ACTION-51: Summarize josh and soren't talk

Summarize josh and soren't talk

Mischa Tuffield
Due on:
July 15, 2009
Created on:
July 8, 2009
Related emails:
  1. Meeting Minutes July 8th Social Web Incubator Group (from on 2009-07-14)

Related notes:

I have summarised the talk, and Sören have made changes to the wiki, and is happy with it.

Mischa Tuffield, 11 Aug 2009, 10:12:09

Display change log.

Dan Brickley <>, Daniel Appelquist <>, Harry Halpin <>, Chairs, Coralie Mercier <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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