See also: IRC log
NM: Regrets: DC, LM
... Telcon next week, 2 April, LM to scribe
TVR: Regrets for 9, 15, 23 April
HST: Regrets for 9 April
NM: JAR to scribe on 2 April if LM not available
<timbl> My regrets for april 23
NM: Minutes of 12 April:
RESOLUTION: Minutes of 12 April approved as published
NM: Minutes of F2F now complete
HST: I made one emendation, LM not here...
NM: We'll deal next week if not
addressed by email
... Tech Plenary 2-6 November in Santa Clara - will we be
NM: We should respond to this
... I propose 1/2 day Monday, 1/2 day Friday, as usual
... We haven't yet agreed to call this a formal meeting
<jar> I suggest that maybe Noah is saying something similar to: Need formal meeting by end of November. Options: (a) near TPAC, (b) other. ?
HST: I think your suggestion is correct
NM: OK, I will respond saying we will have a TAG meeting, 1/2 day M and F
HST: I think we should meet in September
NM: I would welcome email to provide information about timing for a September meeting
TBL: This is a good time to talk
about September
... I will send a tentative commitment I have then
NM: I am inclined to oscillate
between E and W Coast of the US
... based on member locations
... which suggests September on the W Coast . . .
... I requested some input on TAG priorities in email going
... Please put some time into this on email, so we don't have to
burn telcon time on it
NM: trackbot, action-188?
trackbot, action-188?
<trackbot> Sorry, ht, I don't understand 'trackbot, action-188?'. Please refer to for help
<trackbot> ACTION-188 -- Dan Connolly to investigate the URL/IRI/Larry Masinter possible resolution of the URL/HTML5 issue. -- due 2009-03-17 -- OPEN
NM: That's been taken care of
trackbot, close action-188
<trackbot> ACTION-188 Investigate the URL/IRI/Larry Masinter possible resolution of the URL/HTML5 issue. closed
NM: The first link in the agenda is wrong
<trackbot> ISSUE-60 -- Web Application State Management -- OPEN
NM: We have had a draft from TVR for consideration:
Dated 20 March 2008
TVR: I'd like to publish this as a Working Draft
JK: I sent some editorial suggestions
TVR: Missed them, please resend and I will try to incorporate
JK: There is evidence that you were working towards two Best Practices -- are you prepared to actually go there?
TVR: I was unsure we were ready to go there already, but if you think we're ready for that, I'll try to get those in
<noah> (note that the agenda for this meeting inadvertently referenced and linked to David Orchard's draft state finding -- it is indeed Raman's, linked above, that we are discussing)
JK: 1) Use # plus [miseed this]
... 2) Don't use bare #
TVR: I'm convinced (2) is correct, but worried that this will get a lot of pushback from the AJAX community who use it a lot
<noah> HT: Unsure on recommending (1) without first checking w/HTTPbis folks
<noah> TVR: Agree. We've observed this, don't yet know whether it's best practice.
HT: I'm concerned that it's not up to us to change the basic story about frag semantics
TVR: Not only that
... I'm not as comfortable with that solution
... because it's the first example where a bookmark assumes
particular (JSON) capability in a browser
TVR: That's not the sort of thing that bookmarks have required in the past
NM: Built-in capabilities, or contingent problems because there is state which isn't recorded?
<johnk> my email:
<johnk> (unhelpfully titled, I can see)
TVR: The latter is just a bug -- it's
the former that I'm talking about
... The thing that makes up the presentation which results from
retrieving a URI with such a # package depends on more than the
URI, but on client-resident code as well
JK: You reference the JSON-with-padding proposal, but don't talk about it much. . .
TVR: That was sort of intentional -- I wasn't ready to dig in to that while it's still moving
NM: So adding links would be a minimum addition?
JK: No, the problem is that there's no discussion
TVR: I'll try to fix
NM: Ready to vote
HST: Happy to review this after TV's edits, and publish if we're happy in his absence
TVR: I'm OK with that
NM: So I propose to ask TV to prepare a new draft, and we'll review and publish, or not
RESOLUTION: To give TVR an action to prepare a new draft for the group to review and possibly publish
<scribe> ACTION: T.V. to prepare a new draft of for review by the group [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-248 - Prepare a new draft of for review by the group [on T.V. Raman - due 2009-04-02].
<scribe> ACTION: ht to put the next draft of into WD-publication-ready form [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-249 - Put the next draft of of into WD-publication-ready form [on Henry S. Thompson - due 2009-04-02].
NM: Any other work we should be doing wrt this issue?
<trackbot> ACTION-193 -- Dan Connolly to try to draft a blog posting adapted from, with help from TVR -- due 2009-02-25 -- PENDINGREVIEW
<johnk> Henry, you mentioned HTTPbis
<johnk> ?
<johnk> earlier
<dckc> i'd like to withdraw 193
<noah> OK with me
HST: I'm happy to close it
close action-193
<trackbot> ACTION-193 Try to draft a blog posting adapted from, with help from TVR closed
<trackbot> ACTION-234 -- John Kemp to review the current draft of Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL parameters for possible publication -- due 2009-03-11 -- PENDINGREVIEW
close action-234
<trackbot> ACTION-234 Review the current draft of Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL parameters for possible publication closed
<trackbot> ACTION-247 -- to noah to schedule followup on Raman proposal: publish issue 60 draft -- due 2009-03-24 -- PENDINGREVIEW
close action-247
<trackbot> ACTION-247 Noah to schedule followup on Raman proposal: publish issue 60 draft closed
<trackbot> ACTION-235 -- Ashok Malhotra to review the current draft of Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL parameters for possible publication -- due 2009-03-11 -- OPEN
close action-235
<trackbot> ACTION-235 Review the current draft of Usage Patterns For Client-Side URL parameters for possible publication closed
<noah> HT: Should we liaise with HTTPbis on this? I think it's 3986. They're revising 2616.
HST: HTTP bis work is to revise 2616, not 3986, and # semantics is properly 3986. . .
NM: Actually, 3986 delegates to the
specific media types
... which gets a bit funny when you don't actually do a GET
... TVR, in the cases you've explored, does the left-hand-side
(before the #) stay stable?
TVR: Usually, but not always
NM: So, the retrieval would have
given you a media-type, but maybe you haven't done a GET at
... Maybe you just put a URI on the history stack
TVR: You've done GETs before that, to
build up your state
... You start with a URI, you do some XHR GETs, you arrive in a
state, and you then record the resulting presentation's
parameterisations in a post-# bundle
NM: If you change the LHS at that point, not clear what specs apply
TVR: You can't change out of the same domain, for security reasons
NM: So, anyway, media type specs are the issue
HST: That's the problem -- no-one is actually currently responsible for 3986-related issues
NM: We need a shepherd for this issue
<dckc> hmm
NM: The shepherd should add a note about this liaison gap
TVR: I will be the shepherd
NM: I need the shepherd to keep this up to date
<dckc> thanks, raman
TVR: I will do so, but in a flat file
NM: OK, we'll make that work
JK: The basic issue is that Creative Commons have published a spec which uses RDFa, including CURIEs, in vanilla HTML
<noah> > Specifications for
particular attribute values or other content MAY be
> written to allow
either CURIEs or IRIs (or URIs, etc.). The
> specifications for
such languages MUST provide rules for disambiguantion
> in situations where
the same string could be interpreted as either a CURIE
> or an IRI. One way to
do this is to require that all CURIEs be expressed
> as safe_CURIEs,
implying that all unbracketed strings are to be
> interpreted directly
as IRIs.
> </proposed>
...which, unfortunately,
RDFa-in-XHTML does not follow.
<jar> Ben Adida made a nice summary - was it of this issue? I'll look for it...
JK: I have an action to work up a summary to help us get going on this
<johnk> my action is ACTION-240
<johnk> to be a shepherd
<trackbot> ACTION-240 -- John Kemp to read thread on RDFa, CURIEs and profile and summarize -- due 2009-03-12 -- OPEN
action-240 due 21 March
<trackbot> ACTION-240 Read thread on RDFa, CURIEs and profile and summarize due date now 21 March
<trackbot> ISSUE-24 -- Can a specification include rules for overriding HTTPcontent type parameters? -- OPEN
<noah> Dan's note points to feedback from Roy:
<scribe> ACTION: NM to check with DanC or others to get him/them to suitably frame the discussion of Issue-24 for a subsequent meeting [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-250 - Check with DanC or others to get him/them to suitably frame the discussion of Issue-24 for a subsequent meeting [on Noah Mendelsohn - due 2009-04-02].
close action-165
<trackbot> ACTION-165 Formulate erratum text on versioning for the web architecture document closed
close action-176
<trackbot> ACTION-176 send comments on exi w.r.t. evaluation and efficiency closed
close action-200
<trackbot> ACTION-200 Revise "Uniform Access to Metadata" (needs title change) to add XRD use case closed
close action-205
<trackbot> ACTION-205 Henry to begin responding to Marcos asking the question: Why does the spec not say "A conforming spec MUST recommend a hierarchical adressing schems that can be used to address the individual resources within a widget resource from within a config doc, widget, or other constituent of the same widget pkg." closed
close action-213
<trackbot> ACTION-213 Convene weekly teleconference, take roll (regrets: Tim), review agenda closed
close action-215
<trackbot> ACTION-215 Announce minutes of 19 Feb TAG teleconference closed
<timbl> ACTION-215?
<trackbot> ACTION-215 -- Ashok Malhotra to announce minutes of 19 Feb TAG teleconference -- due 2009-02-23 -- CLOSED
close action-217
<trackbot> ACTION-217 Raise moving the registry to with Mark Nottingham closed
close action-221
<trackbot> ACTION-221 Work with Dave Orchard to close up the formalism facet of the versioning document, due in two weeks closed
close action-238
<trackbot> ACTION-238 - Ask Security Maintenance WG about relevance of a default processing model closed
close action-243
<trackbot> ACTION-243 Assemble minutes from SFO for day 1 based on closed
<scribe> ACTION: Dan to assemble the Mar 2009 f2f minutes from the now-complete 3 daily records [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-251 - Assemble the Mar 2009 f2f minutes from the now-complete 3 daily records [on Dan Connolly - due 2009-04-02].
... Adjourned