From Semantic Web Standards

qSKOS - Quality Criteria for SKOS Vocabularies

Name of the tool: qSKOS - Quality Criteria for SKOS Vocabularies
Home page: http://github.com/cmader/qSKOS/
Date of latest release:
Programming language(s) that can be used with the tool: Java
Relevant semantic web technologies: SKOS
Categories: Validator
See also:
Public mailing list:
Preferred project URI:
DOAP reference:
Company or institution: University of Vienna

(Tool description last modified on 2012-02-25.)


qSKOS measures the quality of SKOS concept schemes according to criteria defined at https://github.com/cmader/qSKOS/wiki/Quality-Criteria-for-SKOS-Vocabularies. It has orignally started as a collection of Ruby scripts but has then been reimplemented using Java. For detailed information and the full source code, please refer to the project's github page. Community participation and feedback is highly encouraged!