Copyright © 2002 W3C® (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C liability, trademark, document use and software licensing rules apply.
The original and normative version of XML Signature specifications is English. For more information about W3C Translation, please refer to the Translations at W3C page.
The translation are presented in alphabetical order. If you have comments/suggestions for improvement in a particular language, please send email to the contact person given below and cc: the (public) list
If you wish to volunteer as a translator for a W3C specification, please write to In your message, be sure to include the URI of the specification you wish to translate and the language of the translation. For the P3P1.0 Specification, also add in your message.
The mailing list is also a discussion forum for people working on translations of W3C specifications. To subscribe to this list, send an email to with the word "subscribe" in the subject line (include the word "unsubscribe" if you want to unsubscribe). The w3c-translators archive is available online.
The permission to translate a W3C specification is contingent upon a few things explained in section 5.7 of W3C's IPR FAQ, including that the document may be repbulished under W3C Document Copright License.
Created by Massimo (
Last modified: $Revision: 1.7 $ on $Date: 2005/10/03 16:45:25 $ GMT
by $Author: rigo $