« Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2012-03-12 - 2012-03-18 | Main | First European Members to join the new W3C Startup Program: Joshfire, Data2Type, Temesis, SC IQ Tech Labs. »

Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2012-03-19 - 2012-03-25

The Open Web Platform weekly.


Modal dialogs

Jochen Eisinger (Chromium) made a proposal for non-modal versions of modal prompts. Basically, when users have to interact with a modal dialog, it blocks the UI for all tabs. People might want to interact with other websites and still not replying right aways to the modal dialog.

Pixel Ratio for canvas

Edward O'Connor (Apple) is asking for a new feature for canvas to store pixel ratio. window.devicePixelRatio expresses the ratio of device pixels to CSS pixels. This new feature would express the ratio of backing store pixels to CSS pixels.


Notifications for disconnected Web Apps

Brian Sullivan (ATT) is pushing for adding to the Web stack about for the server to send notifications to the Web apps even when disconnected. In the case Server Sent Events, it is still the client which makes the initial request and there is no way for the server to connect again to the client if the connection has been lost.

Pre-rendering the pages

Gavin Peters is discussing the issues related with the preRendering feature of Chrome browser. There is a timeout of 30s which annoys some sites. It is also not possible for Web sites to get statistics on the benefits (or not) of the feature.

Shadow DOM

Dimitry Glazkov (Chromium) has given an update about the Shadow DOM and HTML Templates.


HTTP Working Group is meeting in Paris this week and will be starting work on HTTP/2.0. Microsoft has published a strawman proposal for HTTP 2.0. Previously Google has also submitted SPDY as an input document for discussions. There is a thread about what to expect of HTTP/2.0.

Andrew Oakley pointed out that some browsers seem to not follow the Expiry date for caching images.

This column is written by Karl Dubost, working in the Developer Relations team at Opera Software.

Filed by Karl Dubost on March 27, 2012 7:58 PM in HTML, Open Web, W3C Life
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