Social Web Working Group Teleconference

24 Oct 2017

See also: IRC log


cwebber, sandro, ben_thatmustbeme, ajordan, tantek, aaronpk, rhiaro, eprodrom
Ben Roberts


<tantek> good morning #social

<ben_thatmustbeme> good morning tantek

<Loqi> ajordan: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 1 week, 1 day ago: I merged the rest of your text fixes in the the ED and and am updating a few of the more important fixes (remaining 'value' error)

<Loqi> ajordan: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 1 week, 1 day ago: I think its good to go for an updated WD

<ben_thatmustbeme> i can scribe

<ben_thatmustbeme> scribenick: ben_thatmustbeme

<scribe> scribe: Ben Roberts

<tantek> https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-10-10-minutes

<ajordan> FYI I'm on audio but can't speak for ~30 minutes

approval of last meeting's minutes

tantek: please take a quick look

<tantek> PROPOSED: Approve minutes from two weeks ago https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/2017-10-10-minutes

<sandro> +1

<ajordan> that's the second time SV_MEETING_CHAIR has happened

<ajordan> something must be borked

its because no one set Chair: in the minutes

<ajordan> +1

<ajordan> ^^^ to the PROPOSED


<cwebber> +1

tantek: lets go ahead and resolve them

telcon schedule

tantek: the next item is telcon sched, but the next meetings coming up are TPAC

<Loqi> Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg/2017-10-10-minutes]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=104830&oldid=104648

we have a slot scheduled for the CG, monday afternoon i believe

<sandro> 15:30–17:30 Social Web Incubator CG

<sandro> Monday

<sandro> https://www.w3.org/2017/11/TPAC/schedule.html

tantek: make a note of that, november 6th 3:30
... we'll see about remote attendance, we'll certainly be using the IRC

<eprodrom> hallo

tantek: not sure if thats after the time change or not

<ajordan> eprodrom: hallo!

cwebber: i want to point out that we said we would do it every other week but leave it open to additional weeks. I think we might want to do that for a making sure AP gets to CR

tantek: we had agreed to 90 minutes today and we have that possibility of adding another week
... did you need more discussion or just confirmation

cwebber: we might need to issue a new CR next week, but i think it depends on what ends up happening today and this week

tantek: so you are saying you may need an additional meeting for next week either way for publishing reasons

sandro: isn't it conditional?

tantek: basically its 'if we need more time or we need it for publication'
... i think its a reasonable request, are there any objections?
... not hearing any obj. i'm going to approve that

activity pub

tantek: cwebber, what is left for CR

cwebber: the major thing is the test suite, and i got it written. I was deploying it this morning but ran in to servers issues. the software is good in theory, its just a matter of working through the deploy issues
... by the end of today, i should have it up and people on the IRC should be able to see it and test against it

<tantek> \o/ yay for being written

tantek: awesome progress

<ajordan> congrats cwebber

sandro: other than puckipedia who do you expect to be submitting implementations in the near-term?

<ajordan> ^^^ same

cwebber: i'm going to submit one and ... and i'm going to try to push others to submit them, most notably mastodon

<ajordan> probably

sandro: ajordan are you expecting to have this implemented or not yet?

ajordan: (via IRC) probably

<ajordan> it's about 50-50 that it's done in time

sandro: cwebber are you expecting these to all be complete or a feature matrix sort of thing?

<ajordan> been pretty swamped for like a month, trying to avoid burnout :-)

<sandro> understood

cwebber: its going to be a feature matrix, the test suite actually will export the implementation report and i can just plug it in to make it nice and "griddy"

tantek: there is also an implementation with bridgy

<ajordan> I expect to ship AS2 representations this week, hopefully the rest of AP isn't too far off but I'm not sure

tantek: idon't know if that can be run against it

<tantek> fed.brid.gy

<eprodrom_> ajordan++

<Loqi> ajordan has 21 karma in this channel (22 overall)

<rhiaro> cwebber: distbin by bengo and sloph by me

<eprodrom_> I have an app that should be ready to test for next week

<Loqi> Tantekelik made 1 edit to [[Socialwg]] https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?diff=104831&oldid=104649

<eprodrom_> (It's a client app, c2s)

cwebber: (lists a bunch of app) anyone else i should reach out to?

tantek: i know in the past two weeks, there have been one maybe two people using fed.brid.gy to reply to mastodon

<ajordan> I'm honestly over the moon that fed.brid.gy is a thing

tantek: its not a test per-se but at least its real world example
... thats one of the things we would want to bring up with you in the transition call
... you may want to consider having a section in your implementation report for real-world interop or something like that

<eprodrom> ajordan: haven't pushed it

tantek: list them or give permalinks, etc

<eprodrom> I'll get it up this weekend!

<ajordan> \o/

cwebber: i can ask that, yeah

tantek: is that reasonable to you sandro?

sandro: yeah, thats great

<cwebber> https://github.com/w3c/activitypub/issues

cwebber: the issues that were moved to extensions have been closed, so thats moving along nicely
... everything thats left on there is editorial
... hopefully we'll have everything ready for a PR ready document by next tuesday

sandro: you want to do another editorial CR next week?

cwebber: i don't know the process, does it make sense?

sandro: no need to, you can just wrap them in to the PR?
... the question there is when do we think we will go to PR?
... should we say nov 14th as a target deadline for imp reports

cwebber: that sounds like a good goal

tantek: if we are going to wait that long, there is no harm doing an editorial CR is there?
... i was under the impression we were going to try for like next week
... i would be supportive either way

sandro: what is important to have the editorial changes are done in the ED at least soon

tantek: i agree, cwebber is that something that you can commit to by next week?
... incorporated in to the ED

cwebber: yeah

eprodrom: i can help too

<rhiaro> now I started, I plan to keep working on the issues aiming for them all to have text in the ED by Friday, so people can review over the weekend and if we want to vote a new CR on Tuesday

<rhiaro> I did like half in the last 2 hours

<eprodrom> rhiaro: great

cwebber: i think thats everything i had to say

sandro: we didn't quite resolve if we would do a new CR next week or just get it in to ED

cwebber: i think it seems like a good idea to issue a new CR

sandro: it also makes the PR transition a little cleaner

<rhiaro> +1 new CR

sandro: can you have that ready by monday so we can review?

cwebber: yes

<eprodrom> 30 minutes?

sandro: and I guess just a quick meeting on tuesday just to do a quick vote

<ben_thatmustbeme> i probably won't be able to be on next week

tantek: any objections

<cwebber> eprodrom, I think 30 mins should be fine

tantek: i just want to record that there are no objections

cwebber: 30 minutes seems reasonable to me

tantek: me too

<eprodrom> I can chair

tantek: i'm also going to volunteer evan to chair

<cwebber> https://test.activitypub.rocks/

<eprodrom> Will be coming off of transatlantic flight but I can rock that

cwebber: one more thing, this is the version of the test suite thats running, it doesn't support https but its up there and verify that version for now
... you can do the first and last one, which are just clicking buttons to say you support things

<eprodrom> How do I kill people in this mush

<eprodrom> j/k

tantek: evan: what?

cwebber: this is reusing the interface i used for a MUD...

tantek: i think we have answered all the questions, congratulations cwebber for getting the test suite up there

<eprodrom> I should probably note for the record that I don't want to kill people. That's just something that noobs say when they join a MUD/MUSH for the first time.

tantek: i think we have some time for last call for implementations right?

<cwebber> eprodrom: :)

<Loqi> +1

tantek: cwebber do you have a stub implemntation report?

cwebber: i can copy and paste the output if i just say no to everything

<cwebber> https://test.activitypub.rocks/download-report/zgok7bivx36lpconvk3bx7ggz34hcemesmrkas4u3hdn23txzvnq

tantek: i mean the summary

cwebber: i'm doing that today

<tantek> https://activitypub.rocks/implementation-report/

tantek: so thats where it would be at that link?

cwebber: yes


tantek: any new issues on websub?

<aaronpk> https://github.com/w3c/websub/issues/127

<Loqi> [mkovatsc] #127 Review for Proposed Recommendation

aaronpk: yes, someone submitted a review of several ... i'll just post the link
... i have not yet started to address these
... and then tantek opened an issue to discuss the text to refer to the text

just the text links to it, its not a normative change

tantek: that one (127) looks like it needs to be broken up in to sep issues

aaronpk: yeah, that will be my action item

tantek: other than that?

aaronpk: other than taht, i don't htink i have any updates

tantek: i believe i can share that there are no negative responses to the PR yet
... it sounds like if you are able to resolve these issues we may get another in

sandro: it would be good to remind people at TPAC to vote
... right now i would need to extend the response time limit

tantek: can we extend it to thursday at TPAC?

sandro: sure

<eprodrom> ajordan: oh, har

tantek: aaronpk how soon do you think you can get those issues created?

aaronpk: i can probably do that either today or tomorrow

tantek: sounds good
... sandro anything we should do to prepare, and editors draft, etc?

sandro: sure, keeping the editors draft up to date is always good

tantek: so aaronpk you have licesnse to keep updating the ED as you resolve these issues
... anything else for websub?


<eprodrom> I can scribe

<eprodrom> scribenick: eprodrom

tantek: take us through what's happening with JF2
... there will be a new WD

ben_thatmustbeme: not a lot of normative changes, editorial changes
... also examples and references

<tantek> http://dissolve.github.io/jf2/#changes-from-19-july-2017-wd-to-this-version

<ajordan> does it matter in terms of process since it's a WD?

<ben_thatmustbeme> I just lost my audio responses

eprodrom: were there any editorial changes that could be normative?

ben_thatmustbeme: reviewed changes, were not normative

<ajordan> I guess https://github.com/dissolve/jf2/commit/d766076b00d9af40521d669872fc3c4119ebf17e is technically normative but it was pretty clear so

<ben_thatmustbeme> trying

<ben_thatmustbeme> its not behaving

<tantek> right, that red text is not in https://dissolve.github.io/jf2/

<ajordan> ben_thatmustbeme: https://github.com/dissolve/jf2/pull/35

<Loqi> [strugee] #35 Fix changelog typo

ben_thatmustbeme: the change ajordan is noting was not from the previous WD; it was in a branch for development of this text

<ben_thatmustbeme> https://www.w3.org/TR/jf2/#documents

tantek: any other edits that might be normative

<tantek> and currently published version: https://www.w3.org/TR/jf2/

<Loqi> [Benjamin Roberts] JF2 Post Serialization Format

ben_thatmustbeme: as ajordan said, he did most of the edits, and I reviewed and pulled them

<ajordan> ben_thatmustbeme: if you could merge the PR I just linked to

<ajordan> that'd be neat

tantek: any more questions before we take this to a proposal?

PROPOSED: publish an updated working draft of JF2

<cwebber> +1


<ajordan> +1

PROPOSED: publish an updated working draft of JF2

<ben_thatmustbeme> ajordan: i will merge tha

<ben_thatmustbeme> t


<ajordan> ben_thatmustbeme++

<Loqi> ben_thatmustbeme has 86 karma in this channel (257 overall)

<tantek> +1

<aaronpk> +1

<sandro> +1

<ben_thatmustbeme> scribenick: ben_thatmustbeme

tantek: this is an ordinary WD so you should be able to do it with echidna

<ajordan> whooo one new publish and one planned publish!

<eprodrom> ben_thatmustbeme: thank YOU

RESOLUTION: publish an updated working draft of JF2

<eprodrom> Sorry I missed that part

tantek: anything else on JF2?

ben_thatmustbeme: no thats it

<rhiaro> noooot yet

<rhiaro> maybe one day

tantek: any new documents needing to be published or needing updates?

<rhiaro> you'll all be the first to know

tantek: was hoping for SWP
... thats okay, i'll keep pestering you amy

Post Type Discovery

<tantek> https://github.com/tantek/post-type-discovery/issues/30

<Loqi> [tantek] #30 add "reacji" discovery with reply fallback, consider like fallback

tantek: I documented some parts with Reacji, its a response that has a fallback of reply, which pretty much every response does, but it also has a 'like' fallback possibly

i wanted to bring that up to the groups attention and see if anyone else has seen something like this where there is a new post type that other systems might not know how to fallback

scribe: thats all i had there, just wanted to bring people's attention to it

any other document statuses

tantek: any other documents?
... no?

CG update

<tantek> had meeting 2017-10-11

cwebber: had a call last time that was pretty interesting, good attendance, we talked about (?) filtering
... pretty much took up the whole meeting

<eprodrom> Filtering is really interesting

cwebber: i believe we have another call tomorrow

aaronpk: its on my calendar for tomorrow

<eprodrom> cwebber: the Bayesian spam filter we use for OStatus is pretty good

Any Other Business?

<eprodrom> cwebber: I should probably get it up and running again

<tantek> FYI: https://www.w3.org/wiki/SocialCG/2017-10-25

tantek: not hearing any other business i'm going to go ahead and close the meeting
... we are scheduled for 30 minutes at most next week, evan will be chairing, the purpose will be to review and hopefully approve an updated AP CR
... it would be great to have you all there

<ben_thatmustbeme> same bat time, same IRC channel

<eprodrom> will do

<tantek> https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?title=Socialwg/2017-10-31&action=edit&redlink=1

<cwebber> eprodrom, cool... yeah it came up! :)

thanks everyone

<tantek> ben_thatmustbeme++ for scribing!

<Loqi> ben_thatmustbeme has 87 karma in this channel (258 overall)

<eprodrom> ben_thatmustbeme++

<Loqi> ben_thatmustbeme has 88 karma in this channel (259 overall)

<eprodrom> tantek++

<Loqi> tantek has 73 karma in this channel (396 overall)

<ajordan> ben_thatmustbeme++ for scribing

<ajordan> eprodrom++ too!

<Loqi> slow down!

<ajordan> Loqi: nah

trackbot end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. publish an updated working draft of JF2
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/10/24 18:03:35 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152  of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/ED/WD/
Succeeded: s/JF@/JF2/
Default Present: cwebber, sandro, ben_thatmustbeme, ajordan, tantek, aaronpk, rhiaro, eprodrom
Present: cwebber sandro ben_thatmustbeme ajordan tantek aaronpk rhiaro eprodrom
WARNING: No scribe lines found matching ScribeNick pattern: <Ben\ Roberts> ...
Found ScribeNick: ben_thatmustbeme
Found Scribe: Ben Roberts
Found ScribeNick: eprodrom
Found ScribeNick: ben_thatmustbeme
ScribeNicks: ben_thatmustbeme, eprodrom
Found Date: 24 Oct 2017
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2017/10/24-social-minutes.html
People with action items: 

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]