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This document defines the requirements and deliverables of the RDF-in-XHTML task force. The purpose of this task force is to enable the inclusion of RDF metadata in an XHTML document.
This document is a work-in-progress meant to lead to consensus on issues that face the taskforce.
Please send comments to this document to (publicly archived).
There is a long standing requirement to embed meta-data in an HTML document. One would think that this requirement could be satisfied by combining XHTML with RDF/XML using XML Namespaces and XML Schema, but this is not so. Instead, there are many nuanced technical issues and a series of problem statements, such as Tim Berners-Lee's RDF in XHTML (April 2002) and Dan Connolly's RDF in XHTML (March 2003), related proposals and analysis, such as Sean Palmer's exhaustive RDF in HTML (May 2002), and Joe Reagle's RDF in XHTML task force document (May 2003). Previous discussions failed to converge upon a solution. The goals of this document are to:
The following scenarios and constraints have been presented as specific sources of requirements (beyond the more general references of the EmbeddingRDFinHTML Wikki):
elements.The requirements of this task are defined in large part by the needs of the Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group.
HTML WG's RDF/A proposal, October 2004.
Use Cases for Bridging Syntactic/Semantic Web, September 2004.
EmbeddingRDFinHTML, Wikki. May 2003.
[RDFinXHTML-35] Syntax and semantics for embedding RDF in XHTML. Dan Connolly. March 2003.
Embedding RDF [and other XML vocabularies] within an XHTML Document. Ralph Swick. March 2003
"XML Schema for RDF", Rick Jelliffe, February 2000; and derivative XML Schema for RDF and RDFS, Dan Connolly, July 2000.
"RDF in HTML", Tim Berners-Lee, April 2002.
"RDF in HTML: Approaches", Sean Palmer, June 2002.
"Metadata for Grandma", Micah Dubinko, September 2002.
A strawman Unstriped syntax for RDF in XML, Tim Berners-Lee, May 1999.
Appendix B to 1999 RDF spec, February 1999.
Metadata for Grandma, Micah Dubinko, September 2002.
XML in HTML Meeting Report , Dan Connolly, Lauren Wood, 11 May 1998.