Input for Agenda Planning for the Web and Mobile Interest Group

This is the view of actions grouped by issues ordered by due dates; see also the view of issues groups by products.

Action Items Pending Review

There are 6 pending review actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-36 (edit) pending review Start the what is mobile thing document in a repo Jo Rabin 2013-09-27
ACTION-41 (edit) pending review Ask marcos about his attendance on thu 14 nov Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-10-09
ACTION-46 (edit) pending review Kick start discussions on context-relevant / multi-cross device Jo Rabin 2013-10-09
ACTION-51 (edit) pending review Bring "what is mobile" to webmob@github and ping the list Jo Rabin 2013-10-09
ACTION-59 (edit) pending review List of possible tasks for ig contributors Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-10-25
ACTION-61 (edit) pending review Ask for a volunteer on storage quota management Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2013-11-20

Overdue action items

There are 47 overdue actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-27 (edit) open Transfer the domain name acquired under action-26 to w3c, after Dom has figured out how w3c does that Jo Rabin 2015-09-20
ACTION-31 (edit) open Follow up with dan appelquist about "what developers want from the interwebs" research. Marcos Caceres 2013-09-26
ACTION-38 (edit) open Port work over from core mob as he sees fit Jo Rabin 2013-09-27
ACTION-42 (edit) open Prepare and lead tpac session on coremob report Marcos Caceres 2013-10-09
ACTION-43 (edit) open Prepare and lead tpac session on closing the gap Natasha Rooney 2013-10-09
ACTION-45 (edit) open Work with tobie on preparing tpac session on testing Natasha Rooney 2013-10-09
ACTION-47 (edit) open Add context-relevant as a topic for tpac (unknown leader yet) Natasha Rooney 2013-10-09
ACTION-54 (edit) open Review closing the gap report Natasha Rooney 2013-10-24
ACTION-56 (edit) open List of possible tasks for ig contributors Jo Rabin 2013-10-25
ACTION-57 (edit) open List of possible tasks for ig contributors Marcos Caceres 2013-10-25
ACTION-60 (edit) open Propose action plan for "offline" Natasha Rooney 2013-11-06
ACTION-63 (edit) open Prepare talking points for "successful ig" Marcos Caceres 2013-11-12
ACTION-64 (edit) open Prepare slideset on homescreen bookmark Marcos Caceres 2013-11-12
ACTION-65 (edit) open Prepare material on "smooth scrolling" Natasha Rooney 2013-11-12
ACTION-69 (edit) open Prepare material for storage quota Marcos Caceres 2013-11-12
ACTION-73 (edit) open Prepare backgrounder on missing ui primitives Marcos Caceres 2013-11-12
ACTION-74 (edit) open Prepare material for coremob report at tpac Marcos Caceres 2013-11-12
ACTION-75 (edit) open Prepare outline of coremob report Jo Rabin 2013-11-12
ACTION-76 (edit) open Speak to marcos re having no teleconfs Natasha Rooney 2013-11-21
ACTION-77 (edit) open Check coremob and webappstate doc include the same spec Natasha Rooney 2013-11-21
ACTION-78 (edit) open Check with dom whether we can discontinue coremob and just work on webappstate Natasha Rooney 2013-11-21
ACTION-79 (edit) open Check status of chromestatus + testing effort and see if we can add apis to manage the webappstate document automatically (long term goal) Natasha Rooney 2013-11-21
ACTION-80 (edit) open Add to deliverables: adding use cases / requirements section to coremob / mobilewebapp state document and add use cases / requirements to regular meetings Natasha Rooney 2013-11-21
ACTION-81 (edit) open Add 'education to devs on how the web solves your app use cases' to things we want to work on, as maybe the gap in development is due to education as well as other factors Natasha Rooney 2013-11-21
ACTION-82 (edit) open (to reassign) scrolling use cases should be documented, also make notes as we may need user agent action as well as developer-focused options Natasha Rooney 2013-11-21
ACTION-83 (edit) open (tp reassign) in push api doc there are use cases, we should map them against the push use case in service worker and see what the gap is between the two Natasha Rooney 2013-11-21
ACTION-84 (edit) open Send email to public mailing list about anymore work to be done on push api Bryan Sullivan 2013-11-21
ACTION-85 (edit) open Check whether you have firefoxos included in the installable web apps doc, and if not add it, ask dan a for help Marcos Caceres 2013-11-21
ACTION-86 (edit) open Setup a github repo / google+ group to canvas opinions from devs on this topic Natasha Rooney 2013-11-21
ACTION-87 (edit) open Send input to the closing to the gap report to the listy Bryan Sullivan 2013-11-22
ACTION-88 (edit) open Add ads on closing the gap report (just add a title for now) Dominique Hazaël-Massieux 2014-11-21
ACTION-89 (edit) open (to reassign) get someone to help out on ads on doms closing the gap doc (dan sun) Natasha Rooney 2013-11-22
ACTION-90 (edit) open Ask lisa to see if she can help out on accessibility on the closing the gap doc Bryan Sullivan 2013-11-22
ACTION-91 (edit) open Hunt for volunteers on payments Natasha Rooney 2013-11-22
ACTION-92 (edit) open (to reassign) use cases for payments (dka said tef could help) Natasha Rooney 2013-11-22
ACTION-94 (edit) open (to reassign) continue permissions work, decide on task force to manage - get task force to decide on next step Natasha Rooney 2013-11-22
ACTION-95 (edit) open (to reassign) build secuirty task force then task with finding use cases, requirements, and working with sec group Natasha Rooney 2013-11-22
ACTION-96 (edit) open (to reassign) recruit dev tools / debugging experts Natasha Rooney 2013-11-22
ACTION-97 (edit) open (to reassign) document or add to wiki a selection of dev tools, assess and list what we feel is missing for mobile web app developers Natasha Rooney 2013-11-22
ACTION-98 (edit) open (to reassign) pull in diagnostics api into the docs Natasha Rooney 2013-11-22
ACTION-99 (edit) open Report back on push api polyfill Daniel Appelquist 2013-11-22
ACTION-100 (edit) open (to reassign) take top 100 / 200 apps and find the gap - this will show the gap in games Natasha Rooney 2013-11-22
ACTION-101 (edit) open Setup ical feed Natasha Rooney 2013-12-04
ACTION-102 (edit) open Set up gh for orientation work Marcos Caceres 2014-04-23
ACTION-103 (edit) open Write up summary of oma discussions Natasha Rooney 2014-07-23
ACTION-104 (edit) open Bring restful apis discussion to tag agenda Daniel Appelquist 2014-07-23
ACTION-105 (edit) open And dom to coordinate on new work items Natasha Rooney 2014-11-19

Action items due next week

There are 0 upcoming actions.

Issues discussed over the last week

There are 0 recently discussed issues listed in the system.

Raised Issues

There is 1 raised issue listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-1 (edit) RAISED Web and mobile ig requests w3 team to redesign so that it works well on mobile 2013-09-06 0

Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: agenda.html,v 1.1 2015/11/30 12:35:59 carine Exp $