W3C | TAG | Previous: 10th January 2007. | Next: 24th January
Agenda of 17th January TAG teleconference
Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list and Issue
Tracker (handling new issues) - www-tag archive - tag archive
- Convene
- Chair: Stuart, Scribe: DaveO
- Roll call -- Regrets: none recorded
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Approval of minutes from 10th Jan 2008
- Next Telcon: Propose 24th January 2008; Chair: Stuart; Scribe Noah
- Future Regrets: 24-Jan-08: TimBL;
- Issue whenToUseGet-7 (ISSUE-7)
- Related Actions Items:
- ACTION-94 on Noah Mendelsohn to Invite
discussion of HTML 5 ping attribute in www-tag after some review by tag members. (html WG mailing list is
public-html@w3.org ) - due 2008-01-17, open
- Email from Noah to www-tag and public-html mailing lists.
- Issue httpRedirections-57
- Overdue Action items
- F2F Meeting Scheduling
- Original and Revised proposals from Stuart (subject to further
- Spring: Proposed Bristol UK. New WBS
Questionnaire to try to resolve agreeable dates.
- Summer: Proposed 23-25th September 2008, Kansas City (Tue-Thu) [W3C KC. ie. DanC to Host]
- TPAC 2008: Best Effort participation. 20-25 October 2008 Combined TP/AC Meetings Week, Mandelieu, France
- Autumn: 18-20th November 2008, Boston (Tue-Thu) [Subject to Hosting Offer: W3C/MIT? Other?]
- Any other business??
Stuart Williams for TAG
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