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Agenda of 12th June 2008 TAG teleconference
Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list and Issue
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- Convene
- Chair: Stuart, Scribe: Henry
- Roll call -- Regrets: TimBL, Norm
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Approval of Minutes from previous telcon 5th June
(missed doing this at the F2F)
- Next Telcon: Propose 19th June 2008; Chair: Stuart; Scribe: DaveO > DanC
> Norm
- Future Regrets: Noah: 19th June
- Approval of Bristol F2F Minutes 19-21st May 2008
- News/New Items (10 mins)
- News Items:
- New Drafts:
- Conferences:
- Issue
namespaceDocument-8 (ISSUE-8) (overlooked AOB item from 5th
June from Henry)
- Related Action Items
ACTION-151 on Henry S. Thompson to Announce namespaceDocument-8
finding on tag-announce etc. - due 2008-05-27, open
- Update from Henry.
- Issue passwordsinTheClear-52 (ISSUE-52)
- Related Action Items
- ACTION-150 on David Orchard to Finish refs etc on passwords in the
clear finding - due 2008-05-27, pending review
email from Dave
Current draft finding.
- Are we done?
- Call for review?
- Issue tagSoupIntegration-54 (ISSUE-54)
- Distributed Extensibility
- Related Action Items:
- ACTION-145 on Tim Berners-Lee to Add public prose around his slides at
the AC meeting to make the case for extensiblity and flexible XML, due 29
May - due 2008-05-26, open
- XML and HTML Convergence - topic suggested by
(member only)
- Pros/Cons
- Impacts on XML base languages e.g. ATOM
- Issue UrnsAndRegistries-50
- Related Action Items:
- ACTION-33 on Henry S. Thompson to revise URNsAndRegistries-50
finding in response to F2F discussion - due 2008-03-27, open
- ACTION-121 on Henry S. Thompson to HT to draft TAG input to review
of draft ARK RFC - due 2008-03-27, open
- ACTION-152 on Jonathan Rees to Review overlap between the HCLSI URI
note and HT's w.r.t. contribution to TAG finding on UrnsAndRegistries -
due 2008-05-27, open
- Ongoing XRI related discussions on
Thread based at messages from Marty Schleiff
- Issue XMLVersioning-41 (ISSUE-41)
- Open Action Item review:
Related Action Items
- ACTION-16 on David Orchard to Incorporate the NVDL text into the
findings. - due 2008-05-15, open
- ACTION-109 on T.V. Raman to Review compatibility-strategies section
3, 4, 5 due 2008-04-10 - due 2008-04-04, open
- ACTION-133 on David Orchard to Ask raman what he thinks should be
done wrt css versioning - due 2008-04-17, open
- ACTION-146 on Norman Walsh to Review 2008-05-13 versioning draft -
due 2008-05-26, open
- ACTION-147 on Noah Mendelsohn
to Review 2008-05-13 versioning draft - due 2008-05-26, pending review
- ACTION-148 on Jonathan Rees to
see if he can develop a formal basis
for the definition of extensibility, possibly including definitions of
forwards/backwards compatibility - due 2008-05-26, open
- ACTION-149 on Henry S. Thompson to Henry to help Jonathan with
ACTION-148 - due 2008-05-26, open
- ACTION-158
on Jonathan Rees to Write up thoughts on versioning and share with the
group - due 2008-05-28, pending review
- ACTION-159 on David Orchard to Update compatibility strategies
document in response to f2f discussion - due 2008-05-28, open
- Action Item Review
- Any other business
Stuart Williams for TAG
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