W3C | TAG | Previous teleconference: 21st
February 2008 | Next teleconference: 13th March 2008.
TAG face-to-face meeting, 26th-28th February 2008,
Vancouver, BC, Canada (hosted by BEA).
Nearby: TAG Issues
Tracker - findings - www-tag archive - tag archive
Meeting at a glance
(also separate Logistics page)
2. Recommended readings
3. Agenda
- Convene: take roll, review and agree agenda
- Regrets: none on record
- Appoint: scribes for the three days
- Approve: minutes from 21st February 2008
- This meeting
- Period between now and our next F2F (19th-21st May, Bristol)
- This TAG year...
Measures of Success?
- Past, present and future of TAG activity on this this Issue.
- Strategy/Tactics for progressing the work.
- Related Writings
- Outstanding Action Items:
on Norman Walsh to review the XML part again - due 2008-02-14, open
- Moving the 'bar' forward on
- Review of other parts:
- Past, present and future of TAG activity on this this Issue.
- Strategy/Tactics for progressing the work.
- Related Actions Items:
on Henry S. Thompson to revise URNsAndRegistries-50 finding in response
to F2F discussion - due 2008-02-21, open
on Noah Mendelsohn to Craft comments and send them on our behalf. - due
2008-02-07, pending review
Current f="http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/URNsAndRegistries-50">Draft
- Status Update - Henry
- Feedback
from Chimezie Ogbuji
- Counter argument at "HTTP URIs are
Expensive" ESW Wiki Page
- Past, present and future of TAG activity on this this Issue.
- Strategy/Tactics for progressing the work.
- Related Actions Items:
on Noah Mendelsohn to revise Self-Describing Web finding in response to
2007-07 F2F discussion
- Current
- Past, present and future of TAG activity on this this Issue.
- Strategy/Tactics for progressing the work.
- Related Actions Items:
ACTION-88 on Norman Walsh to Review
http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/nsDocuments-2007-11-13/ - due 2008-02-14,
- Past, present and future of TAG activity on this this topic.
- Strategy/Tactics for progressing the work.
- Past, present and future of TAG activity on this this Issue.
- Strategy/Tactics for progressing the work.
- Ongoing review of "Cool URIs
for the Semantic Web"
- Finding Resource Descriptions
- Could the TAG imagine itself endorsing some solution to
this problem (probably developed outside the TAG), and if so, what are its
- Past, present and future of TAG activity on this this Issue.
- Strategy/Tactics for progressing the work.
- Related Actions Items:
on Dan Connolly to Work with Olivier and Tim to draft a position regarding
extensibility of HTML and the role of the validator for consideration by the
TAG - due 2007-09-17, open
- Distributed
- HTML5, uFormats
- Extensibility and Versioning Findings: Do they have his covered?
- Topic
- Care and Maintenance?
- Checklist or Agenda (or both)?
- @@ DanC and/or Raman please provide additional structure for this
session or reshape entirely.
Stuart Williams for TAG
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