
From W3C Wiki

Over many years, many within the W3C and the W3C TAG have discussed a variety of issues relating to the evolution of Web standards. An early work plan for web evolution and the design requirements can be found in [Evolvability]: a 1998 design note by Tim Berners-Lee on a [keynote at WWW7].

The TAG has worked in the area of extensibility and evolution, and has produced a number of [findings] related to the topic:

In addition, the TAG (or individual TAG members) started (and subsequently abandoned) a number draft findings,not currently part of the major TAG products:

While these issues are still in the TAG priorities:

  • [ISSUE-41] What are good practices for designing extensible languages and for handling versioning
  • [ISSUE-66] The role of MIME in the Web Architecture

Some of this material was originally organized to assist with action assignments:

and the TAG "product"

During the [December 8, 2011 teleconference], the TAG resolved:

RESOLUTION: The TAG, with Larry in the lead, will prepare a document (based on http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2011Dec/att-0037/draft-registries.txt), likely a finding, discussing architecture for extensibility points in specifications, including but not necessarily limited to registries. This will augment the soon-to-be published (short) work on MIME architecture.

Many of the perspectives in [Evolvability] -- written as a reaction to the HTML cycle -- were rejected. Rather, the HTML cycle has been retained, but in a modified form. The principles outlined -- use of namespaces, use of URIs to denote namespaces, "follow your nose" and other principles -- need to be reexamined in terms of this course correction.

This Wiki is intended to provide a perspective for bridging between the evolution of HTML and other components of the web space, and to rationalize the divergent perspectives [irreconcillable differences].


Originally from [Background].