See also: IRC log
nick: dorchard
<scribe> scribenick: dorchard
<scribe> ACTION: minutes of 05/14 approved [recorded in]
regrets for May 21: dorchard
<timbl> FTR, my regrets will be for 28th
<noah> Note that 28 May is US Memorial day, as well as being 2 days before F2F
<noah> I recall that in Cambridge, we discussed having a Web page that would be sort of "The TAG introduces the Web"
ht proposes a public place that's more "usable" by the public
<DanC_lap> our most recent monthly summary is another candidate for "what's going on?"
<noah> I also find the TAG home page sort of bland and not very helpful.
dorchard: Issues list has been useful
for TAG members
... it's useful but not for the general public
ht: would like to find out who has obligation to review.
<DanC_lap> (I'd expect to find "obligation to review" as actions.)
<timbl> What then is the 'action ites' column?
dorchard: I think this is for actions
danc_lap: can look by owner for actions
<ht> OK, so I now see the 'actions' link in today's agenda, which does show e.g. NW's action to review XMLVersioning-41
noah: doing this "current state" is hard to do well.
<timbl> hmmm
f2f agenda bashing...
RESOLUTION: TAG would like a session at F2F on Naming and Virtual Worlds
ht: I'm not sure what the real
resolution is wrt frag-ids
... I think that different people in the room thought different
things, and we agreed to not discuss
... my goal is to resolve this.
norm: support revisiting as henry has suggested
<timbl> Needs a piinter to th edraft
<timbl> Draft finding on httpRange-14
<timbl> Date: 2007-03-27 9:26:52 EDT
<timbl> To:
danc_lap: will act as guinea pig and review ..
<timbl> From:
danc_lap: as long as it appears in public..
ht: what are the goals for this session?
danc_lap: had to ask group to stop talking about this..
ht: started from "version
identifiers" are good, and HTML said "we dooonn need no steeeenking
version identifiers"
... is there a principled reason why VIs don't apply for HTML?
<timbl> B: Good stuff. As demoed at a [|Cambridge SW Gathering]
<DanC_lap> "A data format specification SHOULD provide for version information." --
<timbl> ooops
noah: not quite how I'd say that..
ht: should web arch back down, or can we qualify this?
<timbl> ^ TAG actions by owner
<DanC_lap> (I asked about #pr-version-info in )
dorchard: Would you like to get plan
for completion of findings.
... what's missing, what's extra, what's left to do.
<noah> I think the topic: is actually F2F agenda, self-describing Web
<timbl> s/kinda//
<timbl> s/kinda sortof///
noah: It's become titled self-describing web, which I'm happy about.
Raman: what about XML Versioning and
... would like to have the answer to whether HTML follows Web
... interested in having hixsie present for a few hours?
<scribe> ACTION: stuart to add an agenda item for May 21 to consider inviting outside expert(s) to html/xml tag soup versioning [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: HT to talk stuart to add an agenda item for May 21 to consider inviting hixsie to html/xml tag soup versioning [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: HT to talk stuart to add an agenda item for May 21 to consider inviting outside expert to html/xml tag soup versioning [recorded in]
<Zakim> timbl, you wanted to mention possible meetings competing with TAG at Google
<timbl> My flight out scheduled 2007-06-01 from 17:10 to 22:45
<timbl> ie 2:10 pm
<DanC_lap> I leave SFO 635P
raman: suggest meeting at 8 and have breakfast at google.
<DanC_lap> 8am breakfast @ google ok by me.
ht: this works?
dorchard: this works for me for
... wed I arrive around 10 am into SFO.
resolution: early thursday
... early thursday dinner
ht: for the f2f, would like to have some resolution to the two parts of URNRegistries-50
raman: back to logistics, interested in having a guest at the dinner
tag: not much general objection..
ht: back to the f2f, xml-functions agreement on scope
ht: Dave, with help from Henry,
followed the public documents on XRIs
... should this be in the finding?
... gaps, things like, arbitrars page is under construction
... appears to be quite parallel to DNS
... doesn't appear to be a reason to publish..
dorchard: some stuff about why some of the material needs to be published..
ht: doesn't need to have detailed follow-nose and who works for who published
dorchard: Action of Apr 28th
... Action to dorchard of Apr 28th is discharged
action to Norm of Apr 28th is discharged
dorchard: what are the diffs between top/bottom subst groups
ht: continuum is that more info in type is top typing
noah: slightly different, you will
see underneat the "name" all sorts of things, and the top will be
invariant on the "bottom" typing
... in top typing, the top name will vary ie Name,
dorchard: Isn't this just recursive?
noah: I have animals, concrete is
fish, cat, dog, then appendages, which become feet, trunks,
... tend to find Names to be top typing..
ht: in the top down case, you will
expect to see the replacement in all kinds of different
... because there are many places where Names occur...
... JapaneseNames could occur in address, headers, ...
... lots of places.
... in bottom up pattern, the place where variation happens is
always the same.
... it provides the context for the variation..
dorchard: should include this in
version-xml and make sure the 2 types are distinguished
... will produce revised Versioning-XML for May 18th
produce revised Versioning-XML for May 18th
... will produce revised Versioning for May 18th
<scribe> ACTION: dorchard to produce revised Versioning-part1 and Versioning-XML for May 18th [recorded in]
<ht> There, dave, now you can edit