Editors Draft: $Date: 2011/02/17 21:50:23 $ [analysis & changelog]
This document is an unapproved in-progress draft and should not be referenced or quoted under any circumstances.
Please send comments to wai-eo-editors@w3.org (a publicly archived list).

W3C logo Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) logo

Your Source for Web Accessibility

"The power of the Web is in its universality.
Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."
— Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web

Include. Enable. Innovate.

Accessibility is about ensuring equal access for people with disabilities. Web accessibility also supports social inclusion for others, such as older people and people in developing [areas|regions].
When websites are accessibility, they overlap with other best practices such as mobile web design, device independence, multi-modal interaction, usability, design for older users, and search engine optimization (SEO).
[this is selling accessibility, which is out of scope. (fyi, also is missing the legal obligatio,. and financial benefits)]

Learn. [Engage. Participate. Share.]

Web accessibility starts with knowledge and grows with engagement. [what does this mean? what's the point of it? (also, it could comes across as prescriptive)] WAI is part of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that develops the open standards that provide the foundation of the Web. The WAI community is wide and varied and welcomes participation from anyone interested in web accessibility.

WAI guidelines provide [the framework] for anyone designing, developing, or procuring:

WAI resources provide support for [your accessibility success]:

For [ all | what | everything ] you need to know about web accessibility and how you can [participate | get involved in the movement], start at the WAI home: www.w3.org/WAI/