Re: Minutes from 16 November 2000 WCAG WG telecon

At 5:50 AM -0800 11/23/00, William Loughborough wrote:
>At 09:36 PM 11/22/00 -0800, Kynn Bartlett wrote:
>>the server won't even bother to send an <img> tag, with or without 
>>valid alt attribute; instead, it will send them a version of the 
>>page with structured text markup that replaces the image 
>>functionality seamlessly and in a way best suited for non-graphical 
>How will the server provide "structured text markup"? for this 
>"seamless replacement"? And for which "non-graphical display" will 
>it be seamless?
>IOW does this still require effort on the author's part to decide on 
>the parameters of that "version"?

Yep!  This is where we come back to the "data model" concept.
The author needs to provide the information which is necessary to
create each interface.

Kynn Bartlett <>

Received on Thursday, 23 November 2000 11:42:02 UTC