Notes on Agenda for
11 June 2011 W3C TAG F2F
Note: the (X) markings near some items are the chair's private tracking marks...other readers can ignore them. Thank you.
Top Priorities
More details on these are provided in the sections below.
- Establish 2-3 committed 2011 deliverables for the TAG, with success criteria and schedules (Need session)
- (X) Client-side state: we will try to move the finding toward publication, but note dependency on the RDFa and #! discussions.
- Align product pages and assignments with actual TAG deliverables and priorities
- Additional technical priorities to be propsed between now and the F2F
Required Reading
Note: this list is incomplete...expect more required reading to be
Available today:
Expected soon:
Not sure whether these are coming or not:
- NOT DOING AT F2F per 26 May 2011 telcon: ACTION-531: on - Larry Masinter - Draft document on architectural good practice relating to registries - Due: 2011-05-27 - OPEN
Administration and future meetings
- (X) Summer schedule
- (X) Fall F2F: Edinburgh or London? Confirm date.
- (X) Future meetings
General Topics
- The TAG needs to commit 2 or 3 goals to W3M and Jeff Jaffe. We need to provide success criteria, delivery dates, etc. We'll have a F2F session to agree on what the commitment should be.
- (X) Jim Gettys will join us for lunch on Monday, 6 June to discuss Buffer Bloat
- (X) IAB call on the 8th
ACTION-549: on - Larry Masinter - (with help from Henry and Yves) make proposals for topics to be pursued with IAB - Due: 2011-05-12 - OPEN
- (X) Copyright and deep linking:
- (X) Privacy
- Ashok offers on 26 May to lead F2F review of privacy workshop and do not track
ACTION-550: on - Daniel Appelquist - With help from Noah to plan TAG work on privacy, leading to session at F2F, next step is contact with TLR - Due: 2011-05-12 - OPEN
- W3C Privacy Workshop Report
- Larry Masinter requests F2F discussion of privacy and Do Not Track (per email from Ashok)
- ACTION-460: on - Daniel Appelquist - Coordinate with IAB regarding next steps on privacy policy - Due: 2011-05-24 - OPEN
- On May 26, Henry requests "1/2 slot" on 3023bis and IRIbis"
(X) HTML & HTML/XML Unification
Web Applications
- (X) Significant push on client-side state, including decision on whether to make it a Rec or a finding
- ACTION-481: on - Ashok Malhotra - Update client-side state document with help from Raman - Due: 2011-05-10 - OPEN
- (X) Client-side storage
- API Minimization
(X) ACTION-514: on - Daniel Appelquist - Draft finding on API minimization - Due: 2011-05-17 - OPEN
Will hav a draft on the 3rd
- Packaged Web Apps
ACTION-544: on - Daniel Appelquist - Propose TAG input, if any, to possible workshop on packaged Web apps - Due: 2011-05-31 - OPEN
- Per discussion on 26 May: 20 mins session of it fits
- Security
Agreed on 26 May that as chair, Noah decides whether to have a F2F session on security
Noah sent e-mail to Larry Masinter and John Kemp on 24 May 2011 asking what progress will be made in time for the F2F.
- ACTION-515: on - Larry Masinter - (as trackbot proxy for John) who will publish, slightly cleaned up, with help from Noah and Larry - Due: 2011-04-12 - OPEN
- ACTION-516: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Talk with Thomas Roessler about organizing W3C architecture work on security - Due: 2011-05-17 - PENDING REVIEW
- ACTION-554: on - Noah Mendelsohn - Formulate product page for TAG work on security including John Kemp security draft Due: 2011-05-24 - Due: 2011-05-31 - OPEN
(X) Metadata and HTTP semantics
Core mechanisms of the Web
- (X)Fragment IDs, including #! and RDFa issues
- (X) Persistence of references
- Kemp security draft: there's an action to Larry as proxy for John to move it forward -- should check on that
also, from masinter on 3/30 -- might be a useful document for TAG to review, or even to invite Jeff Hodges to come present to TAG? In fact, some of the terminology here needs better terminology than webarch supplies.
Not scheduled for the F2F
The chair proposes not to schedule discussion of the following at the F2F
- ISSUE-27: modifying URIs, e.g. punycoding, in RDFa (see e-mail from Jonathan). Also, note that ISSUE-27 is PENDING REVIEW.
- E-mail from Jonathan on ISSUE-27
- Registries? On May 5, Larry says he will do this for the F2F, per ACTION-531: on - Larry Masinter - Draft document on architectural good practice relating to registries - Due: 2011-05-27 - OPEN Suggest we get PLH to join us
- MIME and the Web:
- ACTION-543: on - Jeni Tennison - Propose addition to MIME/Web draft to discuss sem-web use of fragids not grounded in media type - Due: 2011-06-15 - OPEN
- The chair's notes and the due date suggest that Jeni has asked to defer ACTION-543 until after the F2F. Accordingly, MIME & the Web will not be scheduled for the F2F.
- Interaction
ACTION-537: on - Daniel Appelquist - Reach out to Web apps chair to solicit help on framing architecture (incluing terminology, good practice) relating to interaction - Due: 2011-05-31 - OPEN
- Per discussion of 26 May, we are not doing this at the June F2F
- Maybe: ACTION-510: on - Tim Berners-Lee - Write a note conveying the TAG's concerns re: the microdata -> RDF URI mappings in the HTML5 microdata draft Due: 2011-01-20 - Due: 2011-04-26 - OPEN (See email from Tim on 20 May 2011)
To do
This is the chair's personal (and partial) "to do" list for the F2F.
- Product pages
- Decide security
- Gather summer schedules
- Client-side state:
- Product Page on Client-side state
- Noah sent e-mail on 25 May 2011 asking Ashok whether
a new draft will be available as required reading.
- Make sure scheduling with IAB is done, and that agenda is set ACTION-549: on - Larry Masinter - (with help from Henry and Yves) make proposals for topics to be pursued with IAB - Due: 2011-05-12 - OPEN, see also ACTION-460: on - Daniel Appelquist - Coordinate with IAB regarding next steps on privacy policy - Due: 2011-05-24 - OPEN
- Review all open and pending actions
- Finish coordinating with Jim Gettys
- Check with PLH about joining us for sessions of interest to him - HTML?
- (X) Copyright and deep linking: ACTION-541: on - Jeni Tennison - Helped by DKA to produce a first draft of terminology about (deep-)linking etc. - Due: 2011-05-24 - OPEN — Noah sent e-mail on 25 May 2011 asking whether new work will be ready for the F2F
- Find out whether Larry will have anything on ACTION-531: on - Larry Masinter - Draft document on architectural good practice relating to registries - Due: 2011-05-27 - OPEN
- Sandro invite for ISSUE-57
- Jeff and/or PLH invite
- Work with Tim on evening plans
Noah Mendelsohn for the TAG
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