See also: IRC log
<RalphS> (Day 2)
<RalphS> [David, when it's your own nick you can simply say "zakim, I am David_Wood"]
<RalphS> [network in meeting room is not working today]
<RalphS> [PhilT]
<RalphS> [Libby scribing, apparently]
<RalphS> [scribing is off-line due to network]
<RalphS> [Jeremy makes some comments that can't be heard remotely]
<RalphS> DanBri: not concerned that this sort of document doesn't match normal W3C content
<RalphS> DBooth: will send some comments
<RalphS> ... is an interesting research area but my impression is that the content is speculative rather than "best practice"
<RalphS> ??: easy transition to modelling in OWL
<RalphS> DBooth: my comments only apply to the first (ODA) document
<RalphS> Guus: apparently the issue with the [ODA] document is that it is less technical in nature
<RalphS> [these notes extremely sketchy due to not being able to hear speakers; mostly serve to provide places to hang expected email]
<RalphS> Guus: would the TF object if we only published the [Primer for OO] now?
<RalphS> David: comparing SemWeb technologies with O-O is a good step
<RalphS> ... agree that ODA document is lacking in technical content
<RalphS> ... if TF publishes a doc in the near term, it should be the Primer
<RalphS> Andreas: the University network is down
<Zakim> Ralph, you wanted to raise a procedural objection to publishing O-O Primer at the moment
<RalphS> Ralph: Holger has not been appointed to the WG
<RalphS> ... either of the institutions can appoint him, as both are W3C Members
<RalphS> ... so the Member has signed the IPR (good) but Holger's AC Rep needs to acknowledge agreement with the WG participation requirements
<RalphS> Jeremy: I volunteer to review Primer on behalf of the WG
<RalphS> Evan: I'm listed as author but didn't contribute much
<RalphS> Mike: I am willing to review
<RalphS> ... [later] I prefer to pass
<RalphS> Guus: I propose 25 Nov as review deadline
<RalphS> Jeremy: the document contains two screen shots
<RalphS> ... does this imply endorsement?
<RalphS> ... Protege and Altova
<RalphS> ... Protege probably OK as it's open source
<RalphS> Ralph: there may be a copyright issue
<RalphS> ACTION: Ralph ask if there's a policy on implicit endorsement of commercial products by showing screen shots in a TR [recorded in]
<RalphS> Guus: I would prefer a separate tools page as that material gets out of date
<RalphS> DanBri: not too concerned about the endorsement question
<RalphS> ... may be good for W3C to show an open source product and a commercial product side-by-side
<RalphS> Phil: how do we show that these things are a reality?
<RalphS> ACTION: Phil get copyright permission for these screen shots [recorded in]
<RalphS> Mike, Evan: use swoop instead of Altova
<RalphS> ... and mention that there are commercial tools
<RalphS> DanBri: could point to the SWIG and its public mailing list as a forum where other tool developers can announce their products
<RalphS> ??: all such tools can be included in the Application & Demos list
<RalphS> David: reader has to read deeply into the document in order to find the rationale
<RalphS> ... would like the TF to move rationale closer to the beginning
<RalphS> ... a list of products needs to be complete at its time of publishing
<RalphS> Phil: hearing a consensus to refer to an updateable list
<RalphS> David: is still being maintained?
<RalphS> Guus: it's appropriate to delay the review deadline until this question is resolved of screenshots and which products are referenced
<RalphS> ACTION: Phil send mail describing how the Primer will handle references to products [recorded in]
<RalphS> Guus: depending on review comments we could hope to decide on publishing the Primer at the 28 Nov telecon
<RalphS> Ralph: regrets for 28 Nov telecon
<RalphS> Evan: perhaps the ODA document could be moved into the Interest Group
<RalphS> DBooth: I'm uncomfortable with SWBPD publishing this document as it's speculative research
<RalphS> DanBri: it's hard to say that a given document represents consensus of SWIG as it's a large group
<RalphS> ... the recently-published Calendaring note represented several years of discussion in SWIG
<RalphS> ... in the case of ODA I'd prefer that there were evidence of the material coming from a larger set of WG participants
<RalphS> Phil: the practice discussed in this note is a reality now
<RalphS> ... intended to be an introduction to people not familiar with the area
<RalphS> ... so the style may be wrong but the content is correct
<RalphS> ... I'm hearing this is difficult for the WG to sponsor
<RalphS> ... at the Boston f2f we heard that this is a valuable piece of work so we moved it forward
<RalphS> ... where do we go from here?
<RalphS> Guus: there's a difference of perspective from the outside on a WG Note versus an IG Note
<RalphS> ... this work seems worth publishing
<RalphS> DanBri: thinking about SWIG situation there are two types of documents
<RalphS> ... the RDF Calendar doc represented several years of discussion
<RalphS> ... this document is just at the start
<RalphS> ... I would be willing to present this to SWIG in that context
<RalphS> Guus: I would expect the IG to comment
<RalphS> ... but there's less need for consensus within the IG before publishing
<RalphS> ... so more 'discussion' rather than 'review'
<RalphS> Phil: I'd like to see publication as soon as possible
<RalphS> Jeremy: disagree that there was consensus in Boston about this work
<RalphS> ... I don't think this is appropriate as either a WG or an IG Note
<RalphS> Guus: I thought this version was a big step forward from the Boston version
<RalphS> Ralph: I think this is a contribution that should be acknowledged and published somehow but it might not be a "Technical Report"
<RalphS> Guus: note that the IG represents a much broader audience, so discussion there already achieves a goal of widening awareness
<RalphS> DanBri: [something about identity reasoning that should be communicated into future Rules requirements]
<RalphS> review version of XSCH [Jeremy 2005-10-27]
<RalphS> Jeremy: the main issue has to do with equality of typed literals coming from different branches of the XML hierarchy
<RalphS> ... e.g. zero
<RalphS> ... as a float, double, or decimal
<RalphS> ... from some points of view these are not comparable and from other points of view they are comparable
<RalphS> ... Jeff and I took the view that making these comparable was most sensible for users
<RalphS> ... but we got some developer feedback that this would be hard to implement
<RalphS> ... during discussion last night, Evan suggested that taking the conservative approach that these are not comparable is less error-prone
<RalphS> ... and datatype properties could have range constraints to help avoid typing issues
<RalphS> ... SPARQL's position is that these are different but it's possible to write a SPARQL query ... [writes on whiteboard] ....
<RalphS> ... containing an XPath 'equals' that does type conversion as required
<RalphS> DBooth: does this apply only to literals or does it also apply to computed values?
<RalphS> Jeremy: how do you compute values? if by a plug-in, the plug-in will make a decision about the types
<RalphS> ... real decision here is about literals
<RalphS> ... when fixing a Jena bug in indexing over literals in triple tables we want to index over values rather than over lexical forms
<RalphS> ... in order to make lookups efficient you have to make a decision about what key to use in the index
<RalphS> ... rounding errors make it hard to have a consistent lookup key for numbers when they're represented in different ways
<RalphS> Guus: zero is a special case in mathematics, so please don't use it as the base of the decision
<RalphS> Jeremy: we use 1.3 in the document as it rounds differently
<RalphS> Guus: how about treating everything as different except zero; zero is a special case
<RalphS> Jeremy: we could also choose not to make a decision at this stage and document both approaches
<RalphS> DBooth: this issue of rounding differences is well-known in Computer Science
<RalphS> ... so there's a basis for expecting people to understand that [these values] could compare as different
<RalphS> Jeff: [unhearable]
<RalphS> Phil: the general notion of precision of definition is important
<RalphS> DanBri: queries will be written by people with [non-CS] backgrounds
<RalphS> Jeremy: the purpose of the decision I'd like the WG to make is to say what documents mean and what entailments hold
<RalphS> ... it's possible to address rounding issues in the application either way once we decide what the document means
<RalphS> DanBri: there appears to be a dependency with SPARQL
<RalphS> Jeremy: it's not a formal dependency and I'd like to see this document closed
<RalphS> ... I'd like a straw poll on this type comparison question
<RalphS> DBooth: but the actual value of "1.3"^^xsd:float is not 1.3
<RalphS> Jeff: yes, it is
<RalphS> ... [even if the machine representation is different]
<RalphS> DanBri: this discussion makes me feel this is a very architectural-level issue for SemWeb
<RalphS> Guus: this issue goes along with qualified cardinality restrictions and compound keys as fundamental SemWeb architecture
<RalphS> Jeremy: [words straw poll]
<RalphS> ... example 3h
<RalphS> ... is example 3H an entailment or is it not or do we not decide?
<RalphS> Ben: ... want to point out ...
<RalphS> ... I agree that "1.3"^^xsd:decimal entails "1.3"^^xsd:float but not the other way around
<RalphS> Jeremy: until you make a full concrete proposal I don't think you understand
<RalphS> ??: can I have two equals operators one of which supports this entailment and the other that doesn't?
<RalphS> Jeremy: I'm not totally sure but I believe this is possible
<RalphS> ??: you can define your own XPath functions
<RalphS> [straw poll]
<RalphS> Guus: third option reworded as 'leave it to applications'
<RalphS> results: does entail: 0, does not entail: 9, leave it to applications: 12
<RalphS> Jeremy: leaving it to the application is a non-monotonic choice
<RalphS> Ralph: could we discuss, please, the interoperability issues if we leave this choice to applications
<RalphS> Jeremy: is it possible to publish noting that we did not reach a decision on this question?
<RalphS> Guus: that would be my least-preferred choice
<RalphS> [15 minute coffee break]
<RalphS> resuming ...
<RalphS> [logistics for SKOS breakout session]
<RalphS> [Jeff scribing]
<RalphS> Semantic Web Tutorials
<RalphS> Guus: there's a planned activity on education and outreach
<RalphS> Ralph: "The mission of the Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) is to develop strategies, and awareness and training resources, to educate a variety of audiences regarding the need for Web accessibility and approaches to implementing Web accessibility."
<RalphS> WAI EO WG Charter
<RalphS> Guus: Fabien, could you post to the WG a list of the available resources in Europe?
<RalphS> [ADTF]
<RalphS> [previous discussion was on Tutorials page]
<RalphS> [ADTF,ALL] goals for f2f [Libby 2005-11-04]
<RalphS> Libby: I'm proposing that this work be moved to SWIG at the end of January
<RalphS> Guus: might be more appropriate for Education & Outreach also
<RalphS> ... SWBPD has had a hard time giving it sufficient attention
<RalphS> Fabien: it's important to show people what the data looks like
<RalphS> Ralph: a combined approach -- involve the developer community via SWIG to make viewers for DOAP resources which then will foster more DOAP files that an Education & Outreach WG could use
<RalphS> ACTION: Ralph cite relevant CG meeting records regarding SemWeb Education & Outreach discussions [recorded in]
<RalphS> [DAWG Liaison]
<RalphS> [All] SPARQL Query Language Review [David 2005-10-14]
<RalphS> David: I made some oversights in that draft that DanC has since corrected
<RalphS> ... I have drafted responses to the comments and would like the WG to decide whether to submit these or not
<RalphS> ... the review has not been formally sent to DAWG yet, but DAWG noticed it in our archive
<RalphS> Brian: ...
<RalphS> [Guus summarizes for Brian]
<RalphS> Brian: comments about the design of the language may be inappropriate for SWBPD
<RalphS> ... more appropriate would be comments on how to use SPARQL
<RalphS> ... commenting only on the basis of work that SWBPD has done
<RalphS> David: I did highlight some interoperability and scalability concerns which are appropriate for SWBPD
<RalphS> Guus: consider splitting personal comments from SemWeb best practice and add XSD datatype issue
<RalphS> ... Jeremy or Jeff asked to phrase the XSD datatype issue for David to incorporate
<RalphS> [I think Brian said what I'd wanted to say, won't push to get the floor unless there's a pause]
<RalphS> Brian: considering interoperability and scalability comments it's not clear we can base this on existing work of the WG
<RalphS> David: is there anything other than [XSD] that we can send to DAWG on behalf of the WG?
<Zakim> Ralph, you wanted to commend David for good comments but to question which ones are _SemWeb_ Best Practice and which are best practice in other areas
<RalphS> Ralph: one point that might be relevant to SWBPD is the bnode question
<RalphS> David: I'd like SWBPD to consider both bnode and the result of DESCRIBE
<RalphS> [ODM Liaison]
<RalphS> Elisa: ... midnight 14 Nov ... (some deadline)
<RalphS> ... that version of ODM developed largely by people also participating in this WG; e.g. Chris Welty has become IBM lead on ODM work
<RalphS> ... a version will be published next week
<libby> ...thinks the current product is signifiantly improved esp wrt rdf and owl
<RalphS> ... RDF & OWL profile will allow UML tool vendors to ...
<RalphS> ... topic maps metamodels also revised
<RalphS> ... doc to be published by 14 Nov
<RalphS> ... will be stable except possibly for some metamodel mappings
<RalphS> ... comments on that document will be appreciated; I will pass along to OMG anything sent here
<RalphS> ... very excited about the progress
<RalphS> ... I will point people to particular chapters that might be of special interest
<libby> [VM]
<RalphS> minutes from SWBP f2f 2005-11-05 first session: SE and XSD datatypes [Libby 2005-11-05]
<libby> al giving status update
<libby> al: started off wanting to do a more general note
<RalphS> [VM] VM Task Force update [Tom Baker 2005-11-25]
<libby> ...what you get from dereferencing, downloads, versioning etc
<libby> ...draft on wiki; Al revised; no time to finish
<libby> ...idea to just do URI dereferencing part
<libby>'s what SKOS does, DC, foaf, here's what they did practically: that's the new goal, realistic for start feb
<libby> al: problem is foaf skos dc doesn't quite do the same thing yet
<libby> ...minumum requirem,ents + extra stuff - see Al's email
<libby> ...Vm telecon scheduled, incl w3c web people for a sanity check of Al's suggested apache configs
<libby> ...not sure how Tom feels about the note...
<libby> guus: big waste if don't produce anything; this brief note seems very relevant; bit concerned re timing, resources
<libby> al: is the apache stuff turns out to be ok, will be fast to do
<libby> guus: what do you need from the WG here?
<libby> al: validating the set of specified requirments (how we want the uris to behave) ....[missed a bit]
<libby> guus: useful for people to comment now?
<libby> al: yes
<Zakim> Ralph, you wanted to characterize the BP Note that VM is converging on now
<libby> jc: scope: with/wthout fragids?
<libby> al: both
<libby> ralph: represents a short answer to the q: what should I put at the end of an rdf schema; very pragmatic
<libby> [/me not catching all of it, sorry ralph]
<libby> ralph does not expect a lot of controversey
<libby> jc: hopes nop controversey but fears secondary resources might be just as contentious as primary
<libby> al: read the document, thinks clear
<libby> ...thing prepared for the next telecon - help from wg is first section only
<RalphS> specifically, the document Alistair prepared for VMTF telecon on 15 Nov
<RalphS> [VM] Agenda for 15 Nov Telecon [Alistair 2005-11-01]
<libby> danbri: based on the skos breakout and discussions yesterday - to know more about partitioning owl dl and owl full versions would be really useful - not needed for this version though - but any info wg members have on good strategies here woudl be useful
<libby> al: describe current first
<libby> guus: before lunch - 2 reviewers for Al's documents and also look over now
<libby> andreas volunteers
<libby> david booth voluneers
<RalphS> Guus: I'm not inclined to continue this TF in the charter for a new Best Practices group
<libby> guus: how should this work continue? personal feeling ... not inclined to include in new charter unless new contact and clear that will fucntion better in the future
<libby> ...likes danbri's suggestion but interested in that in a particular context
<RalphS> ... DanBri's observation that OWL-DL question requires a proper place
<libby> al: also versioning
<libby> guus: perhaps for discussion later; think of the proper place for these items
<libby> ...and how can we make sure in the future that the work gets done (not intended as a criticism of participants)
<libby> ...for later discussion: versioning and resolving uris to OWL DL / OWL full
<RalphS> [ah, DanBri's OWL-DL point was apparently about how to resolve an RDF namespace URI to an RDFS, OWL-DL, or OWL-Full representation]
<RalphS> [that's perhaps a hard problem and not something we have sufficient practices yet to nominate a 'best' practice]
<libby> lunch: resume 13.45 GMT
<RalphS> [70 minute lunch break]
<RalphS> oops
<libby> internet is back!
<RalphS> yay!
<libby> photos from yesterday updated:
<RalphS> [how much weight did Jeremy gain? ]
<RalphS> blue bottles in definitely add something :)
<danbri> at last :)
<RalphS> [reconvening]
<libby> [OEP]
the first document, n-ary relations is ready to go to publication
<RalphS> ?did Chris say 'is ready' or 'is not ready>
there have been significant changes to the first working draft
<RalphS> Scribe: Elisa
so how long does it have to be available for public review before it goes to note?
Guus -- my preference is that it goes to a note
Chris -- next telecon will vote on n-ary relations going to note
David Booth -- sent comments but hasn't seen them reflected in the draft
looked at the version referenced for this meeting
says draft 7 sept 2005 -- that is the latest version
David's comments do not seem to be reflected in that version
David will look them up and resend them, or
<RalphS> (ah, I understand Chris to have said that N-ary relations is not quite ready today to vote on going to Note but will be ready soon)
Chris can go over them with David after this meeting
David -- perhaps they were not as evident as he was expecting
Next editor's draft -- simple part whole relations being edited by Alan and Chris
<RalphS> OEP Editor's Drafts
has been reviewed and comments responded -- ready to go to working draft
Chris would like to have a short discussion on comments and then vote for it to become a working draft
<RalphS> Chris: Simple Part-Whole draft reviewed by Guus and Bill McDaniels
responded to Bill (from Adobe)'s review -- queried him a couple of times but didn't get a response
responded to all of his comments including why some comments were not acted on
Guus -- if he hasn't responded after some length of time, silence should mean willingness to
accept the revisions
Brian agreed
<Zakim> Ralph, you wanted to comment on 1st published version being a Note
<RalphS> Ralph: if this WG does not expect to publish another version, it's appropriate for us to go to Note
<RalphS> ... we can always update a Note if we need to do so
<RalphS> ... if the WG does not expect to publish another revision, it should be a Note
<RalphS> is identified in CVS as revision 1.7 of Aug 13 12:36:53 2005 UTC
<RalphS> QCRs
<RalphS> Qualified Cardinality Restrictions (QCRs)
<RalphS> ^ 25 May draft
<RalphS> Chris: there's a new draft that I will push to CVS very soon
<RalphS> ... would like reviewers
<RalphS> ... (hardcopies available in here in meeting room)
<RalphS> OEP agenda for f2f [Chris 2005-09-17]
<RalphS> Chris: I will publish the version to be reviewed as soon as I get reliable network access, no later than tonight in my hotel room
<RalphS> Jeremy: [some changes] ...
<RalphS> Chris: I'll move those to the 'Changes' section
<RalphS> OWL-Time
<RalphS> Chris: Libby has reviewed
<RalphS> Working with Time Zones [W3C Working Group Note 13 October 2005]
<RalphS> Ralph: OWL-Time WD should cite RDF Calendaring Note some time
<RalphS> Libby: I mentioned both of those in my review
<Zakim> Ralph, you wanted to comment re: OWL-Time
<RalphS> [ALL,OEP] Review of "Time Ontology in OWL" and "Time Zone Resource in OWL" [Libby 2005-10-14]
<RalphS> [sorry for missing Libby's review comments; I see she did note the two related works that I was speaking of]
<RalphS> DBooth: motivation for using this technology to solve this problem is not clear
<RalphS> Chris: you wouldn't be using this time ontology alone; you'd have some larger reasoning problem that includes a temporal component
<RalphS> ... a lot of RDF apps need time
<RalphS> DBooth: I'd prefer to structure my application so it only has to deal with UTC
<RalphS> Chris: this is addressed in the other document
<RalphS> Chris: the Time notes were split into two notes because a lot of times [heh] you can ignore timezones
<RalphS> ... the Time Zone Note is for when timezones are relevant to your application
<danbri> [ see also (apols if duplicating) 11. Shop hours, recurring events and timezones ]
<danbri> -> "There is a question of whether timezone rules should be given by reference or by copy"
<RalphS> Chris: this work was started 3 years ago by the [DARPA] DAML project
<RalphS> ... the group was lead by Jerry Hobbs and they did a very extensive review of existing work
<danbri> [ are all those refs now part of ?]
<RalphS> DanBri: we should keep a list of namespaces we've created
<RalphS> Chris: yes, I've asked for a mechanism in W3C to do that
<RalphS> Guus: might be good for the WG to address this
<RalphS> Ralph: yes, the question of whether there's a pattern for namespaces has come up but we've not yet found a compelling reason to resolve it
<Zakim> Ralph, you wanted to repeat an administrative concern and to enter broken-record mode and to ask if we can cite RDF apps that use the material in the Time Notes
<RalphS> Ralph: Feng Pan is not a WG participant
<RalphS> Ralph: the Status of this Document section for *all* documents should be accurate for that specific document
<RalphS> ... Editor's Drafts should not claim to be Working Drafts
<RalphS> Semantic Integration Note
<RalphS> Semantic Integration & Interoperability Using RDF and OWL [W3C Editor's Draft 3 November 2005]
<RalphS> [looks like DERI fell off the Net again]
<RalphS> [maybe every WG participant should pick a unique bright color]
<RalphS> [as Jeremy has done :)]
<RalphS> kudos to OEP for documenting ideas for future work on their TF page
<RalphS> [15 minute break]
<RalphS> I'm asked out-of-band whether the HTML TF has made progress with including properties of bnodes in RDF/A
<RalphS> my answer is "yes, we've resolved that with the CURIE proposal"
<RalphS> Blank nodes in RDF/A
<RalphS> 5.2 of the 27 October RDF/A syntax draft shows how we use CURIEs to declare locally-scoped names for bnodes
<RalphS> [I hope MeetingRoom folk realize they got disconnected]
<libby> few more photos:
<jacco> discussing extra work for SE TF
<jacco> 2years for automated tools
<jacco> 6 months for compound CASE document
<jacco> XSD: input for RDF/O
<jacco> RDF/OWL revised
<jacco> ADTF: input SWEO
<jacco> Tutorial: also input SWEO
<danbri> see
<danbri> [[ Additionally, in response to interest expressed by W3C Members and prospective Members, an Activity Proposal for a group focused on education and outreach is likely. The group would develop strategies and materials to increase awareness of the need for and benefits of the Semantic Web.]]
<jacco> VM: howto publish ontologies without getting owl dl apps into trouble
<jacco> +versioning and change management for vocabularies
<jacco> good practice for html documentation about vocabularies
<RalphS> ah, welcome back, folk!
<jacco> html-doc: 6 months
<jacco> versioning: 6 months
<jacco> change management 1-2 years
<jacco> RDF/OWL DL/OWL full versions: 6 months
<jacco> OEP: 14 documents have been suggested
<jacco> some belong in SWEO
<jacco> but not all
<jacco> PM: style guide on use of rdfs:label etc
<jacco> proposal by fabian: notes on Conceptual Graphs
<jacco> survey, mapping and usage
<jacco> jjc: good practices on internationalisation constructs in RDF and OWL
<jacco> guus: potiential scenarios for future work
<jacco> For SKOS: new skos WG or rechartered SWBPD WG
<FabGandon> pointer to mail on possible TF on CGs:
<jacco> When no REC track it can only be done in a rechartered SWBPD
<jacco> alistair: argument for SWBPD: connection with community
<jacco> dependencies iwth OEP and VM
<danbri> [ <Image rdf:about="" xmlns=""><depicts><Person><isPrimaryTopicOf rdf:resource=""/></Person></depicts></Image> ]
<jacco> Giving people coming into SW via SKOS also access to other SW stuff
<jacco> guus draws 2 scenarios: a SWBPD recharted and non rechartered version
<jacco> 2 years is standard?
<jacco> non denial denial :-)
<jacco> 1st no recharter: skos will need to do REC track
<dwood> Message to list regarding SPARQL and bnodes: (that completes my action item for the moment)
<jacco> WN: problem for >1 year work, needs heading of SWIG
<jacco> danbri, jjc: this could work
<danbri> (danbri: it would need to be more visible & collaborative) [to fit into SWIG]
<jacco> MM: VRA work could be linked to SKOS work, video could be under SWIG, interop under extension
<jacco> RDFTM: under extended period or swig?
<jacco> RDF-in-HTML: jjc: prefer SWIG
<jacco> SE also needs to go under SWIG, compound keys could go under extention
<RalphS> [I wonder if the scribe captured any more detail from Jeremy about moving RDF-in-XHTML to SWIG]
<RalphS> [in any case, I'd like to hear more from Jeremy about that but can contact him off-line]
<jacco> VM: RDF vs OWL under extention, rest in SWIG
<RalphS> [I hope there will be good notes from the room on this discussion]
<jacco> merge SKOS and OEP?
<jacco> yes, and call it SWBP :=)
<RalphS> oops
<jacco> OEP: which of the 14 could be done in a 6month extention?
<jacco> SemIntegration, guidance on domain/range and some other simple ones
<jacco> guus likes worst case scenarios :-)
<jacco> Now SWBPD rechartered
<jacco> what work would be better of elsewhere?
<jacco> Evan: we could change the WG name, right? All: Sure
<jacco> Danbri: SWIG is a very loose forum, only produces calandar
<jacco> more in SWIG would mean more work for the CG and the chair of the SWIG chair
<jacco> dabri might be looking for a co-chair
<jacco> danbri: RDF-in-HTML would be a ill-fit
<jacco> chris: put SWEO up there too
<dwood> but ADTF would be a good fit
<danbri> (happy to chat about that...)
<jacco> guus: SE could be a good fit
<jacco> Evan: not for the longer term, because of IPR and other reasons
<jacco> chris: outreach part of it makes it better fit in SWBPD2
<jacco> jjc: SWIG is harder to sell to your boss than working for a WG
<jacco> danbri: diff in working on a note or sending lots of email
<jacco> evan: marketing: divorce from commercial alignment
<jacco> SWIG might not be the could place to etablish credability
<jeremy> Clarification of
<libby> bye ralph!
<jeremy> I am happy with RDF-in-HTML as part of SWBP, but given timeline issues
<jeremy> RDF-in-HTML is likely to last longer than SWBP (with extension)
<jacco> SE could be part of SWEO
<RalphS> [I'll leave irc open but I've got to leave, sorry]
<jeremy> and I would be happy with the TF to continue as a joint HTML WG/SWIG TF
<jacco> OEP/SKOS/VM part of SWBPD2
<jacco> SWBPD2 could be home of SW Lang Core, to keep track of change proposals
<jacco> MM/Video needs lots of liason work
<jacco> danbri, jacco: do not see video happen in SWIG context
<danbri> (because of IPR / patent policy concerns)
<jacco> Guus: do not see it happen within SWEO either
<jacco> Guus we could split up OEP in guidelines and particular ontologies, including video and owl time etc
<jacco> Evan, Alan: same arguments apply to SE
<jacco> Guus, no there the technical work is in ODM
<jacco> Guus: for SWBPD2 I like to stick to technical work
<dwood> Yes, stick to technical work in any new charter
<dwood> Bounding would be a good change for a while
<jacco> chris: there is lots of liason work that needs a place
<jacco> evan: we should make this explicit
<jacco> guus: the current charter has that
<jacco> oep moved from content (WN, Units/measures) to guidelines
<jacco> guus: liason work for MM, TM, ODM is different from SKOS etc
<jacco> danbri: if we push this to the SWIG, could the SWIG report to the WGs?
<jacco> Guus: do not understand, lets do this offline
<jacco> jjc: if SWBPD2 it might go into this
<jacco> Guus: but than we end up with the same charter
<jacco> Chris: I have a strong preference for focus, the telcons are too long now
<jacco> guus: we extend for more 15 minutes
<jacco> Evan: if we focus where does the liason work fit in?
<dwood> I have a strong preference for any new SWBP2 to have a smaller list of TFs and more defined deliverables.
<dwood> I'd like to resist the temptation to "just throw more in"
<jacco> alistair: ilike the liason stuff, but I also like focus
<dwood> Focus will be particularly important if we intend to do any Rec Track work
<jacco> chris: what about change the charter of SWEO to include liason
<jacco> Guus, Dave, Jacco: SWEO might not be the best place for MM/video and TM
<jacco> Giorgos: MM TF would prefer SWBPD2 over SWEO
<danbri> [there is a draft EO page at but I don't know it's status, beyond that it is public ]
<jacco> Alistair: what is the output of the liason work?
<jacco> Guus: you do a survey, defining mappings and guidelines on how to use this
<jacco> giorgos: MM work on new datatypes, uncertainty etc?
<jacco> Guus, could feed into SWL Core, but this is not the home for solving the mm problems
<jacco> Guus: MM/Video would not fit into an ontology and vocabulary management group
<jacco> Raphael: liason into XG incubator?
<jacco> chris can XGs use zakim?
<jacco> danbri: I think so, not sure
<danbri> see (you'll need your w3c member password)
<jacco> giorgos: multimedia is not only liason
<jacco> guus: if you can rephrase it as a vocabulary managment or SWL core problem ...
<danbri> (looking at the incubator docs, i don't see an immediate answer)
<jacco> mpeg dropped their own DDL when XML Schema was mature enough, same could happen to OWL if it has all the things MM needs
<libby> bye dwood!
<jacco> if we have an vocab. management group, the liason work needs to be dropped
<jacco> if we have a revisited current charter, the MM liason work could stay
<jacco> me: zakim, who is there?
<jacco> danbri: we could do it more free form through mailing lists?
<jacco> jjc: still the how to persuade your boss problem?
<jacco> guus: in any rechartered group, you need a new chair (perhaps two). I'm willing to do an exention, but not a rechartered group
<jacco> evan: what is the outcome if we do not reach concensus?
<jacco> guus: we are stronger if we reach it
<danbri> [group thanks chair and local host]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.127 of Date: 2005/08/16 15:12:03 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Jeff:/Ben:/ Succeeded: s/.../Ralph:/ Succeeded: s/ofg/off/ Succeeded: s/practive/practice/ Succeeded: s/is looking for a co-chair/might be looking for a co-chair/ Found Scribe: Elisa Inferring ScribeNick: Elisa Default Present: Ralph, David_Wood, Guus, Jeremy, Jeff, Phil, Elisa, Evan, Giorgos, Jacco, Raphael, Benjamin, Libby, Alistair, Andreas, DanBri, Deb Present: Ralph David_Wood Guus Jeremy Jeff Phil Elisa Evan Giorgos Jacco Raphael Benjamin Libby Alistair Andreas DanBri Deb Regrets: Gavin Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 5 Nov 2005 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: phil ralph WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]