Closed Actions

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There are 52 closed actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-1 (edit) closed Repurpose w3c_mobiweb Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-09-09
ACTION-2 (edit) closed Set up a trackbot Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-09-09
ACTION-3 (edit) closed Circulate a proposed agenda about when we can have teleconfs and work mode Jo Rabin 2013-09-09
ACTION-4 (edit) closed Draft a list of goals, etc Jo Rabin 2013-09-09
ACTION-5 (edit) closed Draft message to chairs@ Jo Rabin 2013-09-09
ACTION-6 (edit) closed Inform core mob of the ig Jo Rabin 2013-09-09
ACTION-7 (edit) closed Ask dom why he can't raise an issue through tracker Jo Rabin 2013-09-13
ACTION-8 (edit) closed Set up github infrastructure for the group Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-09-13
ACTION-9 (edit) closed Setup github Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-09-09
ACTION-10 (edit) closed Link to relevant resources in the group home page once it's been githubbed Jo Rabin 2013-09-13
ACTION-11 (edit) closed Send report on closing the gap Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-09-16
ACTION-12 (edit) closed Research and circulate various chair tools Jo Rabin 2013-09-13
ACTION-13 (edit) closed Send email about teleconf and f2f at tpac to group Natasha Rooney 2013-09-13
ACTION-14 (edit) closed Send out some twitter messages on call for participation Natasha Rooney 2013-09-13
ACTION-15 (edit) closed Set up joint meeting with web & tv ig co-chairs Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2014-09-29
ACTION-16 (edit) closed Make a list of people we want to attract and send that to chairs Natasha Rooney 2013-09-13
ACTION-17 (edit) closed Get wiki for mobile ig Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-09-11
ACTION-18 (edit) closed Send explanation on evidence based advocacy Marcos Caceres 2013-09-13
ACTION-19 (edit) closed Add "" to the articles wiki Marcos Caceres 2013-09-14
ACTION-20 (edit) closed Add the following links to the wiki: Marcos Caceres 2013-09-16
ACTION-21 (edit) closed Draft welcome message for new members Natasha Rooney 2013-09-20
ACTION-22 (edit) closed Create a "welcome to the group" email and send to chairs Natasha Rooney 2013-09-20
ACTION-23 (edit) closed Note the coremob that "hearing no objections" the group is close Jo Rabin 2013-09-18
ACTION-24 (edit) closed Update github account to w3c_webmob Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-09-20
ACTION-25 (edit) closed Look into acquiring Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-09-20
ACTION-26 (edit) closed Buy the domain name while dom wonders about w3c policy Jo Rabin 2013-09-20
ACTION-28 (edit) closed Compare closing-the-gap list with would-be-participants Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2014-02-13
ACTION-29 (edit) closed Create a wiki 'newbie' page, check content with other chairs Natasha Rooney 2013-09-24
ACTION-30 (edit) closed Add a note about (or remove) 20% participation requirement from charter. Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-12-06
ACTION-32 (edit) closed Move core mob document to our gh space Marcos Caceres 2013-09-26
ACTION-33 (edit) closed Integrate specref into report: Marcos Caceres 2013-09-26
ACTION-34 (edit) closed Initiate the wiki entry on proposed tpac agenda Natasha Rooney 2013-09-27
ACTION-35 (edit) closed Start repo for taxonomy document Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-09-27
ACTION-37 (edit) closed Review "naming and shaming" from jo in Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2014-09-29
ACTION-39 (edit) closed Organise a doodle poll re teleconference times Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-09-26
ACTION-40 (edit) closed Book zakim for webmob call Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-10-03
ACTION-44 (edit) closed Prepare and lead tpac session on web app standards Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-11-08
ACTION-48 (edit) closed Add "motivation" and "coordination" as tpac agenda items (motivation led by natasha, coordination by dom) Natasha Rooney 2013-10-09
ACTION-49 (edit) closed Announce tpac agend to webmob list Natasha Rooney 2013-10-07
ACTION-50 (edit) closed Send reminder for registering to tpac Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-10-03
ACTION-52 (edit) closed Organize chairs call week of oct 14 Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-10-14
ACTION-53 (edit) closed Review closing the gap report Kay Fritz 2013-10-24
ACTION-55 (edit) closed Document how to contribute to mobile web app state doc Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2014-01-20
ACTION-58 (edit) closed List of possible tasks for ig contributors Natasha Rooney 2013-10-25
ACTION-62 (edit) closed Update tpac agenda based on oct 30 call discussions Natasha Rooney 2013-11-06
ACTION-66 (edit) closed Enlist bryan on preparing material for push api Natasha Rooney 2013-11-12
ACTION-67 (edit) closed Ask dka to prepare api topic backgrounder for the f2f Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-11-12
ACTION-68 (edit) closed Prepare permission management topic for f2f Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-11-12
ACTION-70 (edit) closed Prepare "security" backgrounder for tpac Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-11-12
ACTION-71 (edit) closed Ask dsr to prepare presentation on payments Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-11-12
ACTION-72 (edit) closed Prepare backgrounder on development tools/diagnostic Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-11-12
ACTION-93 (edit) closed Bring back up permissions on the tag agenda Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2014-01-09

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: closed.html,v 1.1 2015/11/30 12:36:06 carine Exp $