Re: shapes-ISSUE-34 (OrConstraint): 2 disjuncts at a time in sh:OrConstraint [SHACL Spec]

I'd be happy to change this to an rdf:List of shapes. An example of that 
would look like:

     a rdfs:Class ;
     rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource ;
     sh:constraint [
         a sh:OrConstraint ;
         sh:shapes (
             sh:property [
                 sh:predicate ex:width ;
                 sh:minCount 1 ;
             ] ;
             sh:property [
                 sh:predicate ex:height ;
                 sh:minCount 1 ;
             sh:property [
                 sh:predicate ex:area ;
                 sh:minCount 1 ;
         ] )
     ] .

The body of the sh:OrConstraint in SPARQL would then be

             SELECT *
             WHERE {
                 FILTER NOT EXISTS {
                     ?shapes rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?shape .
                     FILTER sh:hasShape(?this, ?shape) .

I assume this is better than what's in the current draft, so unless I 
hear objections I'll update the proposal tomorrow.

Could you confirm this works for you, Simon?


On 4/2/2015 16:01, RDF Data Shapes Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> shapes-ISSUE-34 (OrConstraint): 2 disjuncts at a time in sh:OrConstraint [SHACL Spec]
> Raised by: Simon Steyskal
> On product: SHACL Spec
> I was wondering whether we want to "limit" ourselves to 2 disjuncts (i.e. sh:shape1 & sh:shape2) at a time, rather than having potentially n disjuncts as proposed by Eric's "sh:choice" construct.
> Ofc, one could nest another sh:OrConstraint within sh:shape2 and if necessary another one in the nested one and so forth, but I guess this gets pretty ugly/verbose very quickly.
> Any thoughts on this? Or am I missing something?
> cheers,
> simon

Received on Thursday, 2 April 2015 06:32:07 UTC