Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

23 Jan 2020


Jennifer, Kim_Patch, Jake







Kim: next step is to put techniques in this techniques document

Jake: back to examples, we need to make some of our own examples, that feeds into techniques
... examples for dragging – draggable lists link is not available anymore. Instead of dragging list items you have a select list and there are numbers for which place they are. You select the numbers. The one I showed didn't automatically update, just on refresh, but could be on refresh. You change the numbers and they change.
... needs a refresh button
... also works with keyboard, you can focus on the box with the arrow keys

Jake, so this is a good example for dragging

<JakeAbma> https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/L33FCNW

Kim: when I change the numbers and press the refresh button it doesn't reorder

Jake: a refresh button is missing – that's the only thing that's missing
... technique to make it Mouse draggable but also select
... focus on the list item but also arrows to go up and down, numbers – there are ways to solve it but not a lot of implementations

<MarcJohlic> Hi folks - sorry - I'm still stuck on another call, but trying to keep up with the chat. A drag alternative example could also be Excel Online - reordering of tabs. So you can either drag and drop the tabs (at the bottom of a workbook), or you can right click a tab, select reorder from the menu, and the select the new location.

<MarcJohlic> The came can be done w/ the Column Widths in Excel Online - drag to resize or use the context menus.

<scribe> ACTION: on Jake, create survey monkey example of dragging that we can have a permanent link to, and add link to example to example document

<trackbot> Error finding 'on'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/track/users>.

Jennifer: Google docs you can also hit move right as a dragging alternative to reorder tabs


Jake added Detlev examples to 2.2 implementation document (link above), also Alistir examples

Jake: we can go through these and see the gaps in them, and those can lead to techniques

multi input discussion



Kim: Started discussion in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1prtMUWGIjerl4pVXLxknP9NId2Z2qIsUzFYOeVmftPU/edit
... we'll come back to the multi-input discussion and also the techniques next week

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: on Jake, create survey monkey example of dragging that we can have a permanent link to, and add link to example to example document

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2020/01/23 17:31:30 $

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