W3C | TAG | Previous teleconference: 13th
September 2007. | Next teleconference: 27th September 2007.
TAG face-to-face meeting, 17-19th September 2007,
University of Southampton, UK.
Nearby: TAG Issues
Tracker - findings - www-tag archive - tag archive
Meeting at a glance
(also separate Logistics page)
2. Recommended readings
- Convene: take roll, review and agree agenda
- Regrets: DaveO, Raman
- Appoint: scribes for the three days
Approve: minutes from 13th September 2007
F2F Planning
- Review proposal to host 2008 F2F meetings (at least the first after
the TAG election)
and Semantic Web Architecture (ISSUE-57)
- Related Actions Items:
on Tim Berners-Lee to Find the paper that he annotated on the plane (and
transcribe comments on "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web"). - due 2007-09-06,
- Review of Draft finding:
- Resources and the 'Web Presence' Label (see dbooth, fielding)
- denotation, referents and access
- between http:resource and webarch:resource
- HTTP Response Codes (David
- are the description sections dangerous redefinitions of the HTTP
- Hash URIs Problematic (David
- any approach based on hash URIs is architecturally flawed
- AWWW Definition of Information Resources Flawed (from David
- also, URIs that are information sinks
- Definition of the Web (Roy
- Roy's definition vs the one in AWWW
- URI Declarations (David
- David's notion of URI declaration
- Terminology
- Identity, Access and Reference
- Repeated complaints
(to cite but one) and sustained about use of terminology in AWWW
- Thread
initiated by Henry seeking to build concensus
- Related Actions Items:
on Dan Connolly to Work with Olivier and Tim to draft a position regarding
extensibility of HTML and the role of the validator for consideration by the
TAG - due 2007-09-17, open
on David Orchard to Post his message to the HTML WG list - due 2007-09-13,
- Distributed
- HTML5, uFormats
- Extensibility and Versioning Findings: Do they have his covered?
- As a Tech Plenary Topic: How would we structure a session?
- Topic
- Care and Maintenance?
- Checklist or Agenda (or both)?
- Related Actions Items:
on Henry S. Thompson to Review XHTML Modularization
(http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-xhtml-modularization-20060705/) - due
2007-09-17, open
on David Orchard to Incorporate the NVDL text into the findings. - due
2007-09-27, open
on Noah Mendelsohn to draft a blog item for review and, pending creation of a
TAG blog mechanism, post it. - due 2007-09-06, open
on Stuart Williams to complete review of terminology section of of 4 July
versioning draft - due 2007-09-13, pending review
on Norman Walsh to review the XML part again - due 2007-09-17, open
- Discuss Reviews of Draft Findings from:
- Defined and Accept Sets: is the model working/useful? (see related thread
initiated by Noah)
- Publication Strategy
Planning and Review
- What are we doing well (and should aim to continue doing well)?
- What are the 1-3 most important things that we should aim to improve
in 2008?
- W3C process requirements - heartbeats, status reports...
- In June we expressed some ambitions to start to work
- Semantic Web Architecture
- Web 2.0 and Web Architecture
Do we have objectives in this area that we want the AC to be aware of?
- Related Actions Items:
on Dan Connolly to Start an ontology including docns/documentElementNamespace.
on Henry S. Thompson to track progress of #int bug 1974 in the XML Schema
namespace document in the XML Schema WG
on Henry S. Thompson to Add GRDDL to the draft XML Schema namespace document
so that RDF can be retreived. - due 2007-09-13, pending review
- Norm is stymied!
How do we move forward? Norm suggests abandoning the issue.
- Recapitulation on what the issue actually is?
(and ElaboratedInfosets) (ISSUE-34)
- Related Actions Items:
on David Orchard to explore the space of external registries and to post to
the tag member list - due 2007-08-24, pending review
on Henry S. Thompson to revise URNsAndRegistries-50 finding in response to F2F
discussion - due 2007-09-18, open
- Current Draft
- Status Update - Henry
- Feedback
from Chimezie Ogbuji
- Counter argument at "HTTP URIs are
Expensive" ESW Wiki Page
Web 2.0 and Web Architecture
- Interaction and State - Representations bearing Interaction Behaviour
- Is this covered by WebArch as it is?
- Do we need extensions or changes? If so... what?
- Other facets of Web 2.0 that may 'stress' Web Architecture?
Self Describing Web
- Related Actions Items:
on Noah Mendelsohn to revise Self-Describing Web finding in response to
2007-07 F2F discussion
- Current Draft
- Status Update - Noah
Wrapup/Other Business
Stuart Williams for TAG
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