Closed Actions

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There are 33 closed actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-3 (edit) closed Make an issue about the clipboard format spec Paul Libbrecht 2007-08-30
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Can we split chapter 5 for this WD? David Carlisle 2007-08-30
ACTION-6 (edit) closed Produce public editors draft in 2003/entities and change ch6 to reference that this month David Carlisle 2007-09-20
ACTION-8 (edit) closed Make his checkins, Robert for change list, David for header-matters, Robert and/or Patrick to request publication tomorrow. Michael Kohlhase 2007-10-04
ACTION-9 (edit) closed And Robert to mark-for-primer on chapter 3, MiKo and Paul on chatper 4 and 5, Paul on chapter 7. Neil Soiffer 2007-10-04
ACTION-10 (edit) closed Answer the public questions: Robert offers support on DOM Ron Ausbrooks 2007-10-18
ACTION-11 (edit) closed Will produce a prioritized list of requirements to CSS stating blocking issues Robert Miner 2007-11-12
ACTION-12 (edit) closed And Murray to write this up on the wiki; then table this discussion since all but one case seem clear enough Neil Soiffer 2007-11-13
ACTION-13 (edit) closed Will add properties to mglyph allowing images to be called through its use Bruce Miller 2007-11-13
ACTION-14 (edit) closed Write up the proposal for an href attribute on the <maction> element. Robert Miner 2007-11-22
ACTION-15 (edit) closed Check pubrules on drafts next week; draft publication to be requested next week for MathML3, MathMLCSS and Entities David Carlisle 2007-12-13
ACTION-16 (edit) closed Check pubrules on drafts next week; draft publication to be requested next week for MathML3, MathMLCSS and Entities David Carlisle 2007-12-13
ACTION-17 (edit) closed Update the math group page [to refer to latest publications] Bert Bos 2008-01-23
ACTION-18 (edit) closed Will add these to the issue tracker Robert Miner 2008-01-17
ACTION-20 (edit) closed Make planet math public Bert Bos 2008-01-24
ACTION-23 (edit) closed Will actually hash this out and put it up on the list Robert Miner 2008-05-01
ACTION-24 (edit) closed Adds LineBreaking as Agenda Item again next week (May 1) and then Noatation Docs reappear the following week on the Agenda Robert Miner 2008-05-01
ACTION-25 (edit) closed Will publish the XML format for test Paul Libbrecht 2008-05-08
ACTION-27 (edit) closed Start a wiki page to detail new functionality and gaps in tests Robert Miner 2008-05-08
ACTION-30 (edit) closed Will make wiki pages, and after another round of editiing (if needed) we'll declare consensus Robert Miner 2008-05-08
ACTION-49 (edit) closed Make a list of current length types Bruce Miller 2008-11-27
ACTION-51 (edit) closed Will turn the discussion into a specific proposal (wiki page) for changes to attribute grammars Bruce Miller 2008-12-25
ACTION-65 (edit) closed Review Ch 6 especially for formal conforma=nce as a MIME-type Bert Bos 2009-05-14
ACTION-83 (edit) closed Remove spacing attr from mspace Bruce Miller 2009-08-20
ACTION-85 (edit) closed Modify valign attr to allow "top", "bottom" and "center" Bruce Miller 2009-08-20
ACTION-86 (edit) closed Fix up the text of Ch 3 to accord with the agreed use of decimal point, and to Bruce Miller 2009-08-27
ACTION-90 (edit) closed Change Ch 3 (needs a section ID) Bruce Miller 2009-09-03
ACTION-93 (edit) closed Calls CODE Freeze Robert Miner 2009-09-03
ACTION-109 (edit) closed Respond to the public list re @title Robert Miner 2009-11-09
ACTION-192 (edit) closed Look into how this is to be done Bert Bos 2014-01-16
ACTION-194 (edit) closed Find times from the director for the per telcon Bert Bos 2014-01-30
ACTION-196 (edit) closed Create public wiki Bert Bos 2014-11-13
ACTION-199 (edit) closed Draft an email to send initially to internal list Peter Krautzberger 2015-01-15

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