Details on Product TTML 1.0 Test Suite

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There are 10 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-265 (edit)
Bad tests
OPEN Some bad tests 2013-07-26 TTML 1.0 Test Suite 0
ISSUE-2 (edit)
CLOSED Test Suite needs to be updated so that multiple region support is not required 2008-10-31 TTML 1.0 Test Suite 0
ISSUE-29 (edit)
29.97 drop frame
CLOSED Could someone look over the frameRateMultiplier and smpteMode files? 2008-12-08 TTML 1.0 Test Suite 0
ISSUE-30 (edit)
CLOSED How can we test ttp:pixelAspectRatio ? 2008-12-08 TTML 1.0 Test Suite 0
ISSUE-31 (edit)
CLOSED How can we test ttp:profile? 2008-12-08 TTML 1.0 Test Suite 0
ISSUE-38 (edit)
TextAlign002 and span
CLOSED TextAlign002 and use of textAlign on span elements 2008-12-11 TTML 1.0 Test Suite 0
ISSUE-139 (edit) CLOSED Animation - BasicTiming004 - invalid time expression 2009-07-05 TTML 1.0 Test Suite 0
ISSUE-143 (edit) CLOSED Styling - LineHeight002 - should use larger line height, say 200% 2009-07-05 TTML 1.0 Test Suite 0
ISSUE-144 (edit) CLOSED need to add appropriate ttp:profile information to all test suite files 2009-07-05 TTML 1.0 Test Suite 0
ISSUE-372 (edit)
multiRowAlign test
CLOSED multiRowAlign test applies style via region 2015-02-16 TTML 1.0 Test Suite 0

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David Singer <>, Nigel Megitt <>, Chairs, Thierry Michel <>, Philippe Le Hégaret <>, Atsushi Shimono <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: all.html,v 1.1 2019/11/12 10:08:43 carcone Exp $