink Dataspaces for final report | Ted Thibodeau | 2010-08-18 |
Overdue action items
There are 5 overdue actions.
ID | State | Title | Person | Due Date | Associated with |
ACTION-141 |
open | Write what he thinks is an adequate contribution | Dan Brickley | 2010-06-09 | |
ACTION-165 |
open | And melvster to review activity standards | Harry Halpin | 2010-08-25 | |
ACTION-168 |
open | Work on the strategy document | Harry Halpin | 2010-09-01 | |
ACTION-177 |
open | Move use-case appendix to separate document. | Harry Halpin | 2010-09-22 | |
ACTION-178 |
open | Add in all of slide 16, keep danbri's text | Harry Halpin | 2010-10-06 |
Action items due next week
There are 0 upcoming actions.
Issues discussed over the last week
There are 0 recently discussed issues listed in the system.