This issue is sometimes termed the XML Processing Model problem. There was in fact an XML Processing Model Workshop. In the light of lack of consensus result from the workshop, and specifically prompted by a question about the relationship of XEncryption to other specs, occurring as XEnc made its way to Candidate Recommendation status in W3C, this document was eventually started as an action item from a TAG meeting, to open discussion on a new issue mixedNamespaceMeaning-13. That issue was then split into several other issues, one of which, xmlFunctions-34, is the main import of this document. In June 2005, this was revised as the XML Processing Model working group charter was being discussed.
It might seem that the specifications of different XML namespaces can make inconsistent claims such that the semantics of a mixed namespace documents are inconsistent. The solution sometimes proposed is a "processing model language" such that there is no default meaning of an XML document without such an external processing definition. This article argues that there is only one basic generic processing model (or rather, algorithm for allocating semantics) for XML documents which preserves needed properties of a multi-namespace system. These properties include the need to be able to define the semantics of an XML element without clashes of different specifications. This introduces the concept of an on of an XML document is defined starting at the document root by the specifications of the element types involved. A common class of foreign element name, called here XML function, has to be recognized in default processing by any supporting application, and returns more XML when it is elaborated.
If one party sends another an XML document, how does one say what it means? Or, if you don't like the meaning word, what specs are invoked in what way when an XML document is published or transmitted? This question is sometimes posed as: What are is the processing model for XML?
The interpretation of a plain XHTML document is fairly well understood. The document itself is a human language document, and so the conventions - sloppy and wonderful - of human language define how it is understood and interpreted. And the interpretation of tags such as H1 is described in a well-thumbed standard and many books, and is implemented more or less consistently in many devices.
But what happens when we start to mix namespaces? When SVG is embedded within XHTML, or RDF or XSLT for that matter, what are the rules which ensure that the receiver will understand well the intent, the client software do the right thing -- and the person understand the right thing? The same issues obviously apply when the information has machine-readable semantics.
As Paul Prescod points out, there are plenty of places one might think of looking for information about how to process a document:
In fact the general problem is that without any overall architecture, one can write specs which battle each other. "The X attribute changes the meaning of the Y attribute", "The Z attribute restores the meaning of the X attribute irrespective of any Y attribute" and so on. In such a world, one would never know whether one had correctly interpreted anything, as there might be somewhere something deemed to change the meaning of what we have. Clearly this way lies chaos. A coherent architecture defines which specs to look at to determine the interpretation of a document. We don't have this yet (2002) for XML.
However, in practice if a person were to look at a document with a mixture of XHTML and SVG, they would probably find its meaning unambiguous.
In the same message, Paul opines, Top-down self-descriptiveness is one of the major advantages of XML and I think that doing otherwise should be deprecated. I completely agree with this conclusion. He concludes correctly that the root namespace (the namespace of the document element) [or a DOCTYPE, which I will not discuss further] is the only thing one must be able to dispatch on.
However, he secondarily concludes that, because it is important to define what processing to be done first, one should use wrapper elements, so that if there are any XSLT elements within a document, a wrapper causes XSLT processing to be done, and so on. The discussion about documents with more than one namespace has often made an implict assumption that the XML is to be processed in a pipeline, in which each stage implements one XML technology, such as include processing, style sheet processing, decryption, and so on. The point of this article is that while this works in simple cases, in the general case the pipeline model is basically broken. Once you have things arbitraryily nested inside each other, there is no single pipeline which will do a general case. And nesting things inside each other in arbitrary ways is core to the power of XML.
The pipline model makes it very messy to address a situation which is increasingly common. This is of an XML document which contains a large numbers of embedded elements from namespaces such as
These namespaces share common properties:
To treat these as a group, I will call these elements XML functions. The term is not picked randomly. Let's look at some examples, each of which has its peculiarities.
Let me clarify this way of looking at XSLT. The XSLT spec defines an XSLT namespace and how you make an XSLT document (stylesheet) out of it. Normally, the style sheet has xsl:stylesheet as its document element. However, there is a special "Literal result element as Stylesheet" (LRES) form of XSLT, in which a template document in a target namespace (such as XHTML) has XSLT embedded in it only at specific places. Here is an example from the spec.
<html xsl:version="1.0"
<title>Expense Report Summary</title>
<p>Total Amount: <xsl:value-of select="expense-report/total"/></p>
The XSLT spec formally defines the LRES form as an abbreviation for the full form. In doing so it loses the valuable fact that in the LRES form, XSLT elements behave as XML functions. They actually adhere to the constraints above. This is is very valuable. The XSL spec says that the interpretation be that an XSLT document be generated and processed to return the "real" document. However, this does not scale in design terms. As the XSLT specification itsels notes,
"In some situations, the only way that a system can recognize
that an XML document needs to be processed by an XSLT
processor as an XSLT stylesheet is by examining the XML
document itself. Using the simplified syntax makes this
NOTE: For example, another XML language (AXL) might also use
an axl:version on the document element to indicate that an
XML document was an AXL document that required processing by
an AXL processor; if a document had both an axl:version
attribute and an xsl:version attribute, it would be unclear
whether the document should be processed by an XSLT processor
or an AXL processor.
Therefore, the simplified syntax should not be used for XSLT
stylesheets that may be used in such a situation"
It does not work when other namespaces use the same trick. It also prevents applications from using optimizations which result from the constraints above. So, while the spec formally defines a template document in that way, one can make, it seems, a completely equivalent definition in terms of XML functions.
Imagine a document in which at various different parts of the tree different forms occur, and in which these xml functions are in fact nested: you resolve an XInclude and it returns something with XSLT bits in.
It is essential primarily to define what such a document should actually be when (for example) presented to a user. It is an extra plus to have some visibility from outside the document as to what functionality will be necessary to have to fully process the document, such as from the MIME header, but we can get to that later.
This is probably a simple function. The include element is replaced by the referenced document or part of document. This is straightforward and obviously nests.
It is also obvious that it doesn't actually matter , when xincludes are nested, that it doesn't make any difference whether you consider the inner ones to be expanded before or after the outer ones. (The base URI of a reference always has to be taken as that of the original source document, no matter where the refernce ends up being expanded)
I think that the battle over the order of processing of XML functions is often an ill-formed question. XML is a tree. It is appropriate for the interpretation of the tree to be defined from the top down. This does not determine the order in which the leaves of the tree have to be done.
Here are some ways in which processors could handle an XHTML document containing XML functions:
This is NOT supposed to be a definitive list of ways of parsing XML documents with functions - it is only supposed to illustrate the fact that many approaches are possible which can be shown to be mathematically equivalent in their effect. (This is why I tend to talk about the meaning, or interpretation, of a document, rather than the processing model)
That said, it may be necessary to define a reference processing model, just because one has to have a way of describing what the document means. In this case note that the first model above is not appropriate. It uses the fact that XHTML contains no tricks - it is "plain vanilla" in that everything in the document is part of the document in the same way, modulo styling. (I simplify). This does not apply to other sorts of document. Take an XML package for example: the contents of the packages are quoted and is not appropriate just to expand the contents of them. Only the cover note, the defining document contains the import of the package as a whole, and the interpretation of the other packaged things is only known in as much as the cover note defines it. it is essential that languages such as XML packaging can be defined in XML. It is essential that one can, if you like, quote a bit of XML literally, and make up a new tag which says something quite new about the contents. Therefore, while it works with XHTML, and as Tim Bray says (TAG 2002/02/14) there are many applications which do "generic XML processing" such as trawling documents for links and use of language, there will be certain namespaces such as HTML and SVG for which that makes sense and and other such as XML packaging and Xml encryption, in which it won't. (On the semantic web case, the same applies, and was the cause in 2002 of much discussion in RDF groups because RDF does not have quotes, and the informal use of rdf:parseType="log:quote")
If you need another example, think about the XSLT insert which generates and XInclude element: It may contain what seems to be and even is an XInclude element, but should not be expanded as contents of the XSLT element.
The reference processing model must be then, that parsing of an XML document conceptually involves elaboration of any functions, and that processors must be able to dispatch based on namespace at any point in the tree.
The result of such processing is the document which should correspond to the XML schema, if the. There is normally no call for schema validation of the document which still contains XML functions. Systems which claim to be conformant to the spec of a given XML function mean that they can, in any XML document, elaborate the function according to the specification. As Jacek Kopecky says (2002/02/21), [...] by saying on the sender: "We expect the XHTML processor to be able to handle XInclude and therefore this thing is an XHTML document all right". We can't of course expect old XML processors to handle XInclude, but we can expect anything which claims conformance with Xinclude to do so.
In object-oriented software terms, one imagines handing an XML tree to an instance of an object class which supports the element type of the document element. This then returns something as defined by the spec. (An HTML document conceptually returns a hypertext page, an SVG document a diagram, an RDF document a conceptual graph (small c small g)). The object may itself call out to a parser to get the infoset for its contents, and it may or may not call out to the XML function evaluator but whether it does or not is defined by its own specification. But XML functions just return XML which replaces them. And any XML applications which claim conformance to the XML function's spec should be able to accept this.
Similarly, in an event-oriented architecture, an event stream which is being fed to an HTML handler would, when a foreign namespace such as XSLT is found, be vectored to an XSLT handler. The software design has to allow the XSLT handler to hand back a new set of events, a serialization of the resultant tree, to the HTML handler.This note does not address many of the issues around the XML processing model.
There is a possible ambiguity when a function refers to the current document. In other words, though it is not allowed to change things outside itself, it may read outside itself. This (if allowed) would clear raise the question of whether it references the document before or after its own or other function's elaboration.
A related question is whether an XPointer fragment identifier should refer to the document before or after elaboration of functions. My inclination is to say after, because then you know that an XPointer into an SVG object will resolve to a bit of SVG. But there may be arguments the other way.
XML Digital Signature (I am told) specifically requires that the signature is done on the raw source of the document before XInclude. Without going into the relative merits of signature before and after XInclude and other functions, it is clear that there are cases when either would be useful.
The ambiguity of these references, like the problems in XSLT of generating XSLT stylesheets with XSLT stylesheets, stem from the lack of quoting syntax in XML.
@@This section is not complete. It has been covered more thoroughly by TAG discussions already. @@ link
An XML document is in most cases self-describing. That is,
you don't need to know anything more that it is XML to
interpret it. In email and HTTP applications, it is useful
for the RFC822-style message to define how the body should be
interpreted using the content-type
header. All
that is necessary, then, is that the content-type should
indicate XML (text/xml
or anything with
and a top-down generic processing is
valid. (The algorithm for determining the character encoding
is not addressed here @@ link)
While this is sufficient, it is however useful to be able to
provide more visibility as to what is contains [Roy Fielding,
Dissertation, Ch4 @@link]. The document element gives, in
many cases, fundamental information about the resulting type
of the whole document, irrespective of functions elaborated
or plugins plugged in. For example, whatever the content, an
document is a hypertext page. This
means that some systems will represent it in a window and
allows certain functionality. The operating system, if it
knows this, can use icons to tell the user, before they open
an email or follow a link, what sort of a thing it contains
or leads to. Similarly, an SVG document will return a
diagram, and an RDF document body of knowledge -- a set of
relational data. So more than any other namespace used in the
document, the document element namespace is crucial.
This is why the best practice is to publish documents with standard and therefore well-known document element types as a special MIME type. This allows an XHTML page to be visible as such from the HTTP headers alone. This allows smarter processing by intermediates, decisions about proxy caching, translation, and so on. It allows the content negotiation of HTTP to operate, allowing a user for example to express a preference for audio rather than video. This also allows systems which want to to optimize the dispatching of a handler for the document from the MIME type alone. A "+xml" prefix as defined by RFC____@@ should be used whenever the document is also a self-describing top-down XML document for which the top-down processing model applies. (The fact that a document is a well-formed XML1.0 document alone does not constitute grounds for adding the "+xml")
Simon St Laurent has suggested [@@ his Internet-draft, possibly timed out] that all namespaces used in the document be listed as parameters to the MIME type. This makes sense on the surface. It may not be practical or worth the effort. It is a lot of bits, and in any case exactly what will be required cannot be determined until the document has been interpreted top-down. However, it or something equivalent is necessary if one is to specify the software support which is necessary.
When a namespace-specific content-type has been specified, is it also necessary to specify the document namespace, or could that be assumed? That would mean that a plain XHTML file would not need an explict namespace. It is tempting to say that the default namespace should default to that associated with the content type, but in fact the logical thing is for the document namespace.
@@Decision tree diagram - add
This document defines the basic interpretation of an XML document. There have been many suggestions of ways in which a complex and different order of processing could be specified, many of these mentioned at the workshop, and including Sun's XML pipeline submission. My current view is that such languages should be regarded themselves the top-level document which then draws in the rest of the document by reference as it is elaborated.
In the HTTP protocol, or email for that matter, the important interface which is standardized is the one between the publisher (or sender) and receiver. We concern ourselves with what a receiver can do by way of interpretation of an XML document published or sent. Any processing which has happened on the server or sender side in order to process that document is not part of the protocol. While XML functions may indeed be elaborated to form a document for transmission from another one, that is something for control within the server and so is not a primary concern for standardization.
When a document is in a pure fucntional form, it actually is an opmization whether the functions are elaborated by the server or or the client.
Because the mode of operation in which the content is evaluated with function processing is very common, it would be useful in a schema for example to indicate this mode, or, more practically, to indicate the exceptions. There are very few elements which don't elaborate their contents at the moment in the markup world, and so they should be the exception. (Many computing languages of course reserve special punctuation for this quoting but adding punctuation at this stage isn't the XML style!)
The top-down processing model for XML as an architectual principle resolves many of the questions which remain unanswerable with pipelined processing. In fact, consideration of the example shows that pipeline processing could be actually dangerious, producing errors and possibly security issues, in the case of generally nested XML technologies of the types discussed.