CSS WG Blog Minutes TPAC 2012 Part I: Administrative, …

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Do you want to know how the CSS WG works? Fantasai has written about:csswg, An Inside View of the CSS Working Group at W3C.

Minutes TPAC 2012 Part I: Administrative, Prioritization, and HTMLWG

By fantasai November 15, 2012 (Permalink)
Categories: resolutions

Spec Shortnames

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HTMLWG/CSSWG Coordination

Identified several places where coordination is needed:

The third issue was about communication. Historically, the HTMLWG has put things in their spec that affect the interpretation of CSS (or, in some cases, extend CSS) without notifying the CSSWG of such changes or additions, giving the CSSWG no opportunity to review and send feedback or to incorporate such changes into its own specs. The HTMLWG countered that the CSSWG should file bugs about things that are wrong (once they find out about them) and escalate things using the HTMLWG process.

Present in this discussion were the CSSWG, two of the HTMLWG co-chairs, one of the HTML5 editors, and W3C’s Philippe Le Hégaret.

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[Photo: group photo of the CSS working group in San Francisco] Contact: Bert Bos
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Last updated 2012-11-15 01:25:57