ACTION-961: Contact WAI WG about the issue: "My suggested topic for dinner conversation is validation for screen readers or other WAI clients, as I am getting pushback on using XForms in products from those who sell to US Government customers who say that Bobby doesn't like XForms.":
Contact WAI WG about the issue: "My suggested topic for dinner conversation is validation for screen readers or other WAI clients, as I am getting pushback on using XForms in products from those who sell to US Government customers who say that Bobby doesn't like XForms.":
- State:
- closed
- Person:
- Nick Van Den Bleeken
- Due on:
- December 9, 2005
- Created on:
- November 9, 2005
- Associated Product:
- All
- Related emails:
- No related emails
Related notes:
No additional notes.
Display change log.