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Community & Business Groups

Web Observatory Community Group

The sister organisation of W3C, the Web Science Trust ( proposes to create a global "Web Observatory". The Open Data movement and the Transparency Agenda are successfully advocating the release of very large institutional and commercial data sets describing social phenomena, economic indicators and geographic trends. This proliferation of data represents great opportunity for researchers and industry but this data abundance also threatens to make it ever more difficult to locate, analyse, compare and interpret useful information in a consistent and reliable way; a situation which can only get worse unless we can help stakeholders perform useful analysis rather than drowning in a sea of data. The Web Observatory will offer an institutional framework to promote the use of W3C and other standards in the development of; Semantic Catalogues to globally locate existing data sets, Collection Systems to gather new global data sets, and Analytics Tools and methodologies to analyse these data sets. This community group seeks to articulate the business and technical requirements for the Web Observatory.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Informal meet-up at WWW2012 on Friday morning (20 April 2012)

Dear Web Observers

A number of us will be present at WWW2012 in Lyon on Friday (20th April), which is the Web Science day and includes a Web Observatory panel.

I’ll be around during the first part of the morning and propose we take some time to chat about the Community Group, especially about objectives, scope, membership and initial activities.

It would be great to see some of you and I’ll announce a precise time and location once those details are established (so watch this space!)

Meanwhile, for everyone whether or not in Lyon, we’ll be circulating initial plans and setting up calls after this week, and all input is of course welcome.

Thanks, and look forward to chatting with some of you on Friday.

— Dave