Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

08 Dec 2022


trevor, kathy, ToddL, thbrunet, Will_C, Wilco


Tobias Griner - from a small startup.Works mostly in the visual field. Researching subtle solutions for persons with low vision who have no AT

Tobias: Head of dev. Nice to meet everybody

<kathy> scribe: Will_C

Wilco- Deque product manager, cofacilitator of the task force

Kathy Eng - in the US, usaccessboard.

WIll - i am me

Todd Libby - Sr. Acc engineer at restaurant store in phoenix

trevor - Software engineer at mitre corp, works with feds

Tom Brunet - IBM, tech side for accessibility

zai=kim, take up next

ACT Implementation Announcements

<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/WAI/

Wilco - w3c announced availability of the implementations list

<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/9764

Wilco - many years in the making, official availability of different tools and testing methodologies

<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/implementations/

ACT Standup

<ToddL> I shared it too early, but I'll share it again.

Wilco - images of text rule is updated and in a call for review

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1986

Wilco - helped Kathy, lastly created a survey for working group

WIllc - on vacation

Kathy - worked on secondary requirements. Had a question for rule 'visible label is part of accessible name' was there a survey with that?

Wilco - no, don't think so

Trevor - Not too much. FOcus was on Secondary acc. requirements. Will try to add a couple more things

Trevor - I will try and make broad descriptions more distinct.

Tom - Going on vacation soon. Caught up on things

Todd - Did not get to anything so far this week, going back to pull req.

Todd- will need a call with Wilco to resolve

HTML element language subtag matches language

Wilco - availability didn't make it to the agenda

Cancelling last 2 weeks of December meetings

we are returning jan 5th, none before

wilco - extended the two surveys into january

Kathy - We are meeting next thursday

HTML element language subtag matches language

Wilco - almost done with this one

Wilco - Trying to get things ready for official publication on W3c, this is the process. We left off at Q7

Wilco - Kathy's questions

Kathy - I'm ok

Wilco - Page Title, why would it be added?

Kathy - just wondering why the rule purposely omitted adding lang and title

WIlco - will put in the background that title doesn't support it

Wilco - looking at bullet relevance

Wilco - HTML bullet. In the past we were worried about xml:lang. This bullet is out of date because any HTML page works now

Wilco - I'ma gonna do it

Wilco - Phrasing. In the background we need an editorial tweak

Wilco - Need to make editorial change

Wilco - Q8 - pretty close to done.

Willc- I'll take this one

New surveys

WIll takes off6ek

Wilco - These new rules won't go to AGWG but aria working group

Adding secondary requirements to proposed rules

Kathy - Here we are again. we have a current effort to add secondary requirements. We are updating the rules format document. To insert the option for ACT rule authors

Kathy - We have made edits earlier this week. Carlos didn't understand the 'may' part. ACT rules MUST list conformance requirements but MAY list secondary requirements

Kathy - We must identify which is which

Kathy - no real changes to conf reqs since last week

Trevor - reference 185 to make it clear that the passed conditions are related to the satisfied tests

Kathy - Carlos is asking why are satisfying tests under conformance requirements section

Kathy - line 185 goes back to the rules format. We added it to give more description. But we can remove it if it's not helpful

Wilco - do we need these three conditions at all? The first one is a fail-fail relationship. We can probably wrap that up into the paragraph above it

Kathy - just take out the bullet and make it the next sentence?

Wilco - Line 183, do we still have need for it?

Kathy - what 182,183 does is make 175 more readable

Trevor - I prefer it as is. Bring the condition at the bottom up into 185

Kathy - sounds good. ANy other questions?

WIlco - we want to write this to meet JYMs feeling it wasnt clear enough

Kathy - Maybe the second sentence might be saying the same as the first

Wilco - don't want to remove but would be open to editing it down

Wilco - Can we see if this can go into an editor's draft

Kathy - new JYM comment - adding more description. Old JYM comment might be invalid but there is a little bit of new stuff. JYM begrudgingly agreed it was ok

Trevor - what do we do with a rule with no conformance requirements?

Kathy - For that scenario it addresses that, line 225 - scenario 2

Trevor - I think it is ready for editor's drafts. don't love the fact that we are relying on author's intentions

Wilco - How about an editor's note in about that

Wilco - We seem to be stuck on this problem, and an editor's draft allows for feedback

Wilco - this is also blocking to some of our implementations, and we can start using it if its out there

Kathy - we tried to be objective with the conditions, but it seemed to break and we couldn't get there

Kathy - what's the next steps for editor's draft?

Wilco - We can decide on this call to put out an editor's draft.

Wilco - we kep the pull req open but we should vote here for an editor's draft

Wilco - we should keep the commenting alive inside the PR by keeping it open.

WIll - a bunch of stuff that resolved itself

Kathy - I lost a comment and had to reinsert it. When I updated text on someone's suggestion and wilco suggested on a suggestion and wilco's suggestion was lost

Wilco - it's still there, you can find it on the history for the comments thread

Wilco - We need an editor's draft explaining the difficulty of defining secondary requirements. And why we needed to be more subjective.

Wilco - put the note line 177

Wilco - make it 173

Wilco - let's bring it back next week and vote for editor's draft next thursday. Does that work for everyone?

VOte to vote for next week?

Wilco - if we add an editor's note, do we need to do more?

Tom - i think we are ready for editor's note

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1986/

Will - I agree

Wilco - I think we should be using this to point to implementation problems. Please have a look at 1886


WIlco - three minutes left so lets call it here

Tobias G - One question - text has minimum contrast rule. DOes it already include hover or focus states. Or is it a separate rule

Wilco - COmmunity rules meeting is good for thT

Wrapping up meeting

see y'all next week!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/12/12 11:15:38 $