ISSUE-39: Refactor R2RML spec to avoid duplicate definitions


Refactor R2RML spec to avoid duplicate definitions

Raised by:
Richard Cyganiak
Opened on:
Currently the R2RML spec defines many properties, such as :column, :graph, :termType, in multiple places, because they can occur in multiple contexts (subject map, predicate map, object map) and their rules and constraints vary slightly depending on context (e.g., blank nodes allowed in subject maps but not predicate maps).

The duplication makes the spec harder to read and understand (and harder to write/update!)

The spec could be refactored so that these properties are defined only once, in a section that defines “common properties for mapping a SQL result row to an RDF node” or something like that.

Then there could be short sections for subject/predicate/object maps that only state the specific constraints imposed on the common properties in that context.
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. update ACTION-136 [Fwd: ACTION-136] (from on 2011-07-12)
  2. Re: ISSUE-46 (shorter property names): Remove the 'use' prefix from property names [R2RML] (from on 2011-06-23)
  3. Re: RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-03-29 meeting 1600 UTC (from on 2011-03-29)
  4. Re: RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-03-29 meeting 1600 UTC (from on 2011-03-29)
  5. Re: RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-03-29 meeting 1600 UTC (from on 2011-03-25)
  6. Re: RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-03-29 meeting 1600 UTC (from on 2011-03-25)
  7. RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-03-29 meeting 1600 UTC (from on 2011-03-25)
  8. ISSUE-39 (refactor-common-props): Refactor R2RML spec to avoid duplicate definitions [R2RML] (from on 2011-03-22)

Related notes:

Addressed in recent overhaul of R2RML Editor's Draft by introduction of a single section on Term Maps.

Richard Cyganiak, 4 Jul 2011, 18:12:49

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