Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Specification

W3C Working Draft 06 July 1999

This version: http://www.w3.org/1999/07/06/WD-SVG-19990706/
Latest version: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG
Previous version: http://www.w3.org/1999/06/25/WD-SVG-19990625/
Editor: Jon Ferraiolo <jferraio@adobe.com>
Authors: John Bowler, Microsoft Corporation <johnbo@microsoft.com>
Milt Capsimalis, Autodesk Inc. <milt@autodesk.com>
Richard Cohn, Adobe Systems Incorporated <cohn@adobe.com>
Andrew Donoho, IBM <awd@us.ibm.com>
David Duce, RAL (CCLRC) <dad@inf.rl.ac.uk>
Jerry Evans, Sun Microsystems <jerry.evans@Eng.sun.com>
Jon Ferraiolo, Adobe Systems Incorporated <jferraio@adobe.com>
Scott Furman, Netscape Communications Corporation <fur@netscape.com>
Peter Graffagnino, Apple <pgraff@apple.com>
Lofton Henderson, Inso Corporation <lofton@cgm.com>
Alan Hester, Xerox Corporation <Alan.Hester@usa.xerox.com>
Bob Hopgood, RAL (CCLRC) <frah@inf.rl.ac.uk>
Kelvin Lawrence, IBM <klawrenc@us.ibm.com>
Chris Lilley, W3C <chris@w3.org>
Philip Mansfield, Inso Corporation <philipm@paradigmdev.com>
Kevin McCluskey, Netscape Communications Corporation <kmcclusk@netscape.com>
Tuan Nguyen, Microsoft Corporation <tuann@microsoft.com>
Troy Sandal, Visio Corporation <TroyS@visio.com>
Peter Santangeli, Macromedia <psantangeli@macromedia.com>
Haroon Sheikh, Corel Corporation <haroons@corel.ca>
Gavriel State, Corel Corporation <gavriels@COREL.CA>
Robert Stevahn, Hewlett-Packard Company <rstevahn@boi.hp.com>
Shenxue Zhou, Quark <szhou@quark.com>


This specification defines the features and syntax for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), a language for describing two-dimensional vector and mixed vector/raster graphics in XML.

Status of this document

This document is an intermediate public review draft version of the SVG specification.

The SVG working group has been using a staged approach. Initially, the working group developed an detailed set of SVG Requirements, which are listed in Appendix A: . These requirements were posted for public review initially in November 1998. For the most part, the specification has been developed to provide the feature set listed in the requirements document. Appendix A contains detailed editorial comments about which requirements have been addressed in this draft (along with hyperlinks to the relevant sections of the specification) and notes about which requirements have not been addressed yet and why.

The SVG working group has achieved significant progress toward translating the SVG requirements into an SVG specification. Much of the SVG language has been specified. A few major sections are still under development and many minor changes are still expected. There is still a need for considerable coordination work with other W3C working groups. Overall, it is likely that changes to the SVG specification will occur before a Proposed Recommendation is delivered by the working group.

Despite the preliminary nature of this draft specification, tools vendors and Web content creators are encouraged to experiment and develop preliminary versions of tools and Web sites according this draft specification, with the understanding that these tools and Web sites are experiemental/developmental in nature only and will need to be adapted to the final SVG Recommendation. The SVG working group is encouraged to see that several implementations of SVG are in progress, and encourages these implementations to track towards the present draft.

The main goal with this draft specification is to solicit public review and feedback. Public discussion of SVG features takes place on www-svg@w3.org, which is an automatically archived email list. Information on how to subscribe to public W3C email lists can be found at http://www.w3.org/Mail/Request. Review comments should be sent to www-svg@w3.org,

The home page for the W3C graphics activity is http://www.w3.org/Graphics/Activity.

A list of current W3C Recommendations and other technical documents can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR.

Available formats

The SVG specification is available in the following formats. (In future versions, the specification's vector drawings will be available in both SVG and raster image formats. For now, only raster image formats are available.)

HTML 4.0:
and a PDF file:

Available languages

The English version of this specification is the only normative version. However, for translations in other languages see http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/svg-updates/translations.html.

Quick Table of Contents

The following sections have not been written yet, but are expected to be be present in later versions of this specification:

Full Table of Contents

The following sections have not been written yet, but are expected to be be present in later versions of this specification:

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