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7 January 2010 Next: 21 January 2010
Agenda of 14 January 2010 TAG Teleconference
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- Convene
- Chair: Noah Scribe: Jonathan Rees (unconfirmed)
- Roll call -- Regrets: none
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Next Meeting: 21 January 2010 Chair: Noah Mendelsohn
- Future scribes: John -> Ashok -> Larry
- Approve minutes of prior meeting(s)
7 January 2009
- Close ACTION-215 on Dan - Send minutes of 7 Jan TAG teleconference to www-tag for review - Due: 2010-01-07 - Pending review
- Administrative items
- ACTION-357: Name qualification mechanisms for HTML 5 (xmlnames)
- Background:
- ACTION-357: on Henry Thompson - Elaborate the DPD proposal to address comments from #xmlnames and tag f2f discussion of 2009-12-13, particularly wrt integration with XML specs and wrt motivation - due 2009-12-10 - open
- Discussion of Default Prefix Declarations at 10 Dec 2009 TAG F2F meeting including joint session with W3C staff.
- Discussion on 7 January 2009 of Liam Quin's Unobtrusive Namespaces proposal.
- May also be pertinent: ACTION-332: on Dan Connolly - Note that the HTML 5 spec has a proposed design for mixing in SVG and MathML, which is said to be the scope of IsSUE-33 mixedUIXMLNamespace-33 - due 2010-01-07 - Pending review
- Note: Philippe Le Hegaret, Liam Quin, Carine Bournez, and Mike Smith will be joining us for this discussion. [ACTION-356 on Noah Mendelsohn: Work with Carine Bournez to schedule followup meeting on xmlnames followup discussion- due 2010-01-19 - open (action is being continued in case we want to repeat on the 21st)]
- Goals:
- Discuss progress made by Henry on ACTION-357: Elaborate the DPD proposal to address comments from #xmlnames and tag f2f discussion of 2009-12-10, particularly wrt integration with XML specs and wrt motivation
- Decide next steps relating to DPD, unobtrusive namespaces, and invisible namespaces
- Close ACTION-332: on Dan Connolly - Note that the HTML 5 spec has a proposed design for mixing in SVG and MathML, which is said to be the scope of IsSUE-33 mixedUIXMLNamespace-33 - due 2010-01-07 - Pending review?
- ISSUE-30: Binary XML
- ISSUE-57 & ACTION-347: Research 303 caching change in HTTPbis
- ACTION-347: on Jonathan - Research 303 caching change in HTTPbis- due 2010-01-05 - Pending review
- Note from Jonathan endorsing proposed HTTPbis text and suggesting that "the relevant part of the description of TAG should be
either erased or annotated as having been addressed."
- Endorse Jonathan's analysis, or else determine next steps
- Close ACTION-347
- Consider Jonathan's request for changes to ISSUE-57
- ISSUE-51 & ACTION-308: Propose updates to Authoritative Metadata and Self-Describing Web to acknowledge the reality of sniffing
- Consider proposals for updates to Authoritive Metdata and Self-Describing Web
- Close ACTION-308?
- Consider Jonathan's request for changes to ISSUE-57
- Consider re-opening ISSUE-51
- ACTION-278: Draft changes to 2.7 of Metadata in URIs to cover the "Google Calendar" case
- ACTION-278: on Jonathan - Draft changes to 2.7 of Metadata in URIs to cover the "Google Calendar" case - due 2009-12-27 - Pending review
- Proposal from Jonathan and messages in the thread following from that.
- ACTION-354: Client side storage APIs
- ACTION-231: Draft replacement for "how to use conneg" stuff in HTTP spec
- ACTION-231: on Larry - Draft replacement for \"how to use conneg\" stuff in HTTP spec - due 2010-01-12 - Pending review
- Consider new proposal from Larry
- ACTION-351: Workshop on persistence
- ACTION-351: on Henry - Look into a workshop on persistence... perhaps the June 2010 timeframe - due 2010-01-05 - Pending review
- Henry requests telcon discussion (private communication with chair).
- Pending Review Items:
- Overdue Action Items:
- Any other business
Noah Mendelsohn for TAG
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