W3C | TAG | Previous: 13th December 2007. | Next: 17th January
Agenda of 10th January TAG teleconference
Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list and Issue
Tracker (handling new issues) - www-tag archive - tag archive
- Convene
- Chair: Stuart, Scribe: DanC
- Roll call -- Regrets: none recorded
- Agenda Review - this agenda
- Pending Action Items: Propose to Close without discussion
- ACTION-76 on DanC to "Put a bow on the Nov
TAG ftf meeing record with photos in TAG blog"
Pending review: Move to Drop - past "sell by date".
- ACTION-28 on Noah to Draft a blog item for
review and, pending creation of a TAG blog mechanism, post it.
[DONE] article
- Approval of minutes from 13th Dec 2007
- Next Telcon: Propose 17th January 2008; Chair: Stuart; Scribe DaveO
- Future Regrets: 24-Jan-08: TimBL;
- Issue binaryXML-30 (ISSUE-30)
- Review of "Access Control
for Cross-site Requests"
- Related Action Items:
- Other TAG member reviews
- 'ping' attribute
- Overdue Action items
- Any other business??
Stuart Williams for TAG
$Revision: 1.2 $ of $Date: 2008/01/10 14:59:45 $